FutureTheLeftWant wrote on Jul 15
th, 2022 at 8:03am:
CRT is a university level line of study that asks, even if you are not racist, how does past racism shape society? IT's not communist in any way, although criticial theory, which it is derived from, is a communist idea
Unfortunately CRT is infected by a purely American phenomenon which has its roots in the transatlantic annihilation of African identity.
This has led to an over-simplistic colour divide of white versus black.
Americans of slave origin have only their colour to identify their ethnicity.
Within non-slave-descent communities, there are multiple identities: original nationality, specific ethnicity and religion, being the top three.
Almost no 'white' person identifies only as being white.
So, the premise upon which CRT is founded is skewed and flawed by a specific American experience.
Who would argue against the notion that the English and the Irish (both white) had a special degree of hate in their heart for one another? Nothing to do with colour.
Or the catholics and protestants. Christians and Muslims. Christian Europeans and Jews.
Among native American (and other) tribes, animosity can be found (yet all are of the same ethnicity).
Between the French and the English (which nearly caused Quebec to secede from Canada).
And on it goes.