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Mask mandates didn't do anything (Read 19961 times)
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Re: Mask mandates didn't do anything
Reply #75 - Apr 25th, 2022 at 11:32pm
buzzanddidj wrote on Apr 25th, 2022 at 5:52pm:
Baronvonrort wrote on Apr 25th, 2022 at 11:38am:
buzzanddidj wrote on Apr 24th, 2022 at 4:20pm:
Baronvonrort wrote on Apr 20th, 2022 at 8:28pm:
I have pointed out masks don't really do anything the Kung Flu is aerosol transmission not droplet. Of course a few idiots insisted on arguing in favour of masks.

April 18, 2022
Wearing a mask may still give some people a sense of security, but they could breathe more easily if they’d face the facts.

You don't have to follow a very long paper trail to establish where the mask "expert" is coming from

John Tierney
is from right-wing think tank -
The Manhattan Institute for Public Policy
- who oppose pretty much all and every strategy to fight the pandemic

In this country such
would be written by such a
politically aligned DICK
Andrew Bolt

I see you left out the part with a judge throwing out Bidens mask mandate because the CDC couldn't provide any evidence they work.

No surprises THERE !

The judge in question was directly appointed by - you guessed it - one
Donald Chump

The ruling is currently being appealed by the
Biden Administration

Thank Christ we don't have political appointments to the judiciary in Australia


No surprises here buzz first tried to shoot the messenger then when that didn't work he blames the judge while ignoring the fact the CDC couldn't provide any evidence masks work. This is what the intellectually bankrupt do when they can't refute the truth.

I wonder why the media never reported the fact the CDC couldn't provide any evidence mask work is it because it would show the media were bullshitting about masks for 2 years?  Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

The CDC bullshitters can bullshit to the media for some reason they don't bullshit under oath before a judge.

Martin Kulldorff
Epidemiologist. Biostatistician. Infectious disease outbreaks. Vaccine safety. Free SaTScan/TreeScan/RSequential software. Former Harvard Professor of Medicine.

CDC scientists had two+ years to study masks, unable to provide scientific evidence they work.

Next Buzz will try to discredit Mr Kulldorf who has been 100% right about Covid since day 1. He is one of the authors of the GBD who said we should focus protection on the elderly who are the most vulnerable.
Case fatality rate
The graph below shows that while the CFR for those aged under 60 years is 0.1%, the CFR for males aged over 90 years is over 50%. 99.9% survival rate for those under 60

COVID-19 Mortality
The median age for those who died from COVID-19 was 86.9 years (85.2 years for males, 88.4 years for females)

On average, deaths due to COVID-19 had 2.5 other diseases and conditions certified alongside the virus.

Fauci said he didn't know how to focus protection on the elderly and called Mr Kulldorf and his fellow scientists fringe epidemiologists. History shows Fauci was wrong and the GBD were 100% correct with everything

Kary Mullis won a Nobel prize for inventing the PCR test we use with Covid he nailed it with Fauci along with his comment on people like Buzz who don't know how to recognise good science.

The CDC and Fauci have lied about masks, how many times did Fauci backflip on masks?

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Re: Mask mandates didn't do anything
Reply #76 - Apr 26th, 2022 at 1:29pm
Baron, when you sneeze or cough, do you cover your mouth nearly all the time? And when you do, do you cover your mouth to prevent the spread of a disease you have?
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Re: Mask mandates didn't do anything
Reply #77 - Apr 27th, 2022 at 10:14pm
UnSubRocky wrote on Apr 26th, 2022 at 1:29pm:
Baron, when you sneeze or cough, do you cover your mouth nearly all the time? And when you do, do you cover your mouth to prevent the spread of a disease you have?

This virus is aerosol it's airborne when infected people exhale they're spreading this virus which floats in the air for hours. What part of that do you fail to understand?

As this video shows masks do SFA with aerosols.

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Re: Mask mandates didn't do anything
Reply #78 - Apr 27th, 2022 at 10:30pm
How Brisbane Independent School prevented outbreaks of COVID-19, despite Omicron wave

A small primary school in Brisbane's west has done what many others have been unable to achieve during COVID-19's Omicron wave in Queensland: remain outbreak-free.

And it's all a result of a group of dads at the Brisbane Independent School in Pullenvale getting together with the principal and using science and engineering knowledge to prevent SARS-CoV-2 — the virus that causes COVID-19 — spreading through classrooms.

George Roff, a Brisbane scientist who specialises in marine ecology, said the working group — including an engineer and a medical specialist — started discussing ways of stemming the spread of COVID-19 through the 71-student school in December, after Queensland's interstate borders reopened.

Using a smoke machine, they studied airflow patterns in the school's five classrooms and administration areas.

Carbon dioxide meters were also used to identify low-ventilation areas or "dead spots".

They then purchased air purifiers — known as high-efficiency particulate absorbing (HEPA) filters — to mitigate the risk from SARS-CoV-2 particles that might be circulating in classrooms and other indoor areas of the school.

A group of parents spent the weekend with a smoke machine setting up classrooms - adjusting airflow with fans and positioning the units in each classroom. The outcome? It WORKS. A *massive* increase in air-flow with
extracted through open doors and windows

Although one teacher and up to two students in most, but not all classes, have had COVID-19 during Queensland's rampant Omicron wave, no in-school transmission has been identified.

"Our goal in creating clean-air classrooms at the school was to minimise this risk of transmission within the community," Dr Roff said.

Medical specialist Jay Mueller, who was part of the working group, said he was concerned about the lack of guidance about how to make schools safe from COVID-19 transmission.

"There is no scenario in which it becomes less transmissible.

"The only scenario is that we provide environments where the virus can't transmit and that's using basic principles of public health and physics to make that not possible.

Brisbane Independent School principal Lachlyn Bowie said she was grateful for the expertise of the working group in approaching the issue of COVID-19 mitigation scientifically.

"At the end of the day, this is about health and safety," Mrs Bowie said.

"We're trying to protect our students and staff.

"Considering the number of cases that are happening in other schools, where there's a lot of cases in every single classroom, that's certainly not our experience."

QUT air-quality expert Lidia Morawska said she was impressed by the working group's innovation and methodology.

"It's prevented their children from being infected and demonstrated to the whole of Queensland, and beyond, how important it is," Professor Morawska said.

"Air quality, and what's in the air, is important not only because of infection transmission but because we need clean air in classrooms so our kids' breathe clean air."

Queensland Health data shows that, in the seven days from March 23 to 29, as many as 19,615 school-aged children tested positive for COVID-19.

Independent Education Union Queensland and Northern Territory branch secretary Terry Burke said schools had been under significant pressure this term due to COVID-related staff shortages and student absences.

"There are some schools where a third of the staff have had to be away, as have been a third of students," Mr Burke said.
"Unsurprisingly, a number of schools have brought back masks as a requirement to try to contain the outbreaks."

Since covid is spread by aerosols then ventilation of indoor areas is critical.

NSW health said there were no cases from outdoor transmission.

The problem is people beieve misinformation from the media with this virus being spread by droplets.

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Captain Caveman
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Re: Mask mandates didn't do anything
Reply #79 - Apr 27th, 2022 at 10:42pm
Mask mandates allowed the cops to bash whoever they felt like bashing.  Grin
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Re: Mask mandates didn't do anything
Reply #80 - Apr 27th, 2022 at 11:15pm
Therapy session for maskaholics


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Leftists and the Ayatollahs have a lot in common when it comes to criticism of Islam, they don't tolerate it.
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Eganstown, via Daylesford, VIC
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Re: Mask mandates didn't do anything
Reply #81 - May 4th, 2022 at 7:36pm
Baronvonrort wrote on Apr 25th, 2022 at 11:32pm:
I wonder why the media never reported the fact the CDC couldn't provide any evidence mask work

Surely YOU'D be aware, that
Big Newspaper
are in cahoots with
Big Mask

Now I'm pretty sure the
, the
Bilderberg Group
and the
had some involvement and influence, as well - but I'd need to confirm this with
Sir Screw Loose

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Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.'

- Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
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Re: Mask mandates didn't do anything
Reply #82 - May 10th, 2022 at 12:59pm

Covid vaccines are not like smallpox or polio vaccines, which prevent both infection and transmission. They do not protect other people. They can, for a limited period, prevent serious symptoms, but not infection or transmission of the virus. The only beneficiary is the vaccinated person.

That is equally true in health care environments. The notion that the seriously ill or immunocompromised are safer because of a vaccine mandate assumes that the unvaccinated are a source of infection while the vaccinated are not. Health professionals, of all people, ought to know better.

It is similar with mask mandates. Obliging people to wear masks on public transport and in health facilities, for example, does not protect others. Cloth masks have been described as useless by both America’s CDC and Dr Colin Axon, adviser to the UK government’s advisory group, Sage.

‘The public were demanding something must be done, they got masks, it is just a comfort blanket,’ Axon said. ‘All around the world you can look at mask mandates and superimpose on infection rates, you cannot see that mask mandates made any effect whatsoever.’

There is a simple explanation for this –the gaps between the fibres in the masks are thousands of times bigger than the virus. Unless the virus is carried in large droplets it won’t be blocked.

During the Sars pandemic of 2003, caused by a coronavirus closely related to Covid, health authorities warned against claiming masks were an effective protection against the virus. NSW Fair Trading Minister Reba Meagher even warned traders that they would face fines of up to $100,000 if suggesting masks offered substantial protection from the disease.

Professor Cossart of the Infectious Diseases Department at University of Sydney stated, ‘Those masks are only effective so long as they are dry. As soon as they become saturated with the moisture in your breath they stop doing their job and pass on the droplets.’ This could take as little as 15 or 20 minutes, she said, after which the mask would need to be changed.

The obvious question is, why was NSW sensible about masks in 2003, but is not now?

The answer is troubling. This pandemic has been characterised by inept public health governance, cowardly political meandering, and an irresponsible, headline-hungry media. Having been fed a diet of doom, otherwise intelligent members of the community have clung to vaccines and masks out of an inability to apply critical cognitive examination.

The country deserves better from our leaders, health bureaucrats and the media. But as anyone who understands government and governance knows, that’s a forlorn hope. A mechanism is required to ensure critical thinking is always applied.

One such mechanism would be to routinely, without exception, release all health advice to scrutiny. Whether it is recommending curfews, movement restrictions, school closures, or avoiding pizza boxes and footballs, having the advice publicly available would expose it to challenge and scrutiny. At times, the advice would be supported, and perhaps even enhanced; at others, it would be ridiculed for lacking scientific rigour.

As we have seen, with very rare exception, all the health advice has remained secret and, inevitably, fostered an environment of media exaggeration, bureaucratic hubris, and political cowardice. The result is a legacy of pointless and petty restrictions, with people arbitrarily excluded from society, education and justice, leading to an inability for some to put food on the table and the entrenchment of distrust in the medical profession, governance and public health.

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Estragon: I can’t go on like this.
Vladimir: That’s what you think.
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Eganstown, via Daylesford, VIC
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Re: Mask mandates didn't do anything
Reply #83 - May 10th, 2022 at 2:54pm
Frank wrote on May 10th, 2022 at 12:59pm:
The only beneficiary is the vaccinated person.

I'VE got no problem with that !

We know
The Spectator
as the place journalists end up when they're deemed too far right to join
SKYTV news

I've never understood why everything from
climate change, emissions and sustainable energy
- to
COVID19, vaccines and face masks
- need to be
issues ?

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'I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians.
Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.'

- Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
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Eganstown, via Daylesford, VIC
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Re: Mask mandates didn't do anything
Reply #84 - May 10th, 2022 at 3:36pm
Sprintcyclist wrote on Apr 20th, 2022 at 11:51pm:
Dnarever wrote on Apr 20th, 2022 at 10:08pm:
Mask mandates didn't do anything

Yet the countries quickest to isolate distance and mask had a lot lower death rates.

In the USA the places that didn't effectively mask and distance and the places that mostly masked too late or had significant problems when masks were not available all suffered a lot more.

In the USA where Masks were not available early enough and not used in a number of states it may be a little true to say that they were ineffective.

A case of too little too late and consistently undermined by politics and the stupid. In the USA there were way too many factors operating to undermine covid mitigation. 

In general across the planet Masks, distancing  isolation etc all worked very well.

Very much so.

Australia - deaths per 1M of popn = 263
Sweden - deaths per 1M of popn = 1819

"The Proof of the Pudding, is in the Eating"
- they say

Seasonal influenza was almost nonexistent for the last couple of years,
as COVID19 cases were in a slow decline

Let's all DITCH the MASKS !

Seasonal influenza is

... and
COVID19 deaths
are now breaking record numbers


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'I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians.
Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.'

- Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
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Re: Mask mandates didn't do anything
Reply #85 - May 10th, 2022 at 3:50pm
A co-worker would wear her face mask even months after the mask mandates were finished. Her reasoning was that she did not want her immune-compromised mother to catch the virus. A few weeks back, she catches the virus and much of her family had to go into isolation for a week.

Even the most cautious of us will catch the covid virus. I think I have already had it.
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Re: Mask mandates didn't do anything
Reply #86 - May 11th, 2022 at 10:06am
buzzanddidj wrote on May 10th, 2022 at 2:54pm:
Frank wrote on May 10th, 2022 at 12:59pm:
The only beneficiary is the vaccinated person.

I'VE got no problem with that !

We know
The Spectator
as the place journalists end up when they're deemed too far right to join
SKYTV news

Well, I can see you have never picked up a copy of it ]

I've never understood why everything from
climate change, emissions and sustainable energy
- to
COVID19, vaccines and face masks
- need to be
issues ?

I think it is because for pwogwessives everything is political. The personal is political. Agitating for change is political activism. And pwogwessives label anyone who doesn't agree with them ' far right'. For pwogwessives, "you are either with us or you are far right".

But if you ask a progressive the question, "when and how will we know that we have arrived to the goal you are progressing towards", they look at you blankly and then call you far right. But they do not know what it is they want to achieve and how.

At least a conservative knows what he wants to conserve and why.

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Estragon: I can’t go on like this.
Vladimir: That’s what you think.
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Lisa Jones
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Re: Mask mandates didn't do anything
Reply #87 - May 11th, 2022 at 10:22am
Frank wrote on May 11th, 2022 at 10:06am:
buzzanddidj wrote on May 10th, 2022 at 2:54pm:
Frank wrote on May 10th, 2022 at 12:59pm:
The only beneficiary is the vaccinated person.

I'VE got no problem with that !

We know
The Spectator
as the place journalists end up when they're deemed too far right to join
SKYTV news

Well, I can see you have never picked up a copy of it ]

I've never understood why everything from
climate change, emissions and sustainable energy
- to
COVID19, vaccines and face masks
- need to be
issues ?

I think it is because for pwogwessives everything is political. The personal is political. Agitating for change is political activism. And pwogwessives label anyone who doesn't agree with them ' far right'. For pwogwessives, "you are either with us or you are far right".

But if you ask a progressive the question, "when and how will we know that we have arrived to the goal you are progressing towards", they look at you blankly and then call you far right. But they do not know what it is they want to achieve and how.

At least a conservative knows what he wants to conserve and why.

I'm a TRANSVACCINATED Conservative.

I'm a Conservative who identifies as having been vaccinated.

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If I let myself be bought then I am no longer free.

HYPATIA - Greek philosopher, mathematician and astronomer (370 - 415)
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Australian Politics

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Re: Mask mandates didn't do anything
Reply #88 - May 11th, 2022 at 10:48pm
Just like a mask your underwear might stop droplets yet totally useless with Aerosols.

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Leftists and the Ayatollahs have a lot in common when it comes to criticism of Islam, they don't tolerate it.
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Crocodile Hunter: Origins

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Re: Mask mandates didn't do anything
Reply #89 - May 11th, 2022 at 10:57pm
If you walked around bare-arsed and farted, it is more likely that your fart would reach the nostrils of people nearby as intensely as if you were walking around with underwear and pants on. Visit a toilet 10 minutes after the last person has dropped a turd. See how odorous the room is, compared to someone who farted in the loungeroom a few minutes before they dropped that turd in the toilet.
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