Aussie wrote on Apr 3
rd, 2022 at 2:49pm:
You'd lose, big time. I do not cheat.
You did not directly answer this:
Did you cheat when you came up with alternatives, or was that 'magic?'
No, I went through the alphabet adding each letter successively to _E_ER to arrive at about 6 words (I could think of) that had an equal chance of being possible (as I explained above).
My question to you is, why did you not do this?
Here's the thing. Someone adept at language games would not be 'jagging' the word as you are doing. That doesn't demonstrate skill. A 4 shot on this game would have been indicative of using skills and finally having to roll a six-sided dice for the 3rd. Most would have got it in 4.
But you narrowed those options by lazy thinking and limited ability.
OR you missed DETER, DEFER and REFER because you already knew the word was FEWER, even though Wordle almost never uses comparative adjectives or plurals; something a Wordle player using true skill would have noticed by 50 games in.