aquascoot wrote on Mar 29
th, 2022 at 4:17pm:
Karnal wrote on Mar 29
th, 2022 at 3:32pm:
aquascoot wrote on Mar 29
th, 2022 at 8:40am:
SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 29
th, 2022 at 7:10am:
aquascoot wrote on Mar 29
th, 2022 at 5:19am:
it will become obvious , eventually, that companies like google , amazon, microsoft and facebook are the most powerful surviellance and manipulation platforms ever developed and that the mainstream masses are incapable of dealing with them.
at that point (and it is my belief that we are already there)
decisions like who wins an election
which products will be glorified and which products will be vilified
will be made wholely and solely by the programmers on these platforms.
thats not a democracy my friend.
thats not free speech
thats not science
thats ideology , bribery, corruption and manipulation on a massive scale.
whoever is running google, microsoft, amazon, twitter , you tube , facebook and apple is deciding on YOUR reality.
it is, in no way different from the CCP.
the heads of those corporations are unelected and in complete control and woe behold anyone who steps out of line
So you're for government regulation of private industry now?
Regulations can't possibly work
When Google Facebook Amazon and Microsoft are way more powerful than government
No government would be willing or indeed able to regulate them
That ship has sailed
The only hope for a free and open and democratic society would be for each individual to educate themselves and take personal responsibility for understanding the surveillance and manipulation machine that is currently controlling their lives
A few individuals will be capable of this
But most people are just tired beaten down
And more than happy to OPT into the great reset
They will be stimulated
They will be manipulated
They will follow the path of least resistance
They will assume as little responsibility for themselves as they can get away with
They are more than happy to just be poked prodded and pleasured
Big tech hasn't really enslaved them in a false reality
They have enslaved themselves
But we're trying to be educated, dear. We keep asking, but you don't want to say.
very few people including you are "trying to be educated'
you are trying to be 'stimulated' and you are trying to feel 'pleasurable emotions"
feeling safe and nurtured is pleasurable
being self reliant and resilient is not.
feeling "outraged' is also pleasurable.
people get addicted to that. they love it.
Oh? You're the one pretending the Therapeutic Goods Administration's managed by Google, dear.
Just when we thought we'd seen the lot with Nail and his ridiculous claims, along comes you. And do you know?
We patiently tell you, time after time, you're backing the wrong horse here. Putin's no Alpha hero, we say, he's a cu
nt. Dear Leader's not going to make America great again, he's going to raise the debt, suck up to dictators, lose all credibility, and ultimately, go down in a reckless act of self-sabotage.
We told you all this well in advance dear, you remember. We also advised you to take your vax.
No, you said, I shall send it to the "noble Gurkha", who feeds his kids a bowl of dirt a day. I am far superior to the leftard chode, you said, I shall sacrifice myself for the
tinted races. It's just the kind of chap I am.
No you won't, we said, you'll take it and be good about it, then you'll turn into a silly old anti-vaxxer.
Never, you said, I shall do no such thing.
And here you are, a Kool Aid-swallowing anti-vaxxer conspiritard, making up stories about Pfizer getting Google to... on and on you go, creating an endless web of stories, all of it a form of shrill, feverous masturbation, desperate to feel superior to the chodes, who as you say, live lives of pure garbage.
Oh well, you can't say we didn't warn you, no?