Laugh till you cry wrote on Apr 27
th, 2022 at 2:08pm:
Spending represents at least 60% of the GDP of nations. Currently, spending is being inflated by the flow of free money.
The production of goods and services has declined during Covid and the enhanced spending from free money is hiding the truth. Hence the supply shortage. Plenty of money but a reduced supply of goods, and services.
In the free money era, GDP numbers of all nations are bogus.
Of course governments had no choice but to issue "free money", when they thought (at the beginning of the pandemic) they would have to lock-down their economies for a considerable period.
Turned out covid-19 was more of a nuisance than a killer.
A Pity.
A contagious and deadly virus would have forced governments to issue "free money" for such a long period of time (eg a couple of years or more) that even those people with the least knowledge of how money is created would have learnt that money is always created
out of nothing, whether in the private sector as at present, given that governments are forced to tax or borrow from the private sector, or in the public sector, as should be the case, given that the legal currency-issuer has the capacity (via treasury and CB) to issue
debt-free money.
See the MMT thread, post #131 (and links at the bottom of that post) , to learn more about modern money creation.