Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jan 9
th, 2023 at 10:30am:
Well - dividie now guarantees us that the Voice will now guarantee a Job Guarantee!
I'm interested: can you quote the words which gave you the impression I said that?
My point all along is that the voice won't achieve much - if anything - and that what is required is a JG.
Quote:And this after accepting fully that the Voice will have zero effect - let alone positive - on all the real issues surrounding and drowning Aboriginal communities.
Never heard that one before....
Now I'm intrigued, better have a look at my last post myself......but assuming you - as is often the case - are just incapable of comprehending plain english which runs counter to your delusional "freedom' ideology, I'll push on with this reply:
Quote:I've definitely come to the conclusion that, like Lefty, 'he' is a sheila employed by someone to promote the Voice idea in what he/she considers a very cunning way....
sexist nonsense; drop the 'sheila' thing, and confront the gap
Quote:twist like a snake and keep coming back to the same old thing over and over.
.. a fascinating study into ideological blindness rendering analysis insensible; let's see who is the ideologically blind one among us...
Quote:No fact or reality must be permitted to intrude into that ideological stance
UN Charter Article 1.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience...
Quote:- of saving the world by surrendering it to the greatest lynch mob in history which is what the majority of the nations are - so try to dazzle them with pseudo-science and the appearance of substantial knowledge and deep understanding of what will save the poor, then throw the Voice back in as a given.
the last point already addressed and disputed, please quote my words which gave you that impression.
As to "saving the world": enlightened macroeconomists are increasingly understanding what needs to be done....
Quote:Whoever employs these people must imagine the general public are stupid - probably with good reason given the way that public follow like sheep every sufficiently strong utterance....
A confused paragraph ...who is confused/stupid and why....
Quote:just make the statement and keep saying it and one day people will believe it....
The voice is running into trouble, as Dutton asks for more detail. But macroeconomic truth is a tougher nut to crack.
Quote:This is like talking with Albo or Ruddski - so indoctrinated in their leaning left beliefs that reason and thinking are short-circuited.... but they still know all..... and talking to that pair is like talking to an educated sheila steeped in all that arcane knowledge tossed around these days.... most of it theories. But they must be right...
I know the feeling. Chris Schacht the other day said to me MMT is like the Canadian 'social credit' scheme of the 1920's and felt that was sufficient to dismiss MMT.
Quote:Told yez about Rudd's book - started off laying out some pertinent realities about china and its behaviour - then baulked at the point of saying 'Be Prepared!'.. neatly stepping through the minefield of saying 'stand up to the bully!"
Unlike you: Rudd (and Kissinger in his old age) has a semblance of rationality and recognises war with China is not an option.