Sophia wrote on Jul 17
th, 2022 at 11:21pm:
Flying petri tubes

well hadn’t heard that one… and yes it’s been known for years we catch all sorts of bugs in plane…
I was reading how in the days smoking was allowed on planes… the air was filtered from using outside air…and was cleaner air to breathe with less bugs… but since smoking is banned and the circulated air is not from outside air… it costs too much apparently…well it makes sense now all those years ago when I would see Asians wearing masks at airports.
They weren’t so silly.
Cruise ships… there’s lots of fresh sea air… and all passengers to be fully vaxxed… yet… how’s that again… huge breakouts of covid …. Seems to defy logic?
Firstly Lols, I'm pleased to hear you survived COVID apparently okay.

Although I have to say I find your overall attitude to the pandemic somewhat
overly cynical.
Without some sort of clinical confirmation on your hairdresser's or your friends
daughter's adverse reactions, it's impossible to draw any correlation with the
COVID vaccinations they had. Did they request and receive any diagnostic
information from their treating doctors? Or did they simply self-diagnose and
come to the conclusion that the COVID vaccine directly caused their skin rash
or pericarditis (fatigue, coughing, low-grade fever, heart palpitations, shortness
of breath etc)?
On the whole, the COVID vaccination programs have been very successful for
hundreds of millions of people globally, and in 2021 nearly 20 million lives were
saved by COVID-19 vaccines. From December 2020 to December 2021 more
than 4.3 billion people around the world were vaccinated. [
CBS News, 24 June 2022]
BTW, in commercial aircraft, air is pumped from ceiling vents into the cabin at
a speed of about 1m/sec, and sucked out below the window seats. About 40%
of the cabin's air gets recycled through a HEPA system, with the remaining 60%
being fresh, piped in from the jet engines outside the plane.
HEPA filtration efficiently capture particles the size of—and far smaller than—the
virus that causes COVID.
Epidemiologist Professor Oliver Watson of Imperial College London says that;
"Catastrophic would be the first word that comes to mind if vaccines hadn't been
available to fight the coronavirus. The findings quantify just how much worse
the pandemic could have been if we did not have these vaccines".
Interesting about the air recycling in flights… it’s what we had asked about it and that’s what we were told… how the same air is recirculated after filtering during flight and not from outside.