Frank wrote on Jul 17
th, 2022 at 4:46pm:
Weiss is correct in her diagnosis and in her identification of the underpinnings of the new ideology replacing liberalism. She describes it as “a mixture of postmodernism, postcolonialism, identity politics, neo-Marxism, critical race theory, intersectionality, and the therapeutic mentality,” to which we should add at least a few drops of the Rousseauian assignment of primacy to instinct, emotion, intuition, feelings, and passion over reason and evidence.
Re the "new ideology' replacing "liberalism"... in Weiss's estimation? ie, the liberal "Left"? What about the "liberal" (conservative) Right?
Can you please clarify what strawman she is banging on about?
Certainly, Conservatism has itself to blame for the
40% of Americans who are, at best, living paycheck to paycheck, the very definition of
chronic financial stress. .
Hence the search for a "new ideology.
Quote:The only place her description leaves anything to be desired is in her claim that “No one has yet decided on the name for the force that has come to unseat liberalism.”
Ahha, so liberalism seems to mean conservatism (which is being unseated)... see what wankers these self-proclaimed intellectuals are.
Quote:That may well be the case in that we haven’t decided on the name we’ll use for this ideology, but it does have a name.
No kidding, we have been asking every day for definitions, from ideologues like freediver and Meister who always duck for cover .
Quote:This ideology is called by at least some of its proponents by the name “Critical Social Justice.” In short, Critical Social Justice—colloquially “Wokeness”
Why not simply : "
an economy that works for all"(B. Sanders)
Quote:—is a toxic fusion of cherry-picked aspects of the many lines of thought just identified, each chosen for its practical utility in advancing its particular line of fundamentally [highlight]anti-liberal activism.[/highlight]
er...she means anti-conservative activism...
Quote:Society is divided into many different cultural groups
That's because the Left and the Right don't understand the reasons - namely, the current
dysfunctional mainstream neoliberal economics - why a very large minority of the population are in permanent chronic financial stress; and hence everyone goes looking in the wrong places, eg, race, gender, class, education, identity etc.
Quote:why a very large o defined in terms of the members’ homogenized identities, meaning low-resolution “socially constructed” demographic categories like “white,” “black,” “gay,” “trans,” “brown,” and so on. These are said to “intersect” in “complex” ways, and each lies upon an axis that places some groups on opposite sides of a simplistic Marxian oppressor-versus-oppressed conflict. Oppression is understood only systemically and is indicated only by the phenomenological “lived experience” of harm, offense, and discomfort identified by any member of a group Theory defines as oppressed. Such a claim is unassailable and falls upon society with a warrant to reorganize itself to avoid any possibility of that sense of hurt ever arising again. All of those who are sufficiently oppressed are as a single capital-O “Other,” and everyone else has a moral obligation to be in solidarity with them in all possible circumstances.
This worldview has a consequence: “victimhood,” defined as above and only as above, becomes high currency that will be vied for. Intersectionality, now arguably 43 years old (and certainly at least 31), is the set of ideas and practices, for as a practice it is defined, that grades claims of victimhood according to an outline laid down formally in 1990 rather ominously (or histrionically) called The Matrix of Domination. It is in this place that Critical Social Justice’s Jewish problem exists, because Jews present an intolerable paradox to the Theory.
All this confusion, rancour, verbacious intellectualism, and diversion are explained above: neoliberal economics, accepted as economic truth,
pitting everyone against one-another, in a dog eat dog competition for survival, under the cloak of "Conservatism".
Quote:Good analysis.
I told you I would demolish it with ease.
Now...surprise me with your well considered response (.....)