MeisterEckhart wrote on Jul 22
nd, 2022 at 7:43am:
AusGeoff wrote on Jul 22
nd, 2022 at 6:16am:
I still remain cynical that immersion in ice, and climbing unclothed to mountainous,
low oxygen heights can boost the immune system. Hof may well have an extremely
high threshold of pain too, which could elevate his resistance to the freezing response.
One medical reviewer says: "Although there is evidence that the Wim Hof method has
some benefits, a lot more research is needed to prove that it’s anything but controlled
hyperventilation mixed with a somewhat masochistic ice bath".
Whatever it is, only a very small percentage of the population would want to live a Wim Hof life.
Most people follow the path of least resistance
If for example a girl has her boyfriend leave her
It's totally understandable that her friends comfort her with chocolate
Or alcohol
But is that really helping
Would she be better off doing some life coaching
A martial art
And hitting the gym
Most people follow the path of least resistance and unfortunately it leads to failure
I get that most people have got themselves into such a pickle they feel like they are drowning
And that chocolate or alcohol or telling them they are a victim
Could be seen as a compassionate ACT
Like pulling them into a nice warm lifeboat
In the end
And this is the harsh truth
It's actually better to learn how to swim
It's actually better when you feel like you are drowning
To be able to calm your senses
And apply the skills you have learnt
That requires effort and is the opposite of the path of least resistance
That's why the first thing you need to do when you bounce out of bed
Is to recognise that the obstacle is the way
That's actually the title of an excellent book which you should read