Lisa Jones wrote on May 15
th, 2023 at 10:36pm:
Dnarever wrote on May 15
th, 2023 at 7:19pm:
Quote:The truth about trans people
Now over 4000 post and still found none I see.
The truth is this :
Irrespective of what you, I or anyone else wishes to identify as....the sex/gender we were assigned at birth IS our actual identity.
In criminal or archeological investigations where unidentified bodies turn up .... archeologists/criminologists/coroners etc IDENTIFY the human being found based on certain key selection criteria.
Essentially these professionals have the last word and will determine if you were a male or a female. And THAT determination will be based on your physical skeletal remains.
And anyone who does not understand this is, well, Fuct in the head and trying to push sexual a fetish agenda.
Most high profile, extremely rich people are prone to sexual fetish, and paedophile behaviour. That's why this crap is gaining ground, while society is totally against it.
The human mind has been nothing more than an experiment for the whack jobs up high.
I'm not surprised that the numb nuts you quoted above cannot think clearly. Notice he's read every post, and keeps coming back to this thread, even though he is dissatisfied with its content.
People like him just love to work against common sense.
That is why it is not so common anymore.