freediver wrote on Jan 29
th, 2022 at 6:05pm:
Only in a fairly superficial sense. Politicians still openly purchase votes in India.
Proving how impratical democracy is for vast subsistence populations. Meanwhile, even the US can't decide the vote count without heading to the Supreme Court.
Quote:Thank's also to the the internal democracy of the CCP, the recent rapid transition to capitalism, and the one child policy, which although barbaric and oppressive, has no doubt helped break the poverty cycle in China.
Plus state subsidization of SOEs and regulation of free markets when required. aka 'socialism'. eg farmer suicides in India are a national disgrace, owing to free market failure which is not tolerated in China.
Quote: What point are you trying to make? You have lost the plot completely here.
I just proved no-one knows how the macroeconomy works; it's time to give MMT economists a run, because the mainstreamers are f**wits still hobbled by obsolete
scarcity and unlimited wants BS. There is no scarcity today.
Quote: What do you mean let? No-one is stopping China doing anything. Facing Strategy Of Containment In New Cold War war, one is not free to do as one likes....
Interestingly Michelle Bachelet UN HRC is set to visit Xinjiang this year, welcomed by China, to examine the West's false "genocide" accusations. Of course the US isn't interested in the well-being of people in Xinjiang, (any more than countless other countries); and US hypocrisy is breathtaking:
The UN Security Council Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee has listed ETIM (East Turkestan Islamic Movement) as a terrorist organization since 2002, though the United States removed it from its list of Terrorist Organizations in 2020.Hypocrites, all to cause instability in Xinjiang, not to mention the US sanctions on Xinjiang companies which will reduce peoples' incomes there.
Quote:And you miss the point again. You attributed a claim to me. Back it up. Whether I actually made the claim is entirely the point here.
You claim China is free of external coercion; refuted above.
Quote:LOL. Only a fool would argue against learning the lessons of history.
I didn't argue against it, I said they were too busy getting on with grasping the new opportunities which the CCP has created.
Quote:There is every chance the CCP will go back to the bad old ways if another true believer comes into power.
Is Xi not a 'true believer'?
Quote:The only reason for not learning from the past is so the CCP can repeat it.
The CCP is well aware of past mistakes and has no intention of repeating them; it has too many other tasks in advancing the nation's well-being, rather than teaching past mistakes to the present generation.
As Alan Tudge appreciates...he is complaining that schools are teaching students to "hate their country", by examining the aboriginal genocide too closely...ouch.