Laugh till you cry wrote on Mar 23
rd, 2022 at 1:19pm:
PZ547 wrote on Mar 23
rd, 2022 at 1:06pm:
After the convid hoax, it's to be doubted Aussies or anyone else is about to give two hoots about an equally fake wahh
It's been revealed and shared worldwide that the fake-wahh pushers are using old footage and photos in an attempt to fool people yet again. For example, the Beirut explosion is shown in footage and photos, purporting to be ukraine. Many more examples
and comments, millions of them, support Putin. People refuse to allow the propaganda get the slightest foothold. For example, in comments about the 'china plane crash', attempts were being made by paid-shillers to blame Putin. People took time out of their busy day to downvote that, slap bang and shut up
I have not met one Aussie who takes the wahh seriously or even gives it a thought
instead, they're reviving their exercise routines and basically all their pre-convid routines
so us-rael are trying their tired old tactic re another of their wahhs, but no one is interested. We've seen and heard it all before
the only people pretending to go along with it are politicians who are so deeply mired in corruption, they're forced to comply with their lunatic masters' dictates
but, most of those foully corrupted politicians are going to have their marching orders issued to them in the near future -- in fact, people want to see them tried and hanged
and trying to pull off a wahh hoax does not have a hope of distracting the terrifyingly large vast majority
ScoMo needs to maximize his propaganda profit from this 'war' to boost his election chances.
The useful idiots have been loosed.
Scomo knows the fake wahh is bs
He knew convid was bs
They've (Common Purpose) done their best to stupidify the Western education system
but -- and I'm amazed by and love this --- we're still smarter than they bargained for, demonstrated by the fact that despite the monumental propaganda agenda re: convid
most knew it was bs from the start
I love that humans' instincts, intuition, sends off the alarms whenever the bs surfaces, be it fake wahhs, fake pandemics, etc
They know it too and it pizzes them off no end
so they've been concocting killer diseases, should-be-hanged 'teachers', wahhs etc. but most of all, their brain-chip plans
Chucked out of hundreds of countries, one after another. Why? Is it somethin we done? Yeah, must be. Because hundreds of other religions are tolerated
but they say they want a world of their own and simultaneously claim that nothing we give them (they assume we should give to them) will satisfy them. They say that in advance, like narcissistic little brats playing off divorced mum and dad when it comes to Christmas presents. Out with the big bottom lip, 'Don't care what you give me, it won't be enough'. In the interests of that brat and its future, you'd do best to kick it in the backside and give it nothing, zero for Christmas. You don't improve anything by catering to their bs
Anyway, we're smart. We humans are smart. Smarter than the liars and shills and controlled whore media or whore universities and whore alleged researchers and 'scientists'
We're smart. We always were. We may have been levelled by prison and wars to shut us up, but to our deaths, we remain smart, as were our ancestors
I trust our innate intelligence and powers of reason will eject the brain-chips the lunatics hope to insert in us -- and before we eject those chips, I hope we beat the shite out of them and leave them spewing blood and bios on the floors of the maniacs who created them (same megalomaniacs, incidentally, who invented psychiatry and psychology via which they're attempting to create a world filled with compliant zombies)