Lisa Jones wrote on Mar 21
st, 2022 at 9:03pm:
KangAnon wrote on Mar 21
st, 2022 at 6:00pm:
Waffle as usual with the obligatory goal post change.
Nobody is saying that the vaccine prevents transmission.
The claim was, and is supported by much research, those who are vaccinated and suffering from very few synptoms are less contagious than those who are unvaccinated and suffering from a severe infection.
And you're rewriting that to mean "vaccinations prevent transmission" which is an entirely different claim and not one that I made.
Then on top of the goal post change, when you ignore the results of studies that don't suit your narrative then make general statements of "fact" based on only what finding you like, you don't get to be judgy about others and their understanding of science...
As usual you're running with opinion based evidence rather than evidence based opinion.
Well Sad Monk
Here's some more lived experience which is evidence : Hubby is showing more symptoms today (more than yesterday even). He's got what looks like a serious man flu now. Have I been busy taking care of him? Hell yeah! I'm absolutely over it. He's no longer using his face mask at all as he's finally worked out he needs to breathe oxygen as much as the next person.
To be brutally honest I have now reached the stage where I don't care if I catch Covid19. In fact I just want it over with. I get I'm totally unvaccinated but I think the strains out there are not as dangerous these days.
Yet this afternoon after my Woolworths shopping was delivered I packed everything away and got to the Covid19 home tests.
So I sat hubby down and sat myself down and we both took the test (it's the spit test not the nasal one).
He's tested positive to Covid19 again (and now he looks bloody sick so the reading fits the situation).
I bloody tested negative! And I'm supposed to be totally unvaccinated too! My neighbours all know now. They know his car's in the driveway so they have been asking about why he's home. Well they know I'm caring for him, changing all his sheets pillows towels and making him cups of tea and prepping his 3 meals a day and checking his temperature and making sure he's hydrated with water and lemonade.
And today the kids and I did all the lawnmowing and gardening (in time for this week's council collection) and there he was peering through the window very upset that he wasn't outside with us.
I don't get why the only person in the family who is triple jabbed (hubby had to for work purposes) is the only person who's consistently testing +'ve for Covid19 whereas the rest of us are fine. We look fine we are fine and we don't have Covid19.
Perhaps we'll finally contract this very contagious virus tomorrow ?
I had better order more Covid19 tests I suppose. Test the whole family once more.
I don't know why you've not tested positive, especially if you're that active in his care at the moment and he's progressed to manflu levels of symptoms.
It was just a suggestion that he may be less contagious due to his vaccination status, but that's unlikely if that's his condition now, but I'm not an expert and even if I was, I've not examined him etc so I couldn't tell anyway.
Unlike some "Dr Google only the answers I want" types who were so triggered by my comments earlier, it's ok not to know rather than pretend to.
And as for Monk, I'm unwilling to share the sort of personal information needed to prove we are not one in the same, you'll just have to believe me that we aren't, or not, it really doesn't matter.
I still stand by my wishes for your husband to make a quick recovery and you to avoid an infection yourself, especially since the reasons you've given us in the past for you not getting the vaccine puts you at a greater risk of poorer outcomes.
Quote:Edit : I just saw on the news that a little boy from
Sydney died of Covid19 today. I think this virus IS hit and miss. Irrespective of who's vaccinated.
You'll have to forgive me for not looking that up, I really don't want to know more about something so tragic, especially right before calling it a night.