Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Aug 17
th, 2022 at 12:24am:
Lobbyists are not paid by government, are not enshrined in the constitution, and are not present at every level of government, and do not have a body of sycophants who will support what they say without question and put pressure on government to abide by their advice.
The big end of town does just that, with their juicy political donations to sycophantic politicians wedded to private sector financing.
[quote]Easy as pie...... there is a world of difference .... and I have long advocated that lobbyists should be disabled and removed from any influence, especially in return for money paid to a party.
Not so easy, when politicians are hooked on private sector bribes..I mean lobbyists.
Quote:What about a White Australia Voice?
It's got the advantage of the voice of the big end of town, as noted above.
Quote:Happy with that? Paid for out of government coffers to offer advice on any idea of government that might affect them?
Th big end of town are wealthy enough to self-fund access to politicians
Quote: What about Muslims, Africans, Indians, Kiwi expatriates and so forth? NO special Voice available?
They all have to fight for the left-over scraps, after the big end of town's demands have been met. Abos just happen to be at the end of the line, being the least advantaged, by reason of history (cultural dispossession).
Quote:Hello, Ralph - this is your wakeup call.......
Time for you to wake up, so that the government can close the gap ASAP.