Zombie Agreements for Zombie Workers (union members).
Now Confederate kids reap the 'fringe benefits' of working for Subway, rather than crack a fat over their pay. They eat plenty of the food, take some home to the family. Don't have to work as hard as the union member Zombies, because Confederate workers are better fed and enjoy workplace relationships, have fun with customers and basically ENJOY their workplace.
...only Unionised Workers are a miserable bunch who expect to get and feel 'rich' via applicating at traditionally 'low-pay' jobs.
Two council toilet cleaners: One a Union Member, the other a Confederate. The Union Member has his head down a toilet looking for an extra 50c. While the Confederate Cleaner is next door in the ladies saying
"Hello ladies, how are you today?" to which they all giggle and smile at such a charming man who knows how to clean up.
The biggest crime of Unionism - is making 'workers' believe that they will 'get rich' via the Union, especially get rich off someone else's back (business). The flip side of Unionism is that person who fakes a fall and takes a lawsuit against the business.
The Confederate worker knows these 'jobs' are just jobs and that if they were to become 'rich' - they would do it off their own steam and EARN IT themselves. With that said, they enjoy their workplace and make the most of it for all the right reasons, rather than to extort money and bankrupt businesses.
I'm surprised the Unions haven't tried to exploit Volunteers (social work) to get them more money.
Which is the more 'orthodox'?
The 'worker' who tries the union short-cut to get rich?The worker who knows his place and gets heaps of pussy?
You can tell a Union Member and Worker - they're the ones who get taken to court for sexual harrassment as they try to 'scab' a root because they haven't got what it takes to be a 'Working Class Man' who doesn't take financial 'short-cuts'.
these zombie agreements are tantamount to wage theft.