aquascoot wrote on Nov 29
th, 2021 at 12:54pm:
well said lols,
the vaxxed are going to be exposed to covid contimuously, so whats their problem with the unvaxxed?
to me, the vaxxed are just using the unvaxxed as a convenient group to "hate on" because "hate " is a more pleasent emotion for the mediocre man.
the mediocre man (the man who lives a life of pure 75 % of the population), hate themselves and they are pretty bitter and sad.
these negative emotions are always in search of a target to spew their toxic hate at, like an absess full of toxic pus.
the vaxxed hating on the unvaxxed is no different to the nazi hating on the jew or the whitey hating on the burkha.
its all just based on identifying someone as "other" and then piling on.
that the virtuous lefties are doing it (the self proclaimed compassionate left) shows them up as hypocrites of the worst kind
disgusting people
What another load of shyte.
Were you vaxxed as a child for Polio, diptheria, whooping cough, measels, mumps, TB & small pox?
If you were STFU.
When you mention NAZIS or Islamic terrorists in the same breath as the current global pandemic you've lost the argument & any credibility.
Get back out chipping weeds.