mothra wrote on Sep 28
th, 2022 at 8:12am:
I for one don't know why they're all so obsessed with trans women, meanwhile, i swear, not a word abot trans men.
It's like there's some sort of specific, personal interest in it for them.
Just the one side that is.
Ideology and its concomitant virtue signalling has made you blinkered and blind as a bat, Mothra Teresa.
Trans men - ie women pretending to be men - are not in the news for raping women in prisons, trying to push real men aside in sport (
), wearing enormous prosthetic cocks down to their knees in class or shouting 'Trans Exclusionary Masculinist' and deplatform male authors etc, etc.
The blokes who pretend to be women who monster the real women. Or do you really, honestly believe that those blokes are women just like you are (if you are)?