Marla wrote on Mar 22
nd, 2022 at 2:07am:
The Russian military has been exploited and ridiculed by a Ukrainian Army with no where near the fire power.
Excuse me? Are you saying that a former Cold War nation that split with the Soviet Union over 30 years ago would have nowhere near the fire power of Russia? Maybe you are young, but Ukrainians have been largely battle ready ever since the supposed end of the Cold War. It is not unforeseeable that the Ukrainians can win against Russia. Especially with world support.
Quote:Australia is consider the "west" by Russia standards. It will without question be nuked as such. Seriously, are you this ignorant?
It is plausible that Australia could get nuked. I seriously understand that. But, unless there is a serious strategic reason to do so, Russia is not going to launch an $80 million nuke or two into Australian cities.
UnSubRocky wrote on Mar 22
nd, 2022 at 1:59am:
We do not go around pissing off other countries to actually need a larger military. Actually, we are kind of armed to the teeth for a middle-power country. And our military seems a bit too overwhelmingly caucasian to be recruiting from other countries.
Quote:No, you don't have to. You had America do your bidding for you.
America is pissing off the world. Studies conclude that the United States is the biggest threat to world peace. It would take a bit of provocation from the USA. But it is not unforeseeable that Russia could lob $80 million nukes against strategic targets against the USA.
Quote:True. Although you rarely engaged in combat. So when Putin invades your Foster producing contient no question you'd give them aid and comfort without fail
Russia is not going to ship billions of dollars worth of equipment and hundreds of thousands of troops to invade the cities of Australia. They are too busy trying to fight with Europe to be bothered with a south-west Pacific nation at all.
UnSubRocky wrote on Mar 22
nd, 2022 at 1:59am:
Settle down, Joe McCarthy. I am not a fan of Putin or his war. I find the whole situation in the Ukraine disgusting. And I wish that the war was over before it begun.
Quote:There are the words of a coward. Take a god damn stand. This is a war after all.
Such as boycotting Russian products and aiding the Ukraine? What do you expect from me? Are you in the military? How is your campaign going against the Russians, soldier? This war is not my fight. All I can do is speak out against the Russian government and support the Ukrainians in their fight for survival. I have relatives in both countries. And I wish that they would make it to Australia to start a new life. But I do hope that there is a peaceful resolution to the war, soon.