greggerypeccary wrote on Jul 18
th, 2022 at 11:48am:
John Smith wrote on Jul 18
th, 2022 at 11:23am:
greggerypeccary wrote on Jul 18
th, 2022 at 11:03am:
For that reason, it would be much better for America (and indeed the world) if Trimp wins the nomination.
if trump wins nomination the democrats will win the election
good result all around
But it could lead to the civil war the Republicans so desperately want.
They won't accept the results if the Dems win, and the aftermath of that will make Jan. 6 look like a church picnic.
Er... Jan 6 WAS like a church picnic with perhaps a touch too much mulled wine.
Certainly nothing like the vicious and destructive BLM riots over the previous 6 months. Nothing more rowdy than the trade union picnics at parliament house in 96 or the trades hall in Melbourne or the Aboriginal riots around Old Parliament House.
Oh? Which vicious and destwuctive BLM wiot would that be, dear boy? Here's a link to the stats. It says - ahem - this:
The vast majority of demonstration events associated with the BLM movement are non-violent (see map below). In more than 93% of all demonstrations connected to the movement, demonstrators have not engaged in violence or destructive activity. Peaceful protests are reported in over 2,400 distinct locations around the country. Violent demonstrations,6 meanwhile, have been limited to fewer than 220 locations — under 10% of the areas that experienced peaceful protests. In many urban areas like Portland, Oregon, for example, which has seen sustained unrest since Floyd’s killing, violent demonstrations are largely confined to specific blocks, rather than dispersed throughout the city (CNN, 1 September 2020).
Despite the media focus on looting and vandalism, however, there is little evidence to suggest that demonstrators have engaged in widespread violence. In some cases where demonstrations did turn violent, there are reports of agents provocateurs — or infiltrators — instigating the violence. During a demonstration on 27 May in Minneapolis, for example, a man with an umbrella — dubbed the ‘umbrella man’ by the media and later identified as a member of the Hells Angels linked to the Aryan Cowboys, a white supremacist prison and street gang — was seen smashing store windows (Forbes, 30 May 2020; KSTP, 28 July 2020). It was one of the first reports of destructive activity that day, and it “created an atmosphere of hostility and tension” that helped spark an outbreak of looting following initially peaceful protests, according to police investigators, who believe the man “wanted to sow discord and racial unrest” (New York Times, 28 July 2020). In another example on 29 May in Detroit, a number of non-residents reportedly traveled to the city to engage in violent behavior during a demonstration, leading to multiple arrests (MLive, 2 June 2020).
I'm not counting any church picnics in the Capitol. I'm not seeing an erected American prez inviting an armed mob to storm a sitting Congress. I'm not hearing of any vicious BLM riots killing 5 people, disabling cops with cattle prods and threatening to lynch the VP, with said-erected prez saying that might not be such a bad idea.
But that's just me.