MeisterEckhart wrote on May 9
th, 2022 at 9:21pm:
Racists - As the Chinese people are encouraged to be today. Ask a non-Chinese who's travelled around China (particularly if they are brown-skinned or black).
Er ...racism is alive and well everywhere , it's a human failing (courtesy of the reptilian brain), especially among "the deplorables" on the Rabid Right in the West, dunno about China...I'll take your word for it.
Quote:Wait a couple more months when the death-rate starts to spiral in China to the degree that even the CCP can't cover it up. That's when you'll know what real delusion looks like. Nobody does delusion like the CCP.
Yes delusions are discovered by their unintended manifestations.
But re China, will "deaths spiral" because of the severe lock-downs causing starvation, or because of "letting it rip", as in the US with 1 million dead?
Meanwhile your delusions are egregious and catastrophic, but you have so little insight you are blind to it.
See Jeremy Griffith: "the human psychosis".