’s hairy-chested pose is the latest power play Quote: Leading Marine Le Pen by just five percentage points in the French presidential election, he needed to turn heads this Easter weekend, and rapidement. “Mes amis, what can I do to really get the people going?” he must have asked his staff on Saturday.
French President Emmanuel Macron has bared his hairy chest to entice younger voters to consider him for another term. But, does it really make a difference. Do people find chest hair on men to be attractive? Nevermind that body hair should have no bearing on what your policies have for the presidential campaign.
Having a reputation since high school as having a hairy chest, it was somewhat a bit of a nuisance to me to try and keep my body hair to a minimum. I realise that some women like it when I have chest hair. But, for much of the year, I feel like I am trapping warm air on my body.
This winter, I am growing my beard to complement the goatee, starting in May. For the next three weeks, I will let my moustache and chin hair grow as long as I want. Then I will let the beard grow for the next 2 or 3 months. Facial hair is sexy. Body hair is not. Body hair is great for when you want to keep warm during the winter. But, for 9 months of the year, I like to have as little body hair as possible.
My question is, does Macron have a good strategy going about his appearance?