leftie intellectuals like bwian are the worst enemy of the aborigine.
they tell him he is a victim and needs to wait for apology and recognition.
they tell him, in effect, the trajectory of his life is at the effect not the cause
they disempower him
victim thinking leads to apathy, pain, negative emotions and disconnection from source energy.
instead of being connected to the beauty all around him, the beauty of nature which was always there for him
the beauty of walkabout.
he is now sucked into the mindset of the leftie intellectual who lives in a concrete jungle
he covers up his pain with drugs and alcohol
and fast food
instead of feeling the joy of connection to source energy and going fishing and hunting (things the leftie intellectual hates), he sits around, angry that he is a victim. he takes it out on his partner and himself, he is self destructive.
he is "destroyed" by bwian.
then to add insult to injury the leftie intellectual tries to soothe his own ego by giving him "free stuff" (infantalising him).
what is the number one rule of parents with kids.
dont give them free stuff after the age of 18.
so many rich kids are screwed becasue mummy and daddy felt bad for ignoring them (the way the leftie intellectual feels bad that he has never met an aborigine) and then compensate by handing over cash not earnt (sit down money) which always leads to low self esteem, softness, sloppiness and usually drug addiction.
it saddens me that the aborigine who lives in a natural paradise has been made so low by the disgusting actions of morons from the left.
and now they think a bunch of guys in suits , pumping their own egos about how morally superior they are (providing a voice whatever the f that means) is providing real help
of course they'll just call me a racist nazi and go on their merry way