. In 20-odd years, people worldwide still believe 9/11 was staged, a hoax, a mass murder etc. The US will never succeed in persuading people otherwise, no matter how many tv shows, films, books they contrive to live it down
It will be the same with convid. Nowhere near as many accepted the jabs as governments, the media, 'top doctors' etc. would have you believe
and those who accepted the jab via carrot and stick, will always regret doing so. As well, they'll be watching their kids (if they had the jabs) like hawks, terrified the after-effects will strike, be it today, next month or in 10 or 20 years' time
A multitude of 'adverse effects' will continue to surface as the decades roll by
Some already know the damage done to themselves/their spouse/their children
clap trapping in forums will not alleviate the belief in the minds of billions that they were screwed by their governments, by the vaxx mobsters themselves and by the whore media
So if you or those you love accepted the vaxx and are happy -- be happy
and those who did not accept the vaxx are also happy
Waste of time insulting each other. It's done now
Those who remain undecided about whether or not to accept the jab --- good luck