Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Sep 30
th, 2022 at 10:21pm:
"Second, transitions do not necessarily lead to better lives. Walt Heyer, a former transgender female wrote:
The reprieve I experienced through surgery was only temporary. Hidden underneath the makeup and female clothing was the little boy hurt by childhood trauma. I was once again experiencing gender dysphoria, but this time I felt like a male inside a body refashioned to look like a woman. I was living my dream, but still I was deeply suicidal. (Heyer 2019)
Imagine his resentment if his parents had encouraged doctors to do his transition before he had matured.
People considering transition should be asking tough questions about the proportion of people who benefit or are harmed from such transitions and medical practitioners have a professional duty to make their patients aware of these risks. Sadly, for youngsters such research has not been done, partly because the number of candidates for transition treatments is low and it is difficult to do an appropriate trial.
Curiously, outside the area of gender affirming care, physicians and regulators are themselves cautious and ambivalent about the use of even insignificant amounts of hormones to influence function and appearance.
Men wishing to take tiny amounts of anabolic steroids like testosterone to improve their appearance or athletic performance will have difficulty obtaining steroids from a doctor. Indeed, they might be forced to buy the drugs at their local gym or from a street vendor. The reason is that the medical establishment feels that even low doses of testosterone used for body sculpting might be harmful.
Women asking for estrogens are warned about the increased risk of some cancers and of cardiovascular disease.
The risk of harm from hormone therapy is the same whether the drug is obtained from street vendors, physicians, or pharmacists."
Another comment for the room
Trans regret is under 5%. Most 'regretters' do not regret thinking they are trans, they are still sure they are. They regret coming out because of how they get treated. No one gets any sort of trans support without asking for it. Most trans people don't have surgery, kids are not allowed to have surgery (although I think rare cases exist in the USA, they do not here). This stuff about hormone treatment is basically BS. All of this is a concocted story made up by seeking people on the fringe of the trans experience, and pretending how they feel is common