Gordon wrote on Feb 2
nd, 2022 at 11:31am:
MeisterEckhart wrote on Feb 2
nd, 2022 at 11:13am:
Whoopi Goldberg accidentally threw light on an obvious problem when discussing race.
Its subjective nature.
What does someone mean when they discuss race?
Through the lens of Goldberg's experience, it was black vs white and was likely so obvious to her, she'd never felt she needed to define the term, until she did.
You've missed the point. Whether Judaism is a race or not can be argued infinitely, but the fact is the Nazis regarded them to be a race and made all kinds of tests and enlisted science to backup their belief that it was.
So the holocaust was about race, or the Nazis perception of...
Don't cancel her, she and The View are a useful window into the brains of Bobblehead central.
Jewish people ARE a race!
And they are a religion too!
1. Jewish ethnicity
2. Jewish religion
The difference?
Anyone can change their religion.
No one can change their ethnicity. It's like your birthday date and time - irreversible and intact!
Our family doctor and family lawyer and family accountant? ALL JEWISH! Ethnically Jewish AND Jewish wrt their religion.
A lot of non Mediterranean people don't get that ethnicity and religion are 2 interwoven strands of identity which impacts Mediterranean people's sense of self.
Hence why 99% of ethnically Greek people are Greek Orthodox.
Hence why 99% of Serbians are Serbian Orthodox.
Hence why Romanians are 99% Romanian Orthodox etc etc.
One last comment : Why can't we just accept each other as members of the HUMAN race?
Here's how I think of it : A black skinned baby is as precious as a white skinned baby. Both deserve respect and regard and to be safe. Why? It's all about people of either gender and people despite their colour.
It's not about skin colour linking you to race Whoopi! It's not about men Whoopi?
People, children. Human race.
PS Whilst here ... the same applies to animals too as far as I'm concerned. Whether they're black or blonde or girls or boys etc they're all precious and deserve to be safe!