FutureTheLeftWant wrote on May 25
th, 2022 at 9:18pm:
Sophia wrote on May 25
th, 2022 at 9:16pm:
I prepared and cut up veges (I couldn’t grow veges to save my life for some reason in hopeless at it

) so I bought Kent pumpkin today for $2.90 a kilo. I cut it up and out in individual bags I make airtight with that machine that sucks the air out and seals the bag.
I bought heaps of red capsicums when they were about $4 kg, cut them up and freeze them. They are now $15 kg.
I buy parsley, chop it up and freeze in little bags too.
I buy frozen berries and make creamy type ice cream with them in Thermomix.
Now… about potatoes… I bought this bag of nice potatoes today…that were marked down…I was at self check out (yes I’m preferring it of late so only I handle the stuff and my bags) plus I make sure I get the marked down price… well … back to this bag of potatoes …it wouldn’t scan… call supervisor it says… then it messages can’t be sold because it’s out of date (23 May) and I said to the young lass “but the potatoes are perfect… nothing wrong with them” she says because of date they can’t be sold. I just waved and said “oh well…whatever”.
How dam wasteful is that????
Food shortage huh ???
I’ve never had that happen to me before.
Maybe I shouldn’t have gone to self check out?
This happens to me constantly. In the supermarket early morning, see something 90% off. They won't sell it to me. I've shoplifted things out of the self scan because I know they'll just throw them away
IMO all food with a day or two left should just be given to charities to feed homeless people, not wasted like that because no one bought it for ten cents. Yes, I've bought 500g of lamb (not mince) for ten cents before.
I’m astounded!
This is a first for me.
I find that the best time to shop is about 9 pm when so many foods are marked down (not that I’m feeling much like it at night of late as it’s too cold)
I’m a bit of a sugar junkie! So Arnotts biscuits in Coles are half price! Chocolate teddy bears, Kingston, etc yum!
Love dunking a bikki in my cuppa.
And guests like being offered biscuits with a cuppa too!
Anyway… I’ve stocked up on bikkies.

Basically… I look at food shopping as an art form. I take my sweet time doing it… look at prices and how much per 100gm etc
Breakfast cereal and oats were half price today.
Tin chopped tomatoes on special (I like Polpa)
I didn’t have enough shop bags so I just plonked most of groceries back in shopping trolley and when I was at car, I had plenty boxes and shop bags there to repack into.
Then when I’m home I have to bring it all in the house and put away.
That’s a big exciting outing huh

Life as I know it. (For now)