We have a race war and reality is ignored
Unlike the previous views of the Australian Left, the current radical orthodoxy has attained almost ubiquitous official status, endorsed in such works as Bringing Them Home (1997) on the alleged “stolen generations” and in countless verbal acknowledgments, at public meetings and in documents of every kind, of the “traditional owners” of the land and of the Aboriginal “elders, past, present and emerging”, oblivious to the real nature of pre-contact Aboriginal society, with its horrifying and barbaric record of infanticide (about 35 per cent of Aboriginal babies were murdered at birth), cannibalism, the gross and ubiquitous mistreatment of women, tribal warfare, and its total failure in 50,000 years to produce a written language, permanent settlements, or a viable agriculture with a food surplus. This focus on the alleged merits of pre-contact Aboriginal society is almost always accompanied by the denigration of white settlers as mass murderers who carried out massacres and genocides.