Captain Caveman wrote on May 28
th, 2022 at 4:58am:
Baronvonrort wrote on May 28
th, 2022 at 12:17am:
greggerypeccary wrote on May 27
th, 2022 at 10:54am:
Lisa Jones wrote on May 27
th, 2022 at 9:57am:
I'd like Greggary to look at the attachment above. And to tell us all if he regards the advice (from Queensland Health) is logical and rational.
From their website:
"Masks must be worn at all times by both driver and passenger, unless the driver is alone in the vehicle."
Both logical
and rational.
It was on Queensland health Facebook page 9th Jan 2021 deflection what is the date on your link which isn't the link where this was posted?
Quote:Taxis and rideshares
Masks must be worn at all times by both driver and passenger, unless the driver is alone in the vehicle.
Last updated:4 May 2022
What did FD call you?
Quote:So the QLD government realised making people wear masks while alone in a car was BS? Imagine the outrage if a Liberal government tried pushing that BS.
Mask mandates were BS we have a clear example of this BS here.
I clearly remember this stupid ruling.
There were some really stupid people on power trips making up the stupidest rules.
One positive was that it made it easy to identify the stupid people.

Most normal people that still have the capacity to think for themselves rather than be brainwashed by idiots, just ignored the idiots.
Speaking of idiots - I remember last year while standing outside a coffee shop waiting for my order - fair enough, more fresh air outside anyways…
There were also a group of old folks who had their order and were standing around talking to each other while drinking their coffee….
Next thing this car pulls in, in front of us …
Then BANG!!!!!!
He shut the door on his POS car so hard the windows nearly break and everyone gets a scare…
The guy looks as cranky as a cut snake 🐍
Some of them nervously laugh then he goes into a tirade about … “the rules” .. and starts telling them not to hang around… “YOU’VE GOT YOUR COFFEE NOW PISS OFF!!”…
WOW 😮…..
Like these old folks built this country with their own sweat, blood and tears… they’ve lived through famine and sicknesses without any medical intervention and now this utter moron is spraying about “THE RULES”
WELL.. that was it for me… I told him to shut his hole and where he could put his “RULES”… and the coward walked off…
But i don’t blame him as much as i do the traitorous governments who initiated this sort of behaviour putting one part of society against another…
They need to be put up against a wall in shot IMO…
This is what Germany did to the Jews in WWII…. Put one side of the nation against the others ..
But have we learnt from history??
The same people “who said” that they were utterly disgusted of the treatment of the Jews are the same ones now who are treating one part of the population like they are second class citizens…
These people are your modern day Nazi’s…
And all they needed was a “tiny” bit of encouragement from the traitorous governments to bring out their inner leftwing Nazi…
Remember this people and remember who they are going forwards…