thegreatdivide wrote on Feb 27
th, 2025 at 11:39am:
Er - AGW-CO2 means climate change caused by burning fossil fuels resulting in increasing CO2 levels (and other greenhouse gases) in the atmosphere.
Ok so that means water vapour as the major greenhouse gas, and something a recent paper Ma et al, showed is not causing increased evaporation, rather wind stilling is the culprit. Wind stilling? The things that stop wind turbines from turning.
Now what PROOF do you have of CO2 increasing temperatures. Data?
thegreatdivide wrote on Feb 27
th, 2025 at 11:39am:
Indeed - and everyone apart from climate deniers (defined above for the slow learners) agrees on that need.
And yet you haven't shown it to be econically feasible, no one has and that explains why so many projects have come to an abrupt halt. Green dreams are not proof of anything.
thegreatdivide wrote on Feb 27
th, 2025 at 11:39am:
The various technologies are progressing well, but the 'scaling up' processes , along with the rollout of PVs and wind turbines, are being hindered by free market principles on behalf of profit maximization.
Rubbish. Or of course you can link to a recent paper saying that? You know facts not your convenient fictions.
thegreatdivide wrote on Feb 27
th, 2025 at 11:39am:
Today we learn BP is abandonding its green transition plans, because shareholders are demanding the higher returns from fossil exploitation, compared with renewable energy.
Yes they were going broke, only 2.3% annual profit and would have gotten smaller had they disinvested in fossil fuels.
thegreatdivide wrote on Feb 27
th, 2025 at 11:39am:
Deplorable, just shows there's no place for private sector greed in a global climate emergency.
And another one. Where exactly is this climate emergency? Guterres - boiling oceans?

BTW - you didn't get back to us about record rains or floods, although records are made to be broken.