Frank wrote on Mar 28
th, 2022 at 8:54pm:
athos wrote on Mar 28
th, 2022 at 8:28pm:
freediver wrote on Mar 28
th, 2022 at 7:34pm:
Would it be fair to say that the CCP is trying very hard to promote the lie that Chinese people despise democracy?
False Western "democracy" (hypocrisy)*** is a thing of the past. Nobody wants that anymore.
*** "We must not forget that the conquest colonial doctrine of Great Britain was based on the basic assumption of the superiority of the Anglo-Saxon race. Today, racial superiority has been replaced by the superiority of Western quasi-democracy. The irony is that Britain and its colonies, like Australia, have never had a democratically elected head of state".
Well, Western civilisation is evidently superior to others in every way, especially to Chinese, Indian, African, Aboriginal Australian, Latin American (itself a deformed version of Iberian Catholic Western culture).
Whether Anglo civilisation is superior to other European cultures is perhaps a little more debatable. But in the end it has no real rival. It has great counterweights in French, German and other European cultures, literatures, customs and sensibilities but it wins because it absorbs them in a way they cannot and do not absorb the Anglo culture and sensibility.
Russia is sinking into barbarism because it is not taken seriously as a civilisation (an ignorant, stupid mistake but it is perpetuated by the oafishnes of Russia as much as by the stand-offish ignorance of the West).
Nay, old boy, Athos is right. We simply just don't want you people here, okay?
Athos, please don't gloat, it hurts us more than it hurts the old boy, but we simply can't have these people here, they're thoroughly
despicable.Fwank is on record as supporting Vlad. That's that, no?
Enough's enough. Old boy, you're done.
We don't want you here. Never ever. On stilts. We mean this in the nicest possible way, no?
Now f
uck orff. You're done.