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Great Barrier Reef facing another severe bleaching (Read 308 times)
Brian Ross
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Great Barrier Reef facing another severe bleaching
Mar 18th, 2022 at 2:14pm
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Someone said we could not judge a person's Aboriginality on their skin colour.  Why isn't that applied in the matter of Pascoe?  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
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Re: Great Barrier Reef facing another severe bleaching
Reply #1 - Mar 18th, 2022 at 3:48pm
Brian Ross wrote on Mar 18th, 2022 at 2:14pm:
Oh dear - Great Barrier Reef facing another severe bleaching event ahead of UN delegation visit

Oh dear. The great Barrier Reef just made a Lazarus like comeback after being declared 30% dead, dead I tell you. Grin Grin Grin Grin
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Re: Great Barrier Reef facing another severe bleaching
Reply #2 - Mar 18th, 2022 at 4:17pm
Barrier Reef is a money pit

which is plundered by the UN

Australian politicians held over a barrel by the UN re: Barrier Reef

it's a scam

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Re: Great Barrier Reef facing another severe bleaching
Reply #3 - Mar 20th, 2022 at 11:19am
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Re: Great Barrier Reef facing another severe bleaching
Reply #4 - Mar 20th, 2022 at 11:55am
From Dr. Peter Ridd:

The media is reporting that there is bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef. Bushfires, cyclones, floods, droughts, heatwaves, bleaching, locust plagues, starfish plagues – this is Australia. It has always happened.
The good news is that GBRMPA have refrained from sensationalism and should be congratulated for that. In their media comment, they point out that bleached coral is not dead and often recovers.
Time will tell how much coral is ultimately affected, but we can be certain that it will be exaggerated in many quarters of the scientific community and amplified further in the media.
Will they mention that the present aerial surveys can only see surface coral which are far more likely to bleach than the deeper corals that they cannot see. The calm sunny weather that usually precedes bleaching, means that the top few meters can get a few degrees hotter than the deeper water. Corals go down to over 50 m depth.
Will they mention that, in the supposedly catestrophic 2016 bleaching event, the deeper corals hardly bleached at all, and the total amount of coral that died was much less than 10 percent? Will they remind us that corals have remarkable capacity to recover - the amount of coral can double in 5 to 10 years, so losing a few percent from bleaching is not a big deal.
Will they mention that cyclones destroy far more coral than bleaching, and that the coral reefs are just a huge pile of dead coral that has been killed over thousands of years. Coral death is part of the life cycle on a reef.
Will they admit that they must have exaggerated the bleaching in 2016, 2017 and 2020 because the amount of coral on the reef has never been higher than in 2021 (see my previous posts)? How can so much coral have died due to bleaching when we have so much coral today on the GBR?
Also, it is false to imply that all of the 3000 individual reefs bleached in all those three years. Most of the reefs had some bleaching in just one of those years, a few had some bleaching in two of the years and almost none had bleaching in three years. And most of the corals on most of the reefs did not bleach at all.
They might also point out that routine surveys of bleaching events only started in 1998, so we have little data on their frequency – and should not make too many presumptions that they are becoming worse.
The scientists might mention that bleaching is a survival mechanism for coping with periodic hot water. Corals have evolved this over eons. Bleaching occurs when the small algae (zooxanthellae) that live in the coral polyp are expunged by the coral. Corals have the ability to select the species of zooxanthellae to adapt to hotter (or colder) conditions. Zooxanthellae of a myriad of different types float around in the water and are re-selected by the coral after bleaching. They will often select a strain of zooxanthellae that makes them less susceptible to beaching in the future.
Far from being highly susceptible to rising temperatures, anthropogenic or from natural causes, their ability to change zooxanthellae during bleaching is a remarkable mechanism of adaptation which makes them far better at coping with climate change than most other organisms.
Will science institutions point out that bleaching is a totally natural response, documented by the earliest scientists on the reef, and is not a new phenomenon?
Or will they preach the normal doom science that we have heard for the last half a century? Will they bully politicians, and scare the children into believing that the Great Barrier Reef is going to end?
Whatever level of bleaching that is occurring, the coral will recover as it has always done.
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Re: Great Barrier Reef facing another severe bleaching
Reply #5 - Mar 23rd, 2022 at 12:04pm
Gnads wrote on Mar 20th, 2022 at 11:19am:

It was inevitable given the record breaking heatwave in Nth Queensland a few weeks prior

Temperature and power consumption records have tumbled in North Queensland amid extreme heatwave conditions.
In Townsville, the mercury did not drop below 28.9 degrees Celsius overnight, setting a March record for the third time this month.
Further west, Charters Towers experienced its hottest March day since records began when the temperature soared beyond 42 degrees on Sunday.

Mackay also broke its minimum temperature record for the second day in a row, with conditions not falling below 28.2 degrees overnight.

Mr Regano said both night and daytime temperatures had been three to six degrees above average across the region for more than a week.

With those sort of conditions another bleaching event was inevitable (to go with the events in 2016, 2017 and 2020)
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Re: Great Barrier Reef facing another severe bleaching
Reply #6 - Mar 23rd, 2022 at 2:16pm
Wait until Terry Hughes flies over at 120 metres and pronounces another 35% dead or dying. Wink
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Re: Great Barrier Reef facing another severe bleaching
Reply #7 - Mar 23rd, 2022 at 2:27pm
lee wrote on Mar 23rd, 2022 at 2:16pm:
Wait until Terry Hughes flies over at 120 metres and pronounces another 35% dead or dying. Wink

Lee's intellect?
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Re: Great Barrier Reef facing another severe bleaching
Reply #8 - Mar 23rd, 2022 at 2:35pm
Many more than might be believed read and saved a news report of only last year, which announced that the Barrier Reef has never been healthier

yes.  People saved that info.  Because they were invested and infuriated when the world's biggest liars and thieves forced Scomo to hand over a reported $4.5 million to 'repair the Reef' --- and Aussies knew this was yet another time our money had been stolen due to the same lie

Now the world's biggest liars and thieves are doing it again.  And we've had a gutful, as have many politicians

If Scomo doesn't out the rort and tell the world's biggest liars and thieves to go do it to themselves with a chicken, he'll be hearing about it on election eve

As we ALL know, the Reef got by without any monetary or other 'help' for tens of thousands of years.  It's a self-maintaining system

And IF the Reef can only survive (the lie that's claimed) by expenditure of millions of dollars on regular basis --- then the Reef can fall to bits, is the attitude

The hoax that is convid destroyed Australia's tourism industry, not the lied-about Reef

There are reefs elsewhere, lots of them

would be cheaper all round if Aussies saved money by visiting those other reefs instead of being robbed by the world's biggest liars and thieves to 'repair' the one at home

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Australian Politics

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Re: Great Barrier Reef facing another severe bleaching
Reply #9 - Mar 23rd, 2022 at 9:41pm
If the great Barrier reef gets water that's too hot -
surely it will slowly move southwards?

What happened in the ancient past when the same areas were too hot?
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