capitosinora wrote on Mar 5
th, 2022 at 11:09am:
There’s something that MUST be said: America has a price we’re not willing to pay in return for Ukraine’s freedom. We’re not willing to risk U.S. troops or to start a nuclear war. It doesn’t mean we’re not compassionate but sadly we cannot save them. Another "great" interview; he says the US can't help Ukraine much more (without risking nuclear war) because extended sanctions against Russia and Iran will collapse the US economy, because oil will go to $150/pb and stay there (hence US negotiations with Iran over oil; but who is worse, Putin or the Ayatollah?)
Solution: maximize N. American oil ASAP (inc. Canadian oil sands and US fracking....
I love it; you deluded "freedom" ideologues, including that clown Zelensky who is demanding his own countrymen die for "freedom", are all stuffed, especially if an AGW emergency is real....
Anyone for an ICJ dedicated to upholding the principles of the UN UDHR (life, prosperity and security) backed by a UNSC minus veto?
Or do you prefer to be "free" to die in
nationalist fervor, as war and the impending climate collapse (with business as usual) result in extinction of the species.
That's the outcome of your "freedom" delusion.