MeisterEckhart wrote on Feb 2
nd, 2022 at 1:31pm:
Lisa Jones wrote on Feb 2
nd, 2022 at 1:24pm:
MeisterEckhart wrote on Feb 2
nd, 2022 at 12:57pm:
Lisa Jones wrote on Feb 2
nd, 2022 at 12:54pm:
Gordon wrote on Feb 2
nd, 2022 at 11:31am:
MeisterEckhart wrote on Feb 2
nd, 2022 at 11:13am:
Whoopi Goldberg accidentally threw light on an obvious problem when discussing race.
Its subjective nature.
What does someone mean when they discuss race?
Through the lens of Goldberg's experience, it was black vs white and was likely so obvious to her, she'd never felt she needed to define the term, until she did.
You've missed the point. Whether Judaism is a race or not can be argued infinitely, but the fact is the Nazis regarded them to be a race and made all kinds of tests and enlisted science to backup their belief that it was.
So the holocaust was about race, or the Nazis perception of...
Don't cancel her, she and The View are a useful window into the brains of Bobblehead central.
Jewish people ARE a race!
And they are a religion too!
1. Jewish ethnicity
2. Jewish religion
Which race are they? Israelis who are Jews descend from multiple ethnicities.
Did they now?
What were they?
1. There are Ethiopian Jews, Sephardic Jews, Arab Jews, Ashkenazi (Turkic/Slavic) Jews. Jews of European descent (i.e. no semite ancestry) &etc.
2. Is Christianity or Catholicism a race?
1. I disagree with how you choose to define Jewish ethnicity.
2. Thank you for separating Christians from Catholics.
Catholics are not Christians. They do not adhere to the teachings of Christ.
They still follow their own pagan based pathway.
And whilst here I may as well include the Church of England (high order). That is full of Catholics and identifies as Catholic anyway.
Catholicism, Christianity are not a race.
Being Jewish is. Sorry but you can't slot everything into the pre set categories you've got in your mind's eye. That's not how it always works.
Think of it like this : You have a lot of socks drying on the line and all get paired up beautifully and folded nicely and neatly to slot into the drawer. Then there's the ever present odd sock. No matter what you do or say. It's STILL a sock. It won't slot into the drawer nicely and neatly and will always sit there on top of the drawer. By itself. Looking at you every time you walk by. Just to remind you that it's different.
Apologies for the analogy but I'm a housewife so ...anyway. I gots ta go. Catch you later 👌