greggerypeccary wrote on Jul 29
th, 2022 at 3:29pm:
PZ547 wrote on Jul 29
th, 2022 at 3:21pm:
greggerypeccary wrote on Jul 29
th, 2022 at 3:12pm:
Boris wrote on Jul 29
th, 2022 at 3:12pm:
A Heterosexual male will have 30 sexual partners in a lifetime or even less.
A Homo will have hundreds or thousands of sex partners
Disgusting disease spreading pigs that they are
Do I detect a hint of jealousy there?
Oh look. One of Greggy's little gay jokes has arrived
Come on Greg --- be a man and post a sprinkling of diseased gay anuses. Dare you
Strange fetish you have there.
But why not heterosexual anuses?
They have anal sex just as much as homosexuals do (about 45% of the population).
In fact, there's nothing homosexuals do in the bedroom that heterosexuals don't.
As an object lesson, a young girl was 16 when she was forced --- for the rest of her life -- to wear a colostomy bag. She'd be about 20 now. Good luck finding someone to mate with, with that thing hanging from her waist as result of wanting to please her then boyfriend when he wanted anal sex as pushed by know-nothings online
He buggered off after buggering her and leaving her basically disabled
One suffers so the rest learn
To be noted is that the number of online posts advocating anal sex have markedly lessened since that girl's basic disembowelment. Other girls/women didn't want their facebook bikini photos marred by a colostomy bag
Once again greg, the anus, rectum, are designed for eliminative purposes. The cells which line those and associated organs are NOT receptive organs, as is a vagina. And there's millions of years of biology backing those facts
Along come gays and decide they're going to fight biology
what could go wrong ?
Yeah, lots goes wrong
especially if you're the giver, or 'bottom'
The shover gets diseases, but at least they're not wearing colostomy bags or sitting (painfully) in a wheel chair surrounded by poo and disease
I guess male gays want to be women, right? So they offer their bums and pretend an organ intended to eliminate excreta (which stinks and is filled with parasites, etc.) will give them a 'womanly' orgasm. It doesn't. But gays pretend it does. And they have gay partners galore as they chase in vain for the 'feeling' of being a woman
The gays who shove their dicks up other guy's bums don't care about being women -- they'd stick their dicks in anything and they do have orgasms -- inside other guys
Lesbians are an aberration beyond the scope of even psychiatry. The bull dykes are women pretending the male role and despite the attempted glamorisation of them, are usually physically/mentally repellent -- or they simply cannot keep a relationship together with an actual male. And the 'bottoms' of the lesbian relationship usually revert to relationships with actual males after their 'daring' experiment with lesbianism has run it's course. By and large, most lesbians hold no attraction to anyone
The gay fraternity remains on the fringes, always has, screaming for attention and trying to sell the tale that they're 'normal and wholesome'. No one's buying. Give it up or retreat again to the shadows