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Russia will not invade Ukraine (Read 20096 times)
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Re-educate barbarians

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Re: Russia will not invade Ukraine
Reply #345 - Feb 27th, 2022 at 7:01am
Setanta wrote on Feb 26th, 2022 at 6:08pm:
thegreatdivide wrote on Feb 26th, 2022 at 1:04pm:
[quote author=Jim_Lahey link=1644405253/295#295 date=1645843525]

Err, you live in a 1 party dictatorship....

your government kills its own people for disagreeing.

How many people has Xi had disappeared? 

Link is dead.

Only for Great Firewall of China users.
The Tiananmen Square protests, known as the June Fourth Incident (Chinese: 六四事件; pinyin: liùsì shìjiàn) in China, were student-led demonstrations held in Tiananmen Square, Beijing during 1989. In what is known as the Tiananmen Square Massacre (Chinese: 天安门大屠杀; pinyin: Tiān'ānmén dà túshā), troops armed with assault rifles and accompanied by tanks fired at the demonstrators and those trying to block the military's advance into Tiananmen Square. The protests started on 15 April and were forcibly suppressed on 4 June when the government declared martial law and sent the People's Liberation Army to occupy parts of central Beijing. Estimates of the death toll vary from several hundred to several thousand, with thousands more wounded.[1][2][3][4][5][6] The popular national movement inspired by the Beijing protests is sometimes called the '89 Democracy Movement (Chinese: 八九民运; pinyin: Bājiǔ mínyùn) or the Tiananmen Square Incident (Chinese: 天安门事件; pinyin: Tiān'ānmén shìjiàn).

The protests were precipitated by the death of pro-reform Chinese Communist Party (CCP) general secretary Hu Yaobang in April 1989 amid the backdrop of rapid economic development and social change in post-Mao China, reflecting anxieties among the people and political elite about the country's future. The reforms of the 1980s had led to a nascent market economy that benefited some people but seriously disadvantaged others, and the one-party political system also faced a challenge to its legitimacy. Common grievances at the time included inflation, corruption, limited preparedness of graduates for the new economy,[7] and restrictions on political participation. Although they were highly disorganized and their goals varied, the students called for greater accountability, constitutional due process, democracy, freedom of the press, and freedom of speech.[8][9] At the height of the protests, about one million people assembled in the Square.[10]

As the protests developed, the authorities responded with both conciliatory and hardline tactics, exposing deep divisions within the party leadership.[11] By May, a student-led hunger strike galvanized support around the country for the demonstrators, and the protests spread to some 400 cities.[12] Among the CCP's top leadership, Premier Li Peng and Party Elders Li Xiannian and Wang Zhen called for decisive action through violent suppression of the protesters, and ultimately managed to win over Paramount Leader Deng Xiaoping and President Yang Shangkun to their side.[13][14][15] On 20 May, the State Council declared martial law. They mobilized as many as ~300,000 troops to Beijing.[12] The troops advanced into central parts of Beijing on the city's major thoroughfares in the early morning hours of 4 June, killing both demonstrators and bystanders in the process. The military operations were under the overall command of General Yang Baibing, half-brother of President Yang Shangkun.[16]

Only for brainwashed Anglo yobbos and closet poms.

"The Anglo American Alliance has difficulty applying to China their favourite method of divide and conquer as for example they did in former Yugoslavia, Libya, Ukraine and so on.
After all we can say that all these attempts did not go according to their plan so far in case of China.
The fact is that Han ethnicity makes up over 92% of the Chinese population in mainland China and 97% in Taiwan.
Also both the Muslim (Uyghur) and Tibet’s population makes up to 1%.
Many still remember the 1989 Tiananmen Square protest where the CIA unsuccessfully tried to provoke a split in China on the ideological basis in the name of "democracy and freedom".
Using Tibet and Uyghur Muslim population to destabilize China on religious and ethnic grounds also has not brought the satisfactory results.
However the last attempt to organize long lasting protests in Hong Kong was the most ambitious and comprehensive.
The idea was first to divide Chinese society on an ideological basis, using familiar rhetoric about freedom and democracy and then to apply the Balkan’s model taking into account the special status of Hong Kong as well as to include other Cantonese-speaking regions.
However, this plan also failed miserably because it has not met with a positive response in Macau, Guangzhou or Shenzhen.
It seems that the Anglo-American coalition must apply some more creative methods, perhaps something like a new modified opium war, in order to destabilize China"

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« Last Edit: Feb 27th, 2022 at 7:24am by athos »  

Do we need to be always politically correct.
In the world of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
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Re-educate barbarians

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Re: Russia will not invade Ukraine
Reply #346 - Feb 27th, 2022 at 7:08am
Politically incorrect Australian Reality

"As it is well known, the British Empire and their colonies were founded on the assumption of the superiority of the Anglo-Saxon race as well as the extermination of millions of indigenous peoples and the exploitation of enslaved millions black Africans.
The worst kind of Anglo-Saxon racism has been manifested through the genocidal colonial racism that has destroyed many human lives and civilizations.
Naturally, this type of racism is still very present in the British colony called Australia, where the Anglo-Saxon privileged elite continues to oppress the non-Anglo-Saxon population, despite the constant protests of the world's humanitarian organizations for human rights.
The genocide of the Aborigines was committed by the British not by the French, Germans, Russians, Greeks, Italians, or Chinese.
Despite all the undeniable historical facts, there is the latest trend of revisionist historical generalization in the Australian media and even in academic circles where “Europeans” and ”whites” are held accountable for this crime without mentioning the British colonial empire.
In democratic and sovereign countries, in accordance with the constitution (de Jure), citizens are free and equal people, where no one has inherited rights superior to others and who collectively possess sovereignty.
Unfortunately, Australia to this day remains a British colony with a British flag and a British monarch, who is de jure "Above the Law" as Australian head of state, which, among other things, prevents Australia from building its own cultural and national identity.
As a result of that in accordance with Australian constitution this country in fact does not even have citizens but the “British Subject’ or ‘subject of the her Majesty' which is a projection of feudal caste system that is still present in Britain (Subject is derived from the Latin words, sub and jacio, and means one who is under the power of another looking up to a master)
As a result of that if someone literally yesterday came from Britain he has a better chance of being accepted as an Australian than person who was born and raised in Australia but whose parents are not of Anglo-Saxon descent.
To emphasize their privileged position and underestimate others, the Anglo-Saxons do not hesitate to use racist names in their daily lives for the non-Anglo-Saxon population, such as wogs, abbos, lebos, slopes, etc. On the other hand, they use expressions to show their superiority like True Blue Aussies, Real Aussies and so on.
An example, of very sad consequence of this ongoing racism, is Australian born tennis player Nick Kyrgios who is constantly frustrated in his performances by persistently trying to prove he's a “Real Aussie".
As a person of “wog” and Asian (“slope”) descent, he was exposed to awful discrimination and harassment at school by Anglo children and teachers, which imposed gruesome low self-esteem dissatisfaction in him.
Instead of seeking help from a professional psychologist, addressing the real problem, he subconsciously and cowardly vents his anger by projecting his inferiority complex on other fellow tennis players (Nadal, Djokovic, Wawrinka), referees or spectators.

Australia’s 2016 census, which highlighted a steady growth in the number of Chinese-born citizens in Sydney, the country’s most populous city, meaning it is now more Chinese than British with 4.7 percent of its 4.8 million residents born in China compared to just 3.1 percent from Britain.
In all major Australian cites like Melbourne and Sydney population with Anglo-Saxon origin is well below 50% in comparison with others.
Despite all this, thanks to the colonial status and a racist discriminatory policy, the privileged Anglo-Saxon population is represented by more than 95% in the police force, over 97% in the executive government institutions and over 90% in the military.
Although most of the non-Anglo Anglo population in Australia works hard and study, the corrupt Anglo elite has concentrated on the civil service and government, enjoying all the privileges at the expense of taxpayers' money.
In such a social and political environment, the Anglo-Saxon political elite and the mainstream media are waging a propaganda war against China, inciting racial hatred towards the Chinese people in an attempt to use China as a scapegoat.
This could give them a welcome diversion from the growing decadence among the privileged Anglo-Saxon class, which has recently been seen in a series of scandals and orgies in the Australian Parliament in which officials raped colleagues in ministerial offices and filmed them masturbating at their boss tables".
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Do we need to be always politically correct.
In the world of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
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Re-educate barbarians

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Re: Russia will not invade Ukraine
Reply #347 - Feb 27th, 2022 at 7:16am
Australian reality hidden by Anglo propaganda

Australian Constitution, ss 34(ii), 117.:

A person who owed allegiance to the Crown is a ‘subject of the Crown’ and a ‘British Subject’ throughout the Commonwealth. By this reasoning, a person, whether born in the UK or Australia, would have been a natural born subject of the Crown.
The Australian Constitution makes reference to the 'subject of the Queen'. Australia remains a dominion of the British Empire (new name Commonwealth) and the terms 'British Subjects' and 'subjects of the Queen' are essentially synonymous in Australia. In fact, Australian falsely called "citizens" are actually British Subjects or "'subject of her Majesty".

Note: In china in accordance with Chinese constitution live CITIZENS not ROYAL SUBJECTS .

Australia has a foreign monarch as a head of state. This head of state is not democratically elected but with absolute power ("Above the law")
Australia is a monarchy, which means the British Queen is the head of state who, as undemocratic ruler (dictator), has ruled Australia for 60 years. According to the royal family's website, when the Queen visits Australia, she speaks and acts as Queen of Australia.
Queen also has constitutional power to, any time, dismiss democratically elected Australian parliament and it's prime minister which happened in 1975 when she sacked democratically elected Prime minister Gough Whitlaim.
It is impossible that the Chinese (or French etc) head of state is a British or any foreign leader.
It is inconceivable that a sovereign country has a foreign monarch as its ruler.
This can only happen if the country is either under occupation or a foreign colony.
So de jure and de facto Australia is a British colony or at best a British dominion and by no means a sovereign country.

Note: China does not have a foreign leader and by all means is a sovereign country.

Note: Uighurs represent less of 1% of Chinese population.
Non Anglo-Saxon population represent more than 50% of Australian population

"Telling the truth is a revolutionary act"
George Orwell
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« Last Edit: Feb 27th, 2022 at 7:29am by athos »  

Do we need to be always politically correct.
In the world of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
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Re-educate barbarians

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Re: Russia will not invade Ukraine
Reply #348 - Feb 27th, 2022 at 7:26am

Go back to Ukraine

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Do we need to be always politically correct.
In the world of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
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Re: Russia will not invade Ukraine
Reply #349 - Feb 27th, 2022 at 7:28am
MeisterEckhart wrote on Feb 25th, 2022 at 11:43am:
Johnnie wrote on Feb 25th, 2022 at 11:38am:
At least there is something to watch on TV now that the covid games have finished and not much else going on.

C'mon the Ukrainians oi oi oi


I'd bet the deal between Russia and NATO will be that Russia gets to keep east Ukraine only if it can keep  the Ukrainians from taking it back.

NATO et al will provide Ukraine some military support and intelligence.

Well, it turns out Russia may not be able to defeat Ukraine according to the original Russian strategy - and if they can't hold it, then it's not theirs.

At this moment:

-Ukrainian regular forces have not collapsed.
-Ukrainian irregular forces have proved to be significantly more effective than Russia anticipated.
-The central Asian republics (notably Kazakhstan) have refused to support Russia's campaign.
-Former eastern European nations (once monstered by the Russian under the guise of the USSR) have provided safe haven for Ukraine's women and children.
-Those ex-Soviet European countries are supplying 'lethal aid' which will likely include mercenaries as well as weapons.
-Zelensky has proved to be an inspiring and charismatic leader who has galvanised support for Ukraine worldwide
-Many nations that originally were against denying Russia to SWIFT have now changed their minds.
-The Russian unpopularity of the war caused Putin to shut down twitter and go in hard against local protests.

Bottom line: Putin has underestimated world unity against this invasion.
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Re-educate barbarians

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Re: Russia will not invade Ukraine
Reply #350 - Feb 27th, 2022 at 7:28am
Russian Diplomat thanks Aussie supporters after Armed PSO units deployed at Sydney Consulate

A beautiful act of kindness - exactly what the world needs right now.

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Do we need to be always politically correct.
In the world of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
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Re-educate barbarians

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Re: Russia will not invade Ukraine
Reply #351 - Feb 27th, 2022 at 7:31am
The 60,000 strong contingent of pro-Russian Chechen troops are rapidly advancing through Ukraine liberating territory.
These Chechen troops are from the fiercely loyal pro-Putin Kadirov Battalion

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Do we need to be always politically correct.
In the world of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
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Re: Russia will not invade Ukraine
Reply #352 - Feb 27th, 2022 at 7:31am
athos wrote on Feb 27th, 2022 at 7:28am:
Russian Diplomat thanks Aussie supporters after Armed PSO units deployed at Sydney Consulate

A beautiful act of kindness - exactly what the world needs right now.

The CCP will be watching the mess Russia is in right now.

Given you're not literate and therefore unlikely to be paid for your poorly written posts, what favours do you have to offer CCP officials to gain access to a VPN?
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Jim Lahey
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Re: Russia will not invade Ukraine
Reply #353 - Feb 27th, 2022 at 7:37am
How many of his own people has Xi disappeared Athos?
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Ayn Marx
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Re: Russia will not invade Ukraine
Reply #354 - Feb 27th, 2022 at 7:39am
athos wrote on Feb 27th, 2022 at 7:28am:
Russian Diplomat thanks Aussie supporters after Armed PSO units deployed at Sydney Consulate

A beautiful act of kindness - exactly what the world needs right now.

Like the act of kindness Putin has inflicted on the Ukranian people?
Seriously, you’re a pathetic representative of your deluded cause.

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The Human Race is Insane
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Re-educate barbarians

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Re: Russia will not invade Ukraine
Reply #355 - Feb 27th, 2022 at 7:58am
MeisterEckhart wrote on Feb 27th, 2022 at 7:31am:
athos wrote on Feb 27th, 2022 at 7:28am:
Russian Diplomat thanks Aussie supporters after Armed PSO units deployed at Sydney Consulate

A beautiful act of kindness - exactly what the world needs right now.

The CCP will be watching the mess Russia is in right now.

Given you're not literate and therefore unlikely to be paid for your poorly written posts, what favours do you have to offer CCP officials to gain access to a VPN?

Typical combination of yobbo arrogance motivated by inferiority complex.

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Do we need to be always politically correct.
In the world of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Russia will not invade Ukraine
Reply #356 - Feb 27th, 2022 at 8:01am
athos wrote on Feb 27th, 2022 at 7:58am:
MeisterEckhart wrote on Feb 27th, 2022 at 7:31am:
athos wrote on Feb 27th, 2022 at 7:28am:
Russian Diplomat thanks Aussie supporters after Armed PSO units deployed at Sydney Consulate

A beautiful act of kindness - exactly what the world needs right now.

The CCP will be watching the mess Russia is in right now.

Given you're not literate and therefore unlikely to be paid for your poorly written posts, what favours do you have to offer CCP officials to gain access to a VPN?

Typical combination of yobbo arrogance motivated by inferiority complex.

So what favours do you have to offer CCP officials to gain access to a VPN? The top two under the CCP is money or sex. Which is it?
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Re: Russia will not invade Ukraine
Reply #357 - Feb 27th, 2022 at 8:09am
Russia and China will always support and serve a USA that is ruled by orthodox Politics (NWO) like Trump, even if Trump is just a 'grunt' in the new team that's coming.

Russia and China will not support or serve a USA that is still ruled by the Media (Big Brother) corruption in Politics and the Blue Democrat Yankee (& Grey Confed) way via the likes of Biden (Hillary, Pelosi, Harris).

Even Middle-Eastern nations refused to serve the Big Brother Media politics, labelled the Great Satan (Murdoch Inc).
But under Trump - peaceful alternatives were supported, because like Lawrence of Arabia: orthodox Politics is used.
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Re: Russia will not invade Ukraine
Reply #358 - Feb 27th, 2022 at 8:14am
Jasin wrote on Feb 27th, 2022 at 8:09am:
Russia and China will not support or serve a USA that is still ruled by the Media (Big Brother) corruption in Politics and the Blue Democrat Yankee (& Grey Confed) way via the likes of Biden (Hillary, Pelosi, Harris).


Both Russia and China are corrupt to the core. The only question is which one is worse than the other.
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Re: Russia will not invade Ukraine
Reply #359 - Feb 27th, 2022 at 8:20am
MeisterEckhart wrote on Feb 27th, 2022 at 8:14am:
Jasin wrote on Feb 27th, 2022 at 8:09am:
Russia and China will not support or serve a USA that is still ruled by the Media (Big Brother) corruption in Politics and the Blue Democrat Yankee (& Grey Confed) way via the likes of Biden (Hillary, Pelosi, Harris).


Both Russia and China are corrupt to the core. The only question is which one is worse than the other.

Only Corrupt to the Big Brother Media Power corrupting USA Politics.

Flash Gordon (the only superhero without a special power, beyond 'peaceful politics', even his gridiron skills failed him) will save the day!

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