Lamer Things Season 4 currently steaming on Netsux where, by the way, for a mere $16/month you can watch crappy Seinfeld reruns.
The horrible acting, bad writing, editing and cinematography do it for me where once again we see the Scooby-Doo/Goonie Gang go on another "adventure" into gaping plot holes, insulting stereotypes, and pointless nostalgia.
I did like the monster who looks like a cross between the Swamp Thing and Keith Richards and talks like Tom Waits: "Maaaaaax, why are you trying to out method acting me, Maaaaax?"
My fav part was when they were in Utah (really Georgia) mocking the Moomies who pretty much own that god damn state. Chubby-thighed tartan-sporting "Suzie" and her mythological computer that saves the world, other 80's trope memes? No question, that was cool.
I like big butts and I can not lie. You other brothers can't deny