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Covid outbreaks on cruise ships (Read 520 times)
Carl D
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Rivervale, Perth
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Re: Covid outbreaks on cruise ships
Reply #15 - Jul 18th, 2022 at 9:21am
Sir lastnail wrote on Jul 17th, 2022 at 11:06pm:
It works really well doesn't it Carl Cheesy LOL

Since I'm in a good mood this morning (not sure why exactly since we've just started another gloomy week of Covid chaos and deaths - and the weather is cr@p here in Perth) I'll answer this properly for you.

You're referring to the Covid vaccines, of course.

Well, since I recall hearing at the beginning of the pandemic two and half years ago that there was a definite possibility vaccines may never be developed for Covid then I would have to say the pharmaceutical companies have done a superb job to produce vaccines which are as effective as they are against a constantly mutating virus in such a short period of time.

The vaccines are not perfect (most never are) but they're the best we have for now.

I believe it would be safe to say that millions of lives have probably been saved worldwide with the current vaccines and with improved ones now in development and trials hopefully the death toll will soon stabilise and start to drop dramatically.
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« Last Edit: Jul 18th, 2022 at 10:09am by Carl D »  

** Repeat Covid infections exercise our immune system in the same way that repeat concussions exercise our brain **
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Carl D
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Australian Politics

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Rivervale, Perth
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Re: Covid outbreaks on cruise ships
Reply #16 - Jul 18th, 2022 at 10:06am
Move over, BA.4 and BA.5.

Here it is... *drum roll*

Thanks to our non existent Covid testing at airports and no more quarantine... the all new and improved

So we have 3 new sequences from Sydney

It’s happening live

Now playing live in Sydney and coming soon to an airport near you all around Australia (if it hasn't already arrived).

Replying to
It's almost like because we have let it spread so much it's going into hyper-gain of function mode

Yep, sure looks like it.
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« Last Edit: Jul 18th, 2022 at 10:12am by Carl D »  

** Repeat Covid infections exercise our immune system in the same way that repeat concussions exercise our brain **
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Re: Covid outbreaks on cruise ships
Reply #17 - Jul 18th, 2022 at 10:07am

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Re: Covid outbreaks on cruise ships
Reply #18 - Jul 18th, 2022 at 1:07pm
John Smith wrote on Jul 18th, 2022 at 9:12am:
Sophia wrote on Jul 17th, 2022 at 11:29pm:
Carl D wrote on Jul 17th, 2022 at 11:14pm:
Sir lastnail wrote on Jul 17th, 2022 at 11:06pm:
It works really well doesn't it Carl Cheesy LOL

What works really well?

Going on a cruise or a flight during a raging pandemic (that most people seem to have been deceived into believing is over) and not expecting to get Covid?

That doesn't seem to be working too well at all, does it? Not surprisingly.

What’s deceitful? The goal posts being continually moved? Saying everyone should be jabbed to minimise the rise of infection? Yet it’s not just cruise ships riddled with Covid…. It’s in every day suburbs, shopping etc. hospitals are over run at present. They weren’t in planes or ships.

I was just talking to hubby today… saying that all those 2 years we had severe lockdowns, mandatory masks, social distancing… not allowed further than 5 kms from our homes…. Not allowed out after 8 pm…
All for what? A big fat nothing!
The vaccines came along and how’s it working now?

All for nothing? You're still alive aren't you? Roll Eyes

Wink Very much so.
I meant…. …. after 2 years of not catching any  flu or head cold etc… bang I get covid this year. It apparently was very high numbers of covid cases in January for some reason?

So after 2 years of all those limitations… yes sure it helped minimise the catching of flu…. But now it’s back to square one….
Hence really spiking with infection this winter and mask wearing only strongly recommended?
And I see no one else wearing it.
My son spent a weekend in Melbourne and said everyone out and about… night clubs crowded… not one mask in sight.

Big mistake saying no mask mandate at airports anymore. Or anywhere for that matter.

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Re: Covid outbreaks on cruise ships
Reply #19 - Jul 18th, 2022 at 1:17pm
Carl D wrote on Jul 18th, 2022 at 12:12am:
What's deceitful? Oh, I dunno, Lols.

But, when between 40 and 70 Australians a day are dying from Covid (and, yes - the majority are dying from and not just with Covid and it's not just the 'oldies') and thousands more are in hospital while we're all being told to get out there again and work, work, work and spend, spend, spend and the mainstream media keeps saying things like "post pandemic" and "now the pandemic is over" and not even mention the daily deaths then I'd say we're being deceived big time.

Plus, with the majority of the population seemingly unable to think any further ahead than their next overseas/interstate holiday and also can't even be bothered to wear a mask to protect others and themselves despite mask wearing now being "strongly encouraged" by the Prime Minister which, not surprisingly, is being almost completely ignored (be sure to read the replies) then I'd say the deceit (gaslighting would probably be a better description) was easy to accomplish as far as governments and business was concerned.

As I've said before - like many Australians I am now extremely disappointed with Anthony Albanese and his Federal Labor government for their inaction so far in dealing with the ongoing Covid pandemic.

A lot of us voted for real change but all that happened was we voted out sh!t (Liberal) and got sh!t lite (Labor) instead.

No wonder the ALP is now being referred to as Alternate Liberal Party. Sadly, it's been that way for quite some time. Both major parties are controlled by big business.

I won't make that mistake ever again as I'm sure many other people won't when election time rolls around once more - Federal and State.

Carl…. Our Vic premier had inflicted the world’s toughest and longest restrictions and lockdowns in Victoria. It was making headlines all around the world!
Now what’s the despot doing?
Ignoring health advice?
And hence no one else will bother being cautious.
Oh yeah… I get it….how can we forget…. The November state election is creeping upon us.
I will hate to think what will happen if/when he is re-elected… 3 years playground for him… no doubt…. “By their habits ye shall know them” and a leopard never changes spots.
Interesting comment I heard someone say was … is Albabese our new foreign minister instead?

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Re: Covid outbreaks on cruise ships
Reply #20 - Jul 18th, 2022 at 1:20pm
AusGeoff wrote on Jul 18th, 2022 at 2:00am:
Sophia wrote on Jul 17th, 2022 at 11:21pm:
Flying petri tubes  Grin well hadn’t heard that one… and yes it’s been known for years we catch all sorts of bugs in plane…
I was reading how in the days smoking was allowed on planes… the air was filtered from using outside air…and was cleaner air to breathe with less bugs… but since smoking is banned and the circulated air is not from outside air… it costs too much apparently…well it makes sense now all those years ago when I would see Asians wearing masks at airports.
They weren’t so silly.

Cruise ships… there’s lots of fresh sea air… and all passengers to be fully vaxxed… yet… how’s that again… huge breakouts of covid …. Seems to defy logic?

Firstly Lols, I'm pleased to hear you survived COVID apparently okay.   Smiley

Although I have to say I find your overall attitude to the pandemic somewhat
overly cynical. 

Without some sort of clinical confirmation on your hairdresser's or your friends
daughter's adverse reactions, it's impossible to draw any correlation with the
COVID vaccinations they had.  Did they request and receive any diagnostic
information from their treating doctors?  Or did they simply self-diagnose and
come to the conclusion that the COVID vaccine directly caused their skin rash
or pericarditis (fatigue, coughing, low-grade fever, heart palpitations, shortness
of breath etc)?

On the whole, the COVID vaccination programs have been very successful for
hundreds of millions of people globally, and in 2021 nearly 20 million lives were
saved by COVID-19 vaccines.  From December 2020 to December 2021 more
than 4.3 billion people around the world were vaccinated. [CBS News, 24 June 2022]

BTW, in commercial aircraft, air is pumped from ceiling vents into the cabin at
a speed of about 1m/sec, and sucked out below the window seats. About 40%
of the cabin's air gets recycled through a HEPA system, with the remaining 60%
being fresh, piped in from the jet engines outside the plane.

HEPA filtration efficiently capture particles the size of—and far smaller than—the
virus that causes COVID.

Epidemiologist Professor Oliver Watson of Imperial College London says that;
"Catastrophic would be the first word that comes to mind if vaccines hadn't been
available to fight the coronavirus. The findings quantify just how much worse
the pandemic could have been if we did not have these vaccines".

Interesting about the air recycling in flights… it’s what we had asked about it and that’s what we were told… how the same air is recirculated after filtering during flight and not from outside.
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Re: Covid outbreaks on cruise ships
Reply #21 - Jul 18th, 2022 at 1:26pm
Carl D wrote on Jul 18th, 2022 at 12:18am:
Sophia wrote on Jul 17th, 2022 at 11:21pm:
Flying petri tubes  Grin well hadn’t heard that one…

Planes - flying petri tubes.

Cruise ships - floating Covid incubators.

You couldn't get me to set foot on either of those for "all the tea in China" right now.

We recently took a domestic flight to Queensland and back. Albeit mask wearing was mandatory at that point. We survived.
Daughter is coming to visit next week and we say… wear the mask in shuttle bus, at airport and in the plane. She agrees wholeheartedly with mask wearing.

As for cruising… I would go in it again but best to pay extra for a balcony cabin so you have lovely fresh sea air at any time.
Only trouble is during these high covid infectious times… when a cluster of people get covid on board… I think the cruise is over … no more fun.
So at this point in time I’m not interested in cruising.
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