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A wealth Tax Should Be Introduced In Australia (Read 13224 times)
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Re: A wealth Tax Should Be Introduced In Australia
Reply #135 - Jan 26th, 2022 at 1:39pm
freediver wrote on Jan 26th, 2022 at 1:01pm:
... it was the greedy capitalists that gave it to them, despite the union antics, not because of it.

Like during the Industrial revolution before unions existed, and children from poor families were forced to work in coal  mines...

The unions have slowed down this progress at every step of the way, effectively stealing from future generations with their greed and laziness.

Your narrative  is a particularly evil formulation re "progress"  during the unfolding of the industrial revolution, based on the deluded classical economics theory of unlimited wants in the face of scarcity that existed at the time.  Needless to say, Marx put considerable effort into trying to understand what was going on.

No it isn't. It is the central tenet of the idiot youtube "economists" you follow, who attempt to give themselves credibility by claiming to be MMT'ists.

That's not debate. The JG is the central tenet of MMT; indeed the JG is the price anchor mechanism (inflation control). 

Pretending to be a MMT'ist.

Nope, both.

Do you think mainstream eocnomics is evil?

Yes...let's see... billionaires doubling their wealth in their sleep, while 24,000 people die from  poverty related condtions every day.

Sheer, unadulterated evil.

Why the compulsion to "do something" about that?

Proving my point you are knowingly evil... since you conspired to simply omit the latter half of the sentence:

"  while poverty-related conditions are killing 24,000 people every day (as per Oxfam report re the covid pandemic)" . 
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Re: A wealth Tax Should Be Introduced In Australia
Reply #136 - Jan 26th, 2022 at 2:07pm
Frank wrote on Jan 26th, 2022 at 1:19pm:
Not taking you seriously and not taking an intelligent, well-thought out argument serioysly are NOT the same thing, pal, don't  kid yourself.

Nevertheless, you run out of debating skills  very quickly, not bothering to debate any of this: 

So taxing billionnairs on their assetts would require thdm to sell some of it to get liquid asetts to pay the fax, unless they transferred shares and stocks to the tax office to own by way of tax payment - a daft idea).

Oh.... you are good at perceiving the difficulties of taxing billionaires, so nuttin' can be done....

On universal wage regardless of ability, contribution, assetts, wealth etc - this would fundamentally change social relations,  creating an underclass from which nothing is expected. In essence it would create a class of people, a caste similar to the untouchables or the pre-emancipation negros, a second or third order lumpen prole class.

Which is why MMT'ers prefer a Job Guarantee....but you of course, deluded by classical economics, fall back to your conservative default position which is ..... 'nuttin' can be done'   (aka 'there is no alternative', TINA, proclaimed by that economic genius, Margaret Thatcher.

As with legalised drugs, the number of 'users' of the universal wage as their permanent sole source of money (plus petty crime) and permenant relationship tie to the rest of society would grow relentlessly.

Some would however take the opportunity offered by the UBI and start their own businesses; but yes - the UBI is a cop-out to avoid implementing universal above-poverty participation in the economy.

The whole idea of thriving, initiative, effort, excellence, giving it a go, trying again, failing beter, getting up and keeping going - and all the psychological, social, economic, emotional furniture that comes with such age old values would be radically changed in unforeseen but invariably distopian, degenerate ways.

Certainly life on the dole is a a demoralizing dystopian reality.

Life is not JUST about money.

After you can pay for the basics, eg good housing, good food and utilities.....yes, so true.
The fatal flaw of the universal basic income is the same one that hampers most existing anti-poverty programs: a lack of emphasis on encouraging work.

More exactly, failure to actually engage people in work.

Instead, these programs have sought to provide directly whatever poor people happen to lack.

Any work program is supposed to enable recipients pay for basics.

The result has been more than 50 years of massive public outlays, with little benefit other than making recipients dependent on government.

Sometimes you make a correct statement Smiley

The ongoing rise in worker’s disability claims follows a long string of recent expansions of welfare programs, such as food stamps, housing assistance, and even free phones to boost the standard of living among poor citizens.

Welfare is always a disaster, a stop gap; and admission of a dysfunctional economy which fails to engage everyone according to ability, whether in the private sector, or public sector (which will need to act as employer of last resort, when the private sector cannot employ everyone (which is   always  the case in practice).

Poor Frank - after all that effort (which I refuted easily) - is too exhausted to attempt to defend any of his erroneous arguments.....

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Re: A wealth Tax Should Be Introduced In Australia
Reply #137 - Jan 26th, 2022 at 2:12pm
Like during the Industrial revolution before unions existed, and children from poor families were forced to work in coal  mines...

The only people forcing them to work in the coal mines were their parents.

Sheer, unadulterated evil.

So what they teach to undergraduate economics students in modern universities is "sheer, unadulterated evil"?

Proving my point you are knowingly evil... since you conspired to simply omit the latter half of the sentence:

What makes you think the latter half justifies your compulsion to 'do something' about rich people?
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Re: A wealth Tax Should Be Introduced In Australia
Reply #138 - Jan 26th, 2022 at 3:08pm
freediver wrote on Jan 26th, 2022 at 2:12pm:
The only people forcing them to work in the coal mines were their parents.

...otherwise the entire family would starve to death...

So what they teach to undergraduate economics students in modern universities is "sheer, unadulterated evil"?

Fortunately the first recently published  MMT text book ("Macroeconomics" by Mitchell, Wray and Watts) is now entering economic faculties around the world. So the current evil orthodoxy will soon be thrown into the dust-bin of history.

What makes you think the latter half justifies your compulsion to 'do something' about rich people?

Actually I'm an MMT'er; I'm more interested in establishing  an above poverty Job Guarantee.......since "money doesn't grow on rich people" (Kelton)...  who are just as likely to waste it on joyrides in space for millionaires, while poverty and war  - the consequences of your evil 'scarcity' orthodoxy - are killing millions of people annually.

But Oxfam, the IMF et al are still infested with the monetary delusions of orthodoxy, so it's  they, or Oxfam at least who - unlike your conservative indifferent self -  feel  compelled to  "do something' about rich people".
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« Last Edit: Jan 26th, 2022 at 3:28pm by thegreatdivide »  
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Re: A wealth Tax Should Be Introduced In Australia
Reply #139 - Jan 26th, 2022 at 6:14pm
...otherwise the entire family would starve to death...

So what you are saying is, instead of "forcing" children to do anything, the coal mines saved not only their lives, but the rest of their family?

Actually I'm an MMT'er; I'm more interested in establishing  an above poverty Job Guarantee.......

Something like work for the dole?

But Oxfam, the IMF et al are still infested with the monetary delusions of orthodoxy, so it's  they, or Oxfam at least who - unlike your conservative indifferent self -  feel  compelled to  "do something' about rich people".

You are the one who keeps insisting we "do something" about them. Reminds me of Neonazis talking about Jews. You seem more interested in attacking the rich than actually helping the poor.
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People who can't distinguish between etymology and entomology bug me in ways I cannot put into words.
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Re: A wealth Tax Should Be Introduced In Australia
Reply #140 - Jan 26th, 2022 at 7:30pm
freediver wrote on Jan 26th, 2022 at 6:14pm:
So what you are saying is, instead of "forcing" children to do anything, the coal mines saved not only their lives, but the rest of their family?

No. The coalmines ruined  children's lives, because evil capitalists refused to pay living wages to parents.

Something like work for the dole?


You are the one who keeps insisting we "do something" about them.

I just refuted that in my last post, can't you read? Oxfam is jumping up and down about billionaires; MMT shows us sovereign currency issuing governments don't need their money in order to spend (though billionaires outsize influence on democratic processes is egregious).

Reminds me of Neonazis talking about Jews. You seem more interested in attacking the rich than actually helping the poor.

Again, you are just proving you can't read (or actually you are genetically ideologically blind): I distinctly said MY interest is in implementing an above-poverty  JG.
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Re: A wealth Tax Should Be Introduced In Australia
Reply #141 - Jan 26th, 2022 at 8:36pm
Why are there so many billionnaires in 'socialist' China?

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Estragon: I can’t go on like this.
Vladimir: That’s what you think.
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Re: A wealth Tax Should Be Introduced In Australia
Reply #142 - Jan 26th, 2022 at 9:22pm
No. The coalmines ruined  children's lives, because evil capitalists refused to pay living wages to parents.

Most people, on having their own life saved, as well of that of their family, are a bit more grateful. They do not turn around with such venom and complain they didn't get more.

If the coal mines saved their lives, as well as their families lives, isn't that by definition a living wage?

Would you prefer they adopted the unionist philosophy and let a large number of those families die so that a small number could live slightly more comfortable lives, while calling their starving compatriots scabs for trying to take their overpaid jobs?


Then what would it be like?

Oxfam is jumping up and down about billionaires; MMT shows us sovereign currency issuing governments don't need their money in order to spend (though billionaires outsize influence on democratic processes is egregious).

Printing money is just another way of taking it off people. Doing it a little bit is just slightly less stupid, but that is irrelevant because if you try to print enough money to fund a huge social program like giving everyone a guaranteed job, you will have skyrocketing inflation.

I distinctly said MY interest is in implementing an above-poverty  JG.

Do you get to keep the job if you never turn up for work?
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People who can't distinguish between etymology and entomology bug me in ways I cannot put into words.
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Australian Politics

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Re: A wealth Tax Should Be Introduced In Australia
Reply #143 - Jan 26th, 2022 at 11:27pm
thegreatdivide wrote on Jan 26th, 2022 at 2:07pm:
Frank wrote on Jan 26th, 2022 at 1:19pm:
Not taking you seriously and not taking an intelligent, well-thought out argument serioysly are NOT the same thing, pal, don't  kid yourself.

Nevertheless, you run out of debating skills  very quickly, not bothering to debate any of this: 

So taxing billionnairs on their assetts would require thdm to sell some of it to get liquid asetts to pay the fax, unless they transferred shares and stocks to the tax office to own by way of tax payment - a daft idea).

Oh.... you are good at perceiving the difficulties of taxing billionaires, so nuttin' can be done....

On universal wage regardless of ability, contribution, assetts, wealth etc - this would fundamentally change social relations,  creating an underclass from which nothing is expected. In essence it would create a class of people, a caste similar to the untouchables or the pre-emancipation negros, a second or third order lumpen prole class.

Which is why MMT'ers prefer a Job Guarantee....but you of course, deluded by classical economics, fall back to your conservative default position which is ..... 'nuttin' can be done'   (aka 'there is no alternative', TINA, proclaimed by that economic genius, Margaret Thatcher.

As with legalised drugs, the number of 'users' of the universal wage as their permanent sole source of money (plus petty crime) and permenant relationship tie to the rest of society would grow relentlessly.

Some would however take the opportunity offered by the UBI and start their own businesses; but yes - the UBI is a cop-out to avoid implementing universal above-poverty participation in the economy.

The whole idea of thriving, initiative, effort, excellence, giving it a go, trying again, failing beter, getting up and keeping going - and all the psychological, social, economic, emotional furniture that comes with such age old values would be radically changed in unforeseen but invariably distopian, degenerate ways.

Certainly life on the dole is a a demoralizing dystopian reality.

Life is not JUST about money.

After you can pay for the basics, eg good housing, good food and utilities.....yes, so true.
The fatal flaw of the universal basic income is the same one that hampers most existing anti-poverty programs: a lack of emphasis on encouraging work.

More exactly, failure to actually engage people in work.

Instead, these programs have sought to provide directly whatever poor people happen to lack.

Any work program is supposed to enable recipients pay for basics.

The result has been more than 50 years of massive public outlays, with little benefit other than making recipients dependent on government.

Sometimes you make a correct statement Smiley

The ongoing rise in worker’s disability claims follows a long string of recent expansions of welfare programs, such as food stamps, housing assistance, and even free phones to boost the standard of living among poor citizens.

Welfare is always a disaster, a stop gap; and admission of a dysfunctional economy which fails to engage everyone according to ability, whether in the private sector, or public sector (which will need to act as employer of last resort, when the private sector cannot employ everyone (which is   always  the case in practice).

Poor Frank - after all that effort (which I refuted easily) - is too exhausted to attempt to defend any of his erroneous arguments.....

Just so, dear. The UBI is indeed a cop-out, offered by the scions of capitalism.

It shares its cloth with previous social democratic projects, the aged pension, the NHS, and FD's favourite, universal suffrage.

Iraq is the next South Korea, all that. Oh, and the Ba'athists had a fuel subsidy to boot.

UBI is centre-ground, and by no means revolutionary. Bill Gates wants it.


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Lisa Jones
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Re: A wealth Tax Should Be Introduced In Australia
Reply #144 - Jan 26th, 2022 at 11:39pm
Oh God 😳

Pages and pages of cr@p.

Let's cut to the chase :

1. A wealth tax can be introduced in Australia at any time.

2. If it does it will be great. Why? It will make those who are not wealthy feel better. Plus it will make the Federal Govt who initiates the tax look better.

3. Those targeted by a wealth tax won't mind a wealth tax. Why? They will not be affected because they have exceptional tax law accountants who will restructure their financial affairs so as to preclude them from paying more tax.

Conclusion : A wealth tax will be a win win for everyone because it will APPEAR to be doing something when in actual fact it will do SFA.

Ok I'll let you all get back to whatever it was you were quibbling about.

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If I let myself be bought then I am no longer free.

HYPATIA - Greek philosopher, mathematician and astronomer (370 - 415)
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Australian Politics

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Re: A wealth Tax Should Be Introduced In Australia
Reply #145 - Jan 27th, 2022 at 12:02am
Lisa Jones wrote on Jan 26th, 2022 at 11:39pm:
Oh God 😳

Pages and pages of cr@p.

Let's cut to the chase :

1. A wealth tax can be introduced in Australia at any time.

2. If it does it will be great. Why? It will make those who are not wealthy feel better. Plus it will make the Federal Govt who initiates the tax look better.

3. Those targeted by a wealth tax won't mind a wealth tax. Why? They will not be affected because they have exceptional tax law accountants who will restructure their financial affairs so as to preclude them from paying more tax.

Conclusion : A wealth tax will be a win win for everyone because it will APPEAR to be doing something when in actual fact it will do SFA.

Ok I'll let you all get back to whatever it was you were quibbling about.

Thanks for the contribution, dear. We could say the same for any government policy, no?

Collective farms - great leap forward - perestroika - building a great, big, beautiful wall which we'll get Mexico to pay for, believe me...

As you were, no?
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Lisa Jones
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Re: A wealth Tax Should Be Introduced In Australia
Reply #146 - Jan 27th, 2022 at 12:30am
Behave Musta.

You've gone all over the world and travelled back a century just in your last post.

Besides ....your contribution is also off topic.

That makes you NAUGHTY!

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If I let myself be bought then I am no longer free.

HYPATIA - Greek philosopher, mathematician and astronomer (370 - 415)
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Australian Politics

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Re: A wealth Tax Should Be Introduced In Australia
Reply #147 - Jan 27th, 2022 at 8:06am
Lisa Jones wrote on Jan 27th, 2022 at 12:30am:
Behave Musta.

You've gone all over the world and travelled back a century just in your last post.

Besides ....your contribution is also off topic.

That makes you NAUGHTY!

14/ A significant % of people thoroughly enjoy being subjugated.

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Re: A wealth Tax Should Be Introduced In Australia
Reply #148 - Jan 27th, 2022 at 1:05pm
Karnal wrote on Jan 26th, 2022 at 11:27pm:
Just so, dear. The UBI is indeed a cop-out, offered by the scions of capitalism.

It's the next best option to a Job Guarantee, certainly better than below poverty welfare, provided it can pay a living wage...which is the problem; a decent UBI would be enormously expensive, even if it was means-tested (and no longer 'U'). 

It shares its cloth with previous social democratic projects, the aged pension, the NHS, and FD's favourite, universal suffrage.

Correct, and you will see I have not rejected it outright, above. But how do you intend to fund a decent UBI, say, double the present job seeker allowance (or not much less)?

And you have seen the rabid right's objections in this thread; eg, lazy bums contributing nothing, in a continuous high/drunken stupor, etc, etc. 

Iraq is the next South Korea, all that. Oh, and the Ba'athists had a fuel subsidy to boot.

But not a UBI?

UBI is centre-ground, and by no means revolutionary. Bill Gates wants it.

Apart from the fact Gates is deluded by mainstream economics, I welcome his stance (and he does want higher taxes on the wealthy).


I'm an MMTer, and hence can fund the preferable Job Guarantee (preferable to the 'sit on your arse' UBI) without resort to raising taxes ... which is always a difficult proposition in a democracy because we are all - or more accurately, the 'aspirational' middle class to whom Albo is pitching his policies - greedy  s**ts who don't want to pay higher taxes...
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« Last Edit: Jan 27th, 2022 at 1:11pm by thegreatdivide »  
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Re: A wealth Tax Should Be Introduced In Australia
Reply #149 - Jan 27th, 2022 at 1:29pm
Lisa Jones wrote on Jan 26th, 2022 at 11:39pm:

Let's cut to the chase :

1. A wealth tax can be introduced in Australia at any time.

2. If it does it will be great. Why? It will make those who are not wealthy feel better. Plus it will make the Federal Govt who initiates the tax look better.

Wrong. It will enable the Federal government to properly fund age-care as per royal commission recomendations, for example.

3. Those targeted by a wealth tax won't mind a wealth tax. Why? They will not be affected because they have exceptional tax law accountants who will restructure their financial affairs so as to preclude them from paying more tax.

Correct.  And your solution is nothing?

Conclusion : A wealth tax will be a win win for everyone because it will APPEAR to be doing something when in actual fact it will do SFA.

Wrong,  a wealth tax which actually transfers some of the loot gained by billionaire parasites while they were asleep (during the pandemic), will eg improve the lot of aged care residents who are currently lying in their own faeces for hours on end, as noted in the recent royal commission. 

Ok I'll let you all get back to whatever it was you were quibbling about.

Meanwhile you didn't have to gumption to reply to my rebuttal of your support for 'survival of the fittest' ideation.

And indeed our children's future is being stolen, via your evil orthodox monetary system, as capitalist profit-gougers continue to pour - unabated - filth, pollution and CO2 into the planet's fragile environment.    
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