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CEOs Earn 132 Times Average Wage (Read 1756 times)
Gold Member

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Re: CEOs Earn 132 Times Average Wage
Reply #30 - Jul 14th, 2022 at 9:34pm
CEO salaries are a different topic to 'how are CEO salaries set'


So this thread is just for whining about how high they are, and you have no interest in the real reason they are so high?

Just here to stain the rug eh?
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People who can't distinguish between etymology and entomology bug me in ways I cannot put into words.
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Re: CEOs Earn 132 Times Average Wage
Reply #31 - Jul 14th, 2022 at 9:35pm
freediver wrote on Jul 14th, 2022 at 9:34pm:
CEO salaries are a different topic to 'how are CEO salaries set'


So this thread is just for whining about how high they are, and you have no interest in the real reason they are so high?

Just here to stain the rug eh?

You changed the subject because you can't discuss it.  LOL!!!
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Gold Member

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Re: CEOs Earn 132 Times Average Wage
Reply #32 - Jul 14th, 2022 at 9:37pm
Would you mind shuffling to the side so I can vacuum that up?
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People who can't distinguish between etymology and entomology bug me in ways I cannot put into words.
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Re: CEOs Earn 132 Times Average Wage
Reply #33 - Jul 14th, 2022 at 9:39pm
freediver wrote on Jul 14th, 2022 at 9:37pm:
Would you mind shuffling to the side so I can vacuum that up?

Good job avoiding debate.  I'm going to bed.
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Crocodile Hunter: Origins

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Re: CEOs Earn 132 Times Average Wage
Reply #34 - Jul 14th, 2022 at 11:07pm
FutureTheLeftWant wrote on Jul 14th, 2022 at 9:39pm:
freediver wrote on Jul 14th, 2022 at 9:37pm:
Would you mind shuffling to the side so I can vacuum that up?

Good job avoiding debate.  I'm going to bed.

What??? Your 120 post per day average has taken a hit since your enforced holiday. Are you not worried about bumping your post average back up to at least over 100 per day?
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Jovial Monk
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Re: CEOs Earn 132 Times Average Wage
Reply #35 - Jul 14th, 2022 at 11:27pm
Idiotically high CEO salaries seem to be partly paid for by stealing wages and putting workers on zero hour contract etc.

Of course bonuses make a large part of the CEO take home pay. Mostly short term objectives so the long term is left to look after itself. No wonder so many large businesses are owned by foreign companies.
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Get the vaxx! 💉💉

If you don’t like abortions ignore them like you do school shootings.
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Re: CEOs Earn 132 Times Average Wage
Reply #36 - Jul 14th, 2022 at 11:49pm
aquascoot wrote on Jul 14th, 2022 at 8:06pm:
CEO salaries took off under raegan and thatcher.

this marked the end of trade unions and CEO's salaries being more in alignment with the companies performance.

the economic boom of the nineties, and the last 2 decades ( australians under 30 have never lived in a recession) was the result of companies suddenly adding massive ammounts of value.

look at how magnificent the advances in phones, tv's, the internet, cameras, cars, whitegoods has been.

the value of these things in your life is truly under appreciated.

look at sectors of our society which still have managers who earn only a bit more then their staff.
the heads of education and health .

schools are probably worse now then 20 years ago
teachers are dumber, they have low morale
hospitals are more dysfunctional
it takes longer to get treatment , hospital staff have low morale

when you put champions in charge, we all benefit.

i'm sure JK rowling and tiger woods and novak earn more then 132 times what the average writer , golfer or tennis player earns, they provide more value

The World In Crisis

"Income and wealth inequality is higher in the United States than in almost any other developed country, and it is rising. There are large wealth and income gaps across racial groups, which many experts attribute to the country's legacy of slavery and racist economic policies.20 Apr 2022".


"The extremes of wealth and income inequality that have developed within the OECD countries, and particularly in the United States, since the early 1980s, have created unbalanced societies, which are by their nature more unstable than was the situation in the 1950s and 1960s. Arguably the mass of the OECD populations have little idea just how extreme the levels of inequality are, but the increasing pressures on the bottom 40% of the population will result in higher levels of social volatility "

Beware the disadvantaged,  they are already on the rampage in many are not necessarily immune to such social unrest. .
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« Last Edit: Jul 14th, 2022 at 11:56pm by thegreatdivide »  
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Re: CEOs Earn 132 Times Average Wage
Reply #37 - Jul 15th, 2022 at 5:25am
thegreatdivide wrote on Jul 14th, 2022 at 11:49pm:
aquascoot wrote on Jul 14th, 2022 at 8:06pm:
CEO salaries took off under raegan and thatcher.

this marked the end of trade unions and CEO's salaries being more in alignment with the companies performance.

the economic boom of the nineties, and the last 2 decades ( australians under 30 have never lived in a recession) was the result of companies suddenly adding massive ammounts of value.

look at how magnificent the advances in phones, tv's, the internet, cameras, cars, whitegoods has been.

the value of these things in your life is truly under appreciated.

look at sectors of our society which still have managers who earn only a bit more then their staff.
the heads of education and health .

schools are probably worse now then 20 years ago
teachers are dumber, they have low morale
hospitals are more dysfunctional
it takes longer to get treatment , hospital staff have low morale

when you put champions in charge, we all benefit.

i'm sure JK rowling and tiger woods and novak earn more then 132 times what the average writer , golfer or tennis player earns, they provide more value

The World In Crisis

"Income and wealth inequality is higher in the United States than in almost any other developed country, and it is rising. There are large wealth and income gaps across racial groups, which many experts attribute to the country's legacy of slavery and racist economic policies.20 Apr 2022".


"The extremes of wealth and income inequality that have developed within the OECD countries, and particularly in the United States, since the early 1980s, have created unbalanced societies, which are by their nature more unstable than was the situation in the 1950s and 1960s. Arguably the mass of the OECD populations have little idea just how extreme the levels of inequality are, but the increasing pressures on the bottom 40% of the population will result in higher levels of social volatility "

Beware the disadvantaged,  they are already on the rampage in many are not necessarily immune to such social unrest. .

i agree with you.

whats interesting is that the guys at the top of amazon, google, facebook (meta) , are virtue signalling their wokeness like crazy.

this is clearly to try to convince the people at the bottom they are on the side of the "oppressed".

so far, people havent woken up to the fact that corporate 'wokeness" is just a very very cheap scam to try to throw the masses off the scent.

it costs nothing for google to make every employee do a course in critical race theory and change their browser to rainbow and their home page to a black rectangle in support of george flloyd.

as if the guys at google , living on their mega yachts know anything about george  Roll Eyes
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Australian Politics

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Re: CEOs Earn 132 Times Average Wage
Reply #38 - Jul 15th, 2022 at 7:44am
UnSubRocky wrote on Jul 14th, 2022 at 11:07pm:
FutureTheLeftWant wrote on Jul 14th, 2022 at 9:39pm:
freediver wrote on Jul 14th, 2022 at 9:37pm:
Would you mind shuffling to the side so I can vacuum that up?

Good job avoiding debate.  I'm going to bed.

What??? Your 120 post per day average has taken a hit since your enforced holiday. Are you not worried about bumping your post average back up to at least over 100 per day?

I post when I feel like it.  I'm not trying to impress anyone
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Gold Member

Australian Politics

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Re: CEOs Earn 132 Times Average Wage
Reply #39 - Jul 15th, 2022 at 7:45am
aquascoot wrote on Jul 15th, 2022 at 5:25am:
i agree with you.

whats interesting is that the guys at the top of amazon, google, facebook (meta) , are virtue signalling their wokeness like crazy.

this is clearly to try to convince the people at the bottom they are on the side of the "oppressed".

so far, people havent woken up to the fact that corporate 'wokeness" is just a very very cheap scam to try to throw the masses off the scent.

it costs nothing for google to make every employee do a course in critical race theory and change their browser to rainbow and their home page to a black rectangle in support of george flloyd.

as if the guys at google , living on their mega yachts know anything about george  Roll Eyes

You are defining the difference between liberals and the left.  One meme I've seen a lot of is 'they put a guillotine outside Jeff Bezos house!!!'
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The Heartless Felon
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Re: CEOs Earn 132 Times Average Wage
Reply #40 - Jul 15th, 2022 at 8:06am
FutureTheLeftWant wrote on Jul 15th, 2022 at 7:44am:
UnSubRocky wrote on Jul 14th, 2022 at 11:07pm:
FutureTheLeftWant wrote on Jul 14th, 2022 at 9:39pm:
freediver wrote on Jul 14th, 2022 at 9:37pm:
Would you mind shuffling to the side so I can vacuum that up?

Good job avoiding debate.  I'm going to bed.

What??? Your 120 post per day average has taken a hit since your enforced holiday. Are you not worried about bumping your post average back up to at least over 100 per day?

I post when I feel like it.  I'm not trying to impress anyone

It's working...
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Re: CEOs Earn 132 Times Average Wage
Reply #41 - Jul 15th, 2022 at 8:09am
The Heartless Felon wrote on Jul 15th, 2022 at 8:06am:
It's working...

The contempt of right wing garbage is, however, always a fine prize
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Australian Politics<br

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Re: CEOs Earn 132 Times Average Wage
Reply #42 - Jul 15th, 2022 at 11:58am
aquascoot wrote on Jul 15th, 2022 at 5:25am:
thegreatdivide wrote on Jul 14th, 2022 at 11:49pm:
aquascoot wrote on Jul 14th, 2022 at 8:06pm:
CEO salaries took off under raegan and thatcher.

this marked the end of trade unions and CEO's salaries being more in alignment with the companies performance.

the economic boom of the nineties, and the last 2 decades ( australians under 30 have never lived in a recession) was the result of companies suddenly adding massive ammounts of value.

look at how magnificent the advances in phones, tv's, the internet, cameras, cars, whitegoods has been.

the value of these things in your life is truly under appreciated.

look at sectors of our society which still have managers who earn only a bit more then their staff.
the heads of education and health .

schools are probably worse now then 20 years ago
teachers are dumber, they have low morale
hospitals are more dysfunctional
it takes longer to get treatment , hospital staff have low morale

when you put champions in charge, we all benefit.

i'm sure JK rowling and tiger woods and novak earn more then 132 times what the average writer , golfer or tennis player earns, they provide more value

The World In Crisis

"Income and wealth inequality is higher in the United States than in almost any other developed country, and it is rising. There are large wealth and income gaps across racial groups, which many experts attribute to the country's legacy of slavery and racist economic policies.20 Apr 2022".


"The extremes of wealth and income inequality that have developed within the OECD countries, and particularly in the United States, since the early 1980s, have created unbalanced societies, which are by their nature more unstable than was the situation in the 1950s and 1960s. Arguably the mass of the OECD populations have little idea just how extreme the levels of inequality are, but the increasing pressures on the bottom 40% of the population will result in higher levels of social volatility "

Beware the disadvantaged,  they are already on the rampage in many are not necessarily immune to such social unrest. .

i agree with you.

No you don't, you said: "when you put champions in charge, we all benefit. which is obviously incorrect, because as  the 'World in Crisis' guotes revealed,  inequality has been soaring since the 80' s while  these "champions have been in charge".

In fact you were on the right track mentioning Thatcher and Reagan, who initiated the neoliberal era in which inequality has soared. 

The problem was caused by  the abandonment of the Keynesian 'welfare state' politics of the 50's and 60's ...for various reasons including the Arab oil embargo and increasing competition from low wage Asia (eg Corollas supplanted Fords and Chevs as the world's highest selling vehicles) which created 'stagflation' and the "1st world rust belt" in the West, as companies chasing lower wages shifted manufacturing to Asia during an era of increasing globalization, and lowering tariffs.   

whats interesting is that the guys at the top of amazon, google, facebook (meta) , are virtue signalling their wokeness like crazy.

That's not "interesting"; they are just aware of the damage to social cohesion they have caused, as secure, well-paid manufacturing jobs have left the US, in favor of these behemoths monopolizing service "industries" (eg I hardly ever need or use facebook, how on earth it's worth $billions is beyond me...)

this is clearly to try to convince the people at the bottom they are on the side of the "oppressed".

"Oppression" is a mis-characterization of disadvantage, which IS very real in our current  dysfunctional neoliberal economy.

so far, people havent woken up to the fact that corporate 'wokeness" is just a very very cheap scam to try to throw the masses off the scent.

Well, Gates and Zuckerberg have said billionaires SHOULD pay more tax; "wokeness" is more a RW concept designed to hide  the reality of the current  dysfunctional neoliberal economic system.   

it costs nothing for google to make every employee do a course in critical race theory and change their browser to rainbow and their home page to a black rectangle in support of george flloyd.

And it doesn't change the dysfunctional neoliberal economic system.

as if the guys at google , living on their mega yachts know anything about george  Roll Eyes

Like I said "wokeness" comes in handy to assuage one's guilt if you are the biggest beneficiary of the dysfunctional system.
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Crocodile Hunter: Origins

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Re: CEOs Earn 132 Times Average Wage
Reply #43 - Jul 15th, 2022 at 2:49pm
FutureTheLeftWant wrote on Jul 15th, 2022 at 7:44am:
I post when I feel like it.  I'm not trying to impress anyone

Your post per day average went up 2 posts per day inside 24 hours. You obviously have a need to make yourself heard.
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Australian Politics

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Re: CEOs Earn 132 Times Average Wage
Reply #44 - Jul 15th, 2022 at 2:55pm
UnSubRocky wrote on Jul 15th, 2022 at 2:49pm:
FutureTheLeftWant wrote on Jul 15th, 2022 at 7:44am:
I post when I feel like it.  I'm not trying to impress anyone

Your post per day average went up 2 posts per day inside 24 hours. You obviously have a need to make yourself heard.

I love you're counting.  Is there a place to do that, or are you working it out?
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