Frank wrote on Apr 10
th, 2023 at 10:01pm:
Oblivious is correct.
So ...we have arrived at these competing positions:
You: "CDEP was welfare. Only 5% transitioned to
real jobs".Me: "85% of CDEP participants reported improvement in communities, with reduced alcohol and crime".
My counter-argument points to the error of your ideological conception of "real jobs", meaning market-based jobs. But "real jobs" include non-market based jobs.
Let's see if we can resolve this difference (and if not, why not....)
Quote:You are like a yappy dog that will yap the same way no matter where it is, what it's fed, who is with it, what the circumstance,etc.
You are yapping the same shite regardless of what you are told, what situation you are in - re gd ardless of anything.
Hm......not a good start for resolving the substantive issues RE the efficacy of the CDEP, nor understanding the competing views (though I can confidently say it's your 'individual sovereignty/freedom' delusions supporting classical economics - ultimately - which are at fault).
Quote:You just yap, yap, yappity yap, same old uncontrolled, oblivious shite. WHATEVER anyone say, it prompts you to just yap the exact same stupid yappy crap.
Er... you found the
5% success with CDEP figure in an anti CDEP article; I found my
85% CDEP approval in a pro CDEP study.
So obviously, the CDEP needs further examination....
Obviously it's helpful to understand that
currency-issuing government can finance itself if the needed resources are available, unlike private sector players who have to earn money.....
Then work which is
gainful, as well as
market based, can both be done, without being bogged down in false considerations re "taxpayer money".