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Mask mandates didn't do anything (Read 19429 times)
Lisa Jones
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Re: Mask mandates didn't do anything
Reply #30 - Apr 21st, 2022 at 8:02am
Baronvonrort wrote on Apr 20th, 2022 at 9:13pm:
Lisa Jones wrote on Apr 20th, 2022 at 9:01pm:
Baronvonrort wrote on Apr 20th, 2022 at 8:46pm:
Lisa Jones wrote on Apr 20th, 2022 at 8:37pm:
Sir lastnail wrote on Apr 20th, 2022 at 8:31pm:
greggerypeccary wrote on Apr 20th, 2022 at 8:29pm:
Wear your mask, you little pussy.

And while you're at it get a job and a jab.

Idiot telling others to kill themselves !

Groggy is a dangerous type of idiot. He's a long term unhinged mentally unwell multi troll who hasn't worked because he's too unwell in the head. He's online across at least 4 forums day and night using dozens of ids which chat to each other/join up to flame others.

He's been like that since Yahoo. Back in 2003. So yeah ... he's coming up to 20 YEARS of total waste of lifespan.

Yes he has been frittering way his pathetic life posting nonsense on this and other forums.

The truth comes out and little pecca was wrong it's here for all to see.

You're not wrong there Baron.

The pathetic troll changes the thread title.

Even FD called greg a habitual liar

FD knows all about Groggy and his side kick Methra and their idea of troll job sharing.

Don't you worry about that. I've been busy informing more people over and above Freediver about these 2 online long term unemployed bludging predators.
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Jovial Monk
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Re: Mask mandates didn't do anything
Reply #31 - Apr 21st, 2022 at 9:53am
Lisa Jones wrote on Apr 21st, 2022 at 8:02am:
Baronvonrort wrote on Apr 20th, 2022 at 9:13pm:
Lisa Jones wrote on Apr 20th, 2022 at 9:01pm:
Baronvonrort wrote on Apr 20th, 2022 at 8:46pm:
Lisa Jones wrote on Apr 20th, 2022 at 8:37pm:
Sir lastnail wrote on Apr 20th, 2022 at 8:31pm:
greggerypeccary wrote on Apr 20th, 2022 at 8:29pm:
Wear your mask, you little pussy.

And while you're at it get a job and a jab.

Idiot telling others to kill themselves !

Groggy is a dangerous type of idiot. He's a long term unhinged mentally unwell multi troll who hasn't worked because he's too unwell in the head. He's online across at least 4 forums day and night using dozens of ids which chat to each other/join up to flame others.

He's been like that since Yahoo. Back in 2003. So yeah ... he's coming up to 20 YEARS of total waste of lifespan.

Yes he has been frittering way his pathetic life posting nonsense on this and other forums.

The truth comes out and little pecca was wrong it's here for all to see.

You're not wrong there Baron.

The pathetic troll changes the thread title.

Even FD called greg a habitual liar

FD knows all about Groggy and his side kick Methra and their idea of troll job sharing.

Don't you worry about that. I've been busy informing more people over and above Freediver about these 2 online long term unemployed bludging predators.

Oh the irony!
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Re: Mask mandates didn't do anything
Reply #32 - Apr 21st, 2022 at 11:57pm
Use of eye protection for healthcare workers

Coronavirus (COVID-19) update - 30 July 2021

What is the rationale and evidence for using eye protection?

The eyes, mouth, and nose all contain mucosal surfaces that are potential routes of acquisition of SARS-CoV-2 due to the presence of the ACE2 receptor1. Ocular (eye) transmission is a potential route of occupational acquisition for healthcare and other frontline workers2. Eye protection has been associated with a lower risk of infection and provides a physical barrier to the deposition of virus containing particles3.

The rationale for eye protection is4:

• It protects the mucous membranes of the eyes from potential contamination with particles and body fluids that may contain the coronavirus (COVID-19)5, 6.

• It prevents people from touching their eyes and face to avoid infection acquisition6, 7.

• It is part of a full suite of PPE and may reduce the risk of being furloughed from work should you have close contact with a patient later diagnosed with coronavirus (COVID-19)8.

When is eye protection recommended?

In the context of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, protective eyewear must be used (in addition to other required PPE) by healthcare workers who are providing direct care or working within the patient/client/resident zone with individuals with confirmed, or suspected COVID-19. This incorporates both low-risk and high-risk suspected cases and includes those (at-risk) with epidemiological risk factors who either do or do not have symptoms consistent with COVID-19.

What are the appropriate eye protection options?

Eye protection options include face shields, goggles and safety glasses.

Goggles and safety glasses:

Closely fitted wrap-around goggles or safety glasses that meet Australian Standards (AS/NZS 1337.1:2010) when worn correctly protect the wearer from direct, droplet and aerosol transmission. Usual prescription glasses contact lenses or safety glasses that are not wrap-around do not provide adequate protection and are therefore not recommended.

Face shields:

Single-use or reusable face shields are an alternative to goggles or safety glasses. A large study outlining the addition of face shields to PPE in India showed a dramatic reduction in infection acquisition by healthcare workers9. Face shields are particularly useful for splashes and sprays of blood or body fluids, depending on the type of work performed. Face shields should extend below the chin anteriorly, to the ears laterally, and there should be no exposed gap between the forehead and the shield’s headpiece. All face shields should provide a clear plastic barrier that covers the face. Face shields which have a gap between the forehead and the headpiece are unsuitable for use in the operating theatre, birthing suite, or when certain aerosol-generating procedures are performed on coronavirus (COVID-19) cases (unless additional eye protection is worn under the face shield).

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Re: Mask mandates didn't do anything
Reply #33 - Apr 22nd, 2022 at 12:13am
Covid is Aerosol you can catch it through your eyes which is why all Covid front line health professionals wear eye protection.

The judge was right in throwing out Bidens mask mandate there was no scientific evidence to justify it. Politicians do these things to give the appearance they're doing something and the gullible fools who get their information from Lisa Wilkinson and other journalists should do their own research and stop trying to silence the real experts.

It appears all those Karens who opposed wearing masks were right yet they were villified by gullible fools.

Parts of Germany made N95 masks mandatory the evidence shows even N95 masks made no difference.

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Re: Mask mandates didn't do anything
Reply #34 - Apr 22nd, 2022 at 8:29pm
Baronvonrort wrote on Apr 20th, 2022 at 8:28pm:

Is there an ante-vaxxer conspiracy theorist mailing list you go on to have these things sent out - and who does the original artwork ?

But, SERIOUSLY, why do conspiracy theorists think that believers in science would be fooled by these amateur mash-ups ?

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Re: Mask mandates didn't do anything
Reply #35 - Apr 22nd, 2022 at 9:06pm
buzzanddidj wrote on Apr 22nd, 2022 at 8:29pm:
But, SERIOUSLY, why do conspiracy theorists think that believers in science would be fooled by these amateur mash-ups ?

People like you believe in pseudoscience and brand anyone who disagrees with your idiocy a conspiracy theorist.

It's people like you who are the real Karens forcing your mask mandate bullshit on everyone despite the fact there is no evidence it does anything.

It has been known for decades that face masks don’t work against respiratory virus epidemics.

Many health authorities have relied on the obsolete ‘droplet model’ of virus transmission. If this model were correct, face masks would indeed work. But in reality, respiratory droplets – which by definition cannot be inhaled play no role in virus transmission.

Lancet article here you could read it i doubt you would comprehend it you're too stupid. Ten scientific reasons in support of airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2

Hitoshi Oshitani a virologist and infectious disease specialist from Japan was the first to consider aerosol transmission with covid on the Diamond Princess cruise ship. Passengers were isolated in their cabins with no outside contact food was delivered by people wearing masks yet infections increased at a massive rate.

Masks don't work with aerosols the aerosols escape around the edges and through mask when breathing in and out. A Dr demonstrates how useless they are here starting around 1 min.

There has been a prolonged misinformation campaign about masks which has resulted in idiots like you believing this bullshit. Take a look at how long it took the WHO and CDC to admit aerosol transmission happens with most Covid cases.

Idiots like you and Sad Skip don't understand the difference between droplets which cannot be inhaled therefore masks don't do anything for droplet transmission and Aerosols which need a respirator for protection therefore masks are also useless with Aerosols

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John Smith
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Re: Mask mandates didn't do anything
Reply #36 - Apr 22nd, 2022 at 9:17pm
Baronvonrort wrote on Apr 22nd, 2022 at 9:06pm:
Masks don't work with aerosols the aerosols escape around the edges and through mask when breathing in and out. A Dr demonstrates how useless they are here starting around 1 min.

only morons are claiming that masks are some sort of panacea against covid. No expert has seriously claimed that they stop the spread completely.

The masks are just another way to REDUCE the spread. Sure some of the virus may still escape, but the less that escapes, the better your chances of not contracting it. The attached JPEG is for simpletons struggling to understand the basics.

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why_wear_masks.JPG (62 KB | 6 )

Our esteemed leader:
I hope that bitch who was running their brothels for them gets raped with a cactus.
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Re: Mask mandates didn't do anything
Reply #37 - Apr 22nd, 2022 at 9:26pm
John Smith wrote on Apr 22nd, 2022 at 9:17pm:
Baronvonrort wrote on Apr 22nd, 2022 at 9:06pm:
Masks don't work with aerosols the aerosols escape around the edges and through mask when breathing in and out. A Dr demonstrates how useless they are here starting around 1 min.

only morons are claiming that masks are some sort of panacea against covid. No expert has seriously claimed that they stop the spread completely.

The masks are just another way to REDUCE the spread. Sure some of the virus may still escape

Masks don't do anything Sad Skip and others who claim it spreads by droplets show their ignorance in the fact it's accepted droplets cannot be inhaled.

Around 1 minute a vape is used to show a comparison of how ineffective all masks are. The Aerosols in the Vape are larger than Covid aerosols.

Masks don't look like they do anything with Aerosols.

Even the CDC couldn't produce evidence masks work when a Judge threw out Bidens mask mandate.
Grin Grin Grin Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Grin Grin Grin
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John Smith
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Re: Mask mandates didn't do anything
Reply #38 - Apr 22nd, 2022 at 9:30pm
Baronvonrort wrote on Apr 22nd, 2022 at 9:26pm:
Masks don't do anything Sad Skip and others who claim it spreads by droplets show their ignorance in the fact it's accepted droplets cannot be inhaled.

cannot be inhaled? I don't know.

But then again, they don't need to. If I cough and get droplets on the elevator buttons at the local shopping centre, and you then push those buttons and shortly after then use those hands to eat your food,  do we still need to inhale the droplets? Or could you have been infected without inhaling them?
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Our esteemed leader:
I hope that bitch who was running their brothels for them gets raped with a cactus.
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Re: Mask mandates didn't do anything
Reply #39 - Apr 22nd, 2022 at 9:49pm
John Smith wrote on Apr 22nd, 2022 at 9:30pm:
Baronvonrort wrote on Apr 22nd, 2022 at 9:26pm:
Masks don't do anything Sad Skip and others who claim it spreads by droplets show their ignorance in the fact it's accepted droplets cannot be inhaled.

cannot be inhaled? I don't know.

But then again, they don't need to. If I cough and get droplets on the elevator buttons at the local shopping centre, and you then push those buttons and shortly after then use those hands to eat your food,  do we still need to inhale the droplets? Or could you have been infected without inhaling them?

Droplets cannot be inhaled this is an accepted fact they fall to the ground within 1m.

How is a mask going to protect you from fomites when they're not inhaled?

The aerosols will escape from around mask and eventually settle on surfaces in elevator so another example of masks being useless

There are studies that show greater than 80% of infections are from aerosol transmission. Those indoor super spreader events are close to 100% aerosol transmission.

It was media whipping up hysteria which resulted in governments imposing these mask mandates to make it look like they were doing something and the gullible fools like you Buzz Sad Skip and others are too stupid to question any of it.

Look closely and compare droplet which they assumed was primary cause of transmission to aerosol which evidence shows is primary cause of transmission.

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Captain Caveman
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Re: Mask mandates didn't do anything
Reply #40 - Apr 22nd, 2022 at 9:53pm
No, they certainly didn't.
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Re: Mask mandates didn't do anything
Reply #41 - Apr 22nd, 2022 at 10:28pm
Baronvonrort wrote on Apr 22nd, 2022 at 9:49pm:
John Smith wrote on Apr 22nd, 2022 at 9:30pm:
Baronvonrort wrote on Apr 22nd, 2022 at 9:26pm:
Masks don't do anything Sad Skip and others who claim it spreads by droplets show their ignorance in the fact it's accepted droplets cannot be inhaled.

cannot be inhaled? I don't know.

But then again, they don't need to. If I cough and get droplets on the elevator buttons at the local shopping centre, and you then push those buttons and shortly after then use those hands to eat your food,  do we still need to inhale the droplets? Or could you have been infected without inhaling them?

Droplets cannot be inhaled this is an accepted fact they fall to the ground within 1m.

How is a mask going to protect you from fomites when they're not inhaled?

The aerosols will escape from around mask and eventually settle on surfaces in elevator so another example of masks being useless

There are studies that show greater than 80% of infections are from aerosol transmission. Those indoor super spreader events are close to 100% aerosol transmission.

It was media whipping up hysteria which resulted in governments imposing these mask mandates to make it look like they were doing something and the gullible fools like you Buzz Sad Skip and others are too stupid to question any of it.

Look closely and compare droplet which they assumed was primary cause of transmission to aerosol which evidence shows is primary cause of transmission.

Hi Baron, in your post, there are a few fatal flaws.

1. You are assuming that as soon as viral particles being expelled from human respiratory tract, its final form remain the same.   But the reality is alot more complex.  Depending on the humidity, smaller droplets after expulsion, can split, its water content can evaporate quickly, and becoming air born.  However, if there is a mask barrier initially, it can be stopped.  Not all droplets are made of same size and shape, and falls in the same way.  We live in a world of chaos.

2.Some models of the transport and viability of airborne viruses have assumed that the carrier liquid can be modelled as water This is an oversimplification that ignores the complex composition of respiratory fluid. For example, a 60 µm droplet has a volume of approximately 0.1 nl and would contain approximately 1 virion if the virus concentration in the bulk liquid were 107 ml−1, if the bulk concentration also applied to the droplet. Assuming a simplified model of respiratory fluid composition, the droplet would contain approximately 1 ng of salt, approximately 1 ng of total protein and approximately 0.06 ng of surfactant. The mass of each component is at least five orders of magnitude larger than the mass of the virion. These components form the virion's microenvironment and should not be disregarded.

3. While the physical properties of respiratory droplets in ambient air have dominated discussion of airborne transmission, the chemical properties of the droplets have often been neglected. The chemical microenvironment immediately surrounding virions in droplets and aerosols is likely to be an important determinant of their stability.

4. After a droplet falls onto the ground or.a surface.  Depending on the immediate environment, the virions and its surrounding respiratory fluids can potentially take a long time to evaporate and break down as well.  The next person then come across droplet, would be able to transfer onto their hands, and into to their respiratory tract.   And thereby spreading the infection.   Remember, COVID 19 can be transmitted by BOTH aerosol AND droplet. 
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« Last Edit: Apr 22nd, 2022 at 10:36pm by tickleandrose »  
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Re: Mask mandates didn't do anything
Reply #42 - Apr 22nd, 2022 at 11:05pm
tickleandrose wrote on Apr 22nd, 2022 at 10:28pm:
Hi Baron, in your post, there are a few fatal flaws.

1. You are assuming that as soon as viral particles being expelled from human respiratory tract, its final form remain the same.   But the reality is alot more complex.  Depending on the humidity, smaller droplets after expulsion, can split, its water content can evaporate quickly, and becoming air born.  However, if there is a mask barrier initially, it can be stopped.  Not all droplets are made of same size and shape, and falls in the same way.  We live in a world of chaos.

2.Some models of the transport and viability of airborne viruses have assumed that the carrier liquid can be modelled as water This is an oversimplification that ignores the complex composition of respiratory fluid. For example, a 60 µm droplet has a volume of approximately 0.1 nl and would contain approximately 1 virion if the virus concentration in the bulk liquid were 107 ml−1, if the bulk concentration also applied to the droplet. Assuming a simplified model of respiratory fluid composition, the droplet would contain approximately 1 ng of salt, approximately 1 ng of total protein and approximately 0.06 ng of surfactant. The mass of each component is at least five orders of magnitude larger than the mass of the virion. These components form the virion's microenvironment and should not be disregarded.

3. While the physical properties of respiratory droplets in ambient air have dominated discussion of airborne transmission, the chemical properties of the droplets have often been neglected. The chemical microenvironment immediately surrounding virions in droplets and aerosols is likely to be an important determinant of their stability.

4. After a droplet falls onto the ground or.a surface.  Depending on the immediate environment, the virions and its surrounding respiratory fluids can potentially take a long time to evaporate and break down as well.  The next person then come across droplet, would be able to transfer onto their hands, and into to their respiratory tract.   And thereby spreading the infection.   Remember, COVID 19 can be transmitted by BOTH aerosol AND droplet. 

The fatal flaw in your post is persisting with droplet transmission when it has been accepted that Aerosol is the greatest form of transmission.

Droplets cannot be inhaled therfore masks offer no protection with droplets. You need a respirator for Aerosol protection which means anything less is useless then you have the issue of contracting Covid through the membranes in your eyes which i linked a post to.

This whole mask mandate thing came about because of Political Science combined with Pseudoscience to fool the gullible.

PETER HITCHENS: Face masks turn us into voiceless submissives - and it’s not science forcing us to wear them, it’s politics

19 July 2020

Britain’s muzzle consumption is now so high that six months from now there will be reports of dolphins and whales floundering about in an ocean made sticky by millions of gallons of hand-sanitiser, as they choke on congealed clumps of used muzzles.

On July 12, Deborah Cohen, the medical correspondent of BBC2’s Newsnight, revealed an astonishing thing. The World Health Organisation (WHO) had reversed its advice on face masks, from ‘don’t wear them’ to ‘do wear them’.

But the key fact was that it had not done so because of scientific information – the evidence had not backed the wearing of face coverings – but because of political lobbying.

She revealed on Twitter that: ‘We had been told by various sources [that the] WHO committee reviewing the evidence
had not backed masks but they recommended them due to political lobbying.
’ She said the BBC had then put this to the WHO, which did not deny it.

In March, the WHO had said: ‘There is currently no evidence that wearing a mask (whether medical or other types) by healthy persons in the wider community setting, including universal community masking, can protect them from infection with respiratory viruses, including Covid-19.’

The American TV news channel CNN reported on March 31 that Mike Ryan, executive director of the WHO health emergencies programme, had said at a briefing in Geneva: ‘There is no specific evidence to suggest that the wearing of masks by the mass population has any potential benefit.

‘In fact, there’s some evidence to suggest the opposite in the misuse of wearing a mask properly or fitting it properly.’

Earlier that same month, England’s chief medical officer, Chris Whitty, had said that wearing face masks would do little to combat the outbreak.

At about the same time, Dr Jenny Harries, a Deputy Chief Medical Officer, warned that people could be putting themselves more at risk from contracting Covid by wearing muzzles. She said masks could ‘actually trap the virus’, and cause the person wearing it to breathe it in

On April 3, the other Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Professor Jonathan Van-Tam, said he did not believe healthy people wearing them would reduce the spread of the disease in the UK

The truth is that the muzzle policy is all about power and fear.

The WHO backflipped on masks because of political lobbying it had nothing to do with science.
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Re: Mask mandates didn't do anything
Reply #43 - Apr 22nd, 2022 at 11:15pm
The WHO released a study on masks in 2019 for influenza pandemic. The study showed they didn't work.

public health measures
for mitigating the risk and
impact of epidemic and
pandemic influenza

World Health Organization 2019

1.3. Face masks   Page 21

Look at what WHO said about masks in 2019 take note of words on page 24 like No significant reduction in ILI in mask and hand group or mask-only group or control,No significant reduction in rate,No significant difference, but results were not statistically significant,No significant difference in rate of laboratory-
confirmed influenza in control, mask, mask or
hand group
with every study.

The WHO knew in 2019 masks do zero zip zilch.

If people actually followed the science they would realise we were conned by our governments with these mask mandates.

Those who objected to wearing masks were right they were villified by the Karens who inisisted people wear them despite no scientific justification for them
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Re: Mask mandates didn't do anything
Reply #44 - Apr 22nd, 2022 at 11:23pm
Mask mandates are mostly finished in Oz and so are the cruelty measures inflicted on those that chose not to inject the poisonous jabs.
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