Lisa Jones wrote on Jun 7
th, 2022 at 11:29pm:
philperth2010 wrote on Jun 7
th, 2022 at 9:51pm:
I was posting in this topic last night when I was suddenly called away by a family member. That member is currently very sick with the flu (not Covid19 thank God).
What I found though made me breathe a sigh of relief. The article in the above link actually encouraged me. Why? As an Australian it's difficult for me to totally understand Americans and their mentality, way of life etc. I can't even begin to make sense of why every day people would want to own machine guns in the first place.
So I read the article and I do believe with all my heart that the recommendations for reform as put forward by this experienced US police officer are sensible and realistic. He has explained why the current state of play isn't working AND why it places the public AND the police in danger. The solution strategies he's outlined ought to be seriously considered. The question now is this : Will they be seriously considered? Or will they be placed in the "Too Difficult To Action" file instead. I'm hoping and praying for change.
There are a few things in that article i don't agree with nothing new CNN have been peddling fake news for years.
The North Hollywood shootout offenders used illegal full auto rifles. They fired thousands of rounds yet only wounded 11 police none were killed. You would think with all that ammo fired there would have been deaths.
As for the nonsense of AR15 bullets penetrating walls etc the .223 remington ammo is low powered for a rifle round all centrefire rifles can do that. Many handgun rounds can also go through walls just as easily and shotgun slugs punch much bigger holes in walls.
As for defeating body armour most armour doesn't protect against anything bigger than a .22lr, handgun or shotgun. Same with walls to say a .223 can do it we can add every hunting rifle can do it even easier. The bullet comes out of a .223 hunting rifle faster than AR15 because hunting rifles have longer barrel. The ar15 loses 150-200 feet per second velocity compared to a hunting rifle using the same ammo. The ar has 16 inch barrel hunting rifles are longer at 22-24 inches.
As for velocity being 3 times faster than 9mm handgun yes it's true it's also true no hanguns apart from a .357 or .44 magnum fire projectiles faster than the speed of sound due to them having a really short barrel. With a small round like .22lr handguns can't fire them faster than the spped of sound yet a rifle can. The 9mm handgun fires a much heavier projectile around 2-3 times heavier than .223 rem used in ar15.
As for this guy saying the police shouldn't be outgunned they're not that's BS.
the ar15 is over 50 years old people should be asking why are things like this happening now when they didn't happen in the 1970s-80s when these rifles were much easier to buy
Lets look at this school shooting where 18 year old went into equivalent of our primary school to shoot people people should be asking why that happens instead of blaming the gun.
FBI data shows pistols are the most common firearm used for murder. The Virginia Tech mass shooting was done with pistols. Fists and feet kill twice as many people compared to rifles which include the ar15 in the US.
We had no school shooting deaths before our 1996 gun laws and 3 deaths after at Monash and Latrobe universities. School shootings were never a problem here and our 1996 gun laws didn't stop them happening at Monash and Latrobe.