Gnads wrote on Nov 30
th, 2022 at 9:16am:
Just say No to the Voice
THIS week, the National Party stood for all Australians against racial division. At the core of our democracy is the principle that every Australian is considered equal under the law.
Ah... that old conservative myth: 'equality before the law', even when the law is complicit in maintaining entrenched poverty (via a dysfunctional economic ideology favouring the most competitive individuals).
By the way, today - remarkably - the leader of the Vic. Nats, said
we have a systems problem, which is why the gap still exists after so many failed attempts to close it.
Quote:It is deceitful to peddle the racial stereotype that Aboriginal people are one homogenous group who all think the same.
A correct statement from far: one correct, one incorrect.
Quote:This denies us our right to be respected as individuals.
A wrong conclusion, implying those living in entrenched poverty don't DESERVE to be respected as individuals....
Score so far: 1 correct, 2 fails.
Quote:No other racial group of Australians is framed in this way, and rightly so.
oh dear...GIGO; all groups divide into L and R....
1 pass, 3 fails.
Quote:Media and proponents of the Voice
have been pushing this lie and it’s time to call it out.
The lie that blacks speak with one voice? I'll give Jacinta a mark on that comment, despite her wrong conclusions.
So far: 2 passes , 3 fails.
Quote:The basis for the Voice comes from the Uluru Statement from the Heart, which has been sold to the Australian people on the abovementioned stereotype.
Hm...I have to give her another pass: score so far: 3 passes, 3 fails.
Quote:Further to this, the Statement – signed by 250 unelected individuals representing 0.03 per cent of Aboriginal Australia – does not represent ALL of Aboriginal Australia’s wishes.
A definite fail: all blacks certainly do want to close the gap, which is what the Statement is all about (apart from some cultural clap-trap), as do most whites.
Score: 3 passes, 4 fails.
Quote:The other lie the proponents of the Voice have peddled is the notion that all Australians who identify as
Aboriginal or First Nations are marginalised and currently have no voice or “seat at the table”.
But we are not all marginalised.
The problem with that statement is it's mostly
fake white "aboriginals" who are not marginalized.
...3 passes, 5 fails.
Quote:And we have plenty of seats already, with many voices.
Within the Indigenous Advancement Strategy alone, we have 1100 Aboriginal organisations. We have more than 2000 programs and services nationwide that are funded to advance Aboriginal Australians.
We have 11 federally elected representatives in parliament.
Yes, and yet failure to close the gap is the result, since neither side of government recognize the systemic barrier to closing the gap. No pass or fail here...
Quote:Divisive, woke ideology suggests Australia is made up of two groups: oppressors and the oppressed.
Fail: the oppressor is the system, rather than a group; hence nothing to do with 'woke' ideology.
Score: 3 passes, 6 fails.
Quote:This ideology also forms the basis for Labor’s Voice campaign and is the same ideology that supporters of the Voice use when they accuse those who disagree with it as racist
Half right half wrong; Labor wants to close the gap, accusing opposers of the voice of racism is a manifestation of confusion on all sides.
Quote:Every voter in this nation has the right to vote or disagree on a proposal put by any government without being branded racist.
Correct: 4 passes, 6 fails.
Quote:Especially given the proposal has zero detail or is likely to be based on the former failed ATSIC
I will mark her down for that comment; we don't know what the voice proposal for closing the gap is.
Re ATSIC: (quick google):
"to promote indigenous self-management and self-sufficiency".
Well, the CDEP was a successful scheme, destroyed by blind neoliberal ideologues, which I suppose Jacinta would reject too, since she's an IPA, CIS goon...
Naturally ATSIC also failed, given the current dominant NAIRU ideology, because you can't have self-sufficiency in a system which requires unemployment as an inflation-control mechanism.
Score: 4 passes, 7 fails.
Quote:And this time, Labor wants ATSIC 2.0 enshrined within our Constitution so that if it fails like the first ATSIC, it can never be dismantled
Addressed above; and constitutions can be changed.
Quote:This is a recipe for disaster and a slide towards racial segregation.
No more of a disaster than the gap already is, and 'a slide toward racial segregation' is somewhat hysterical.
Score: 4 passess, 8 fails.
Quote:This is why the National Party says No to the voice.
Yet as I noted at the start, the Vic. Nats today acknowledged a
systems problem without identifying WHERE the system is faulty, (and a system in which Jacinta is complicit) - an important first step on the path to closing the gap.