Brian Ross wrote on Jul 18 th, 2022 at 3:58pm: Frank wrote on Jul 18 th, 2022 at 1:43pm: Brian Ross wrote on Jul 18 th, 2022 at 1:12pm: Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jul 18 th, 2022 at 12:26am: History Brian - live in the here and now. Existentialism only works for the narrow minded, Graps. I have worked with men who focus on the here and now at the exclusion of the past. They were broken men who wanted to forget what had happened to them in the past. Indigenous Australians had their children stolen away, with regard as to their feelings, their emotions. They were treated as children by unfeeling white people who believed because of the colour of their skin they had fewer feelings, that they didn't love their children. Today we have you wanting to repeat the same mistakes of the past, with the same excuses. Is it any wonder that people Indigenous and your fellow whites think you are being Racist? I know you are doing it to stir people, to make them to think, but you are the one who is not thinking about what you are saying. Time for Indigenous Australians to be counted as Australians, not as some sort of alien group in our society. Time their feelings were counted, time for them to be taken into account. Time for you to man up and admit you were wrong. Time to admit that you were mistaken. The here and now is built on the past and it is the past that I am asking you to take into account in your feelings. Can that be possible or are you going, once more, to stick with "here and now" excuse, mate? Are you going to look like a bigger Racist? Tsk, tsk, tsk... You will find that children - Aboriginal or otherwise - are removed from broken families, Bbwian, where the father is long gone. NO child has been ever removed from intact, functioning families with both parents present and bringing up the kiddies responsibly, not from Aboriginal families, not from mixed or any other. We have only your judgement of what makes an "intact, functioning family," Soren. I have known many single mothers over the years who function quite well, without a man in their relationship. You are a traditionalist, we understand that but you really do need to step outside and talk to ordinary Australian people. Otherwise you remain isolated from daily life. Indigenous people are function and they often have no man either in their families. They need support, not condemnation. They need sometimes help but they most need is non-interference from busy body authorities who believe, like you, they know best. Tsk, tsk, tsk... You have NFI I saw this When working as a solicitor with non-Indigenous clients, I encountered infanticide, homicide, suicide, betrayals, violence, incest and other child abuse. These were tragic cases but in none was the violence equivalent to the horrific circumstances of Aboriginal violence… Have a read J Kimm, A Fatal Conjunction: Two Laws Two Cultures In Numbulwar, NT, a man severed a limb off his sister while he was drunk. He went at her with an axe as well as a spear.” Joan Kimm: p11 Recent child-abuse cases, from Central Australia and Queensland, included a seven-month baby taken out of her home and raped, and who needed surgery under general anaesthetic. A two-year-old girl left unattended while her mother drank, was sexually assaulted by a man and also needed surgery. A three-year-old was sexually assaulted by three men, and ten days later another man raped her twice, once using a mangrove stick A six-year-old girl was followed to a waterhole and while playing there was anally raped while being drowned. A 10-year-old girl was tied to a tree and repeatedly raped. One health worker examined a 14-year-old girl ‘so raw from being raped – she had been abused since the age of three – that she screamed throughout her examination.’ Kimm p5