John Smith wrote on Jul 16
th, 2022 at 8:33pm:
UnSubRocky wrote on Jul 16
th, 2022 at 3:57pm:
The article is rubbish. If you are playing video games at home, you are distracted from causing trouble in public
it's not about what you do or don't do in public. Far right groups are using video games to push their agenda onto young kids and as a recruitment source. You do realise that a lot of todays video games are online and you actually chat to other users, right?
What's the 'adenda', thick as lots planks?
What is YOUR agenda?
You pwoggy mongs have an obvious agenda but if anyone pushes back against your crap you call it an 'agenda'.
You lefty agit-prop morons just don't have an insight into your own transparent, shallow, cheap stupidity. You are morons who worship shite you just invented as gold and salvation.
And it's all the more disheartening to see an Italian, who should have a cultural memory longer than the guppys of Lleft Wank and Big Cleavage, fall in with the morons.
One of my all time defining movies is Bertolucci's 1900. You betray every noble instinct conveyed in that masterpiece. You, like a lot of the modern left, are like the Sutherland character. Totalitarian fckkheads.
Sad but entirely predictable. The Left are today's black shirts. Resisting you shitehead is the only honourable course.