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Oh Dear , Pfizer (Read 2795 times)
Lisa Jones
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Australian Politics

Posts: 39047
Gender: female
Re: Oh Dear , Pfizer
Reply #45 - Aug 10th, 2022 at 10:09am
SadKangaroo wrote on Aug 10th, 2022 at 9:55am:
Lisa Jones wrote on Aug 10th, 2022 at 8:47am:
Carl D wrote on Aug 10th, 2022 at 8:10am:
SadKangaroo wrote on Aug 9th, 2022 at 3:00pm:
But in modern Australia the concept of mateship is dead, if it ever existed and COVID has shown me that the vast majority of people are selfish front bottoms not worthy of my generosity or even compassion.

Exactly - I believe our society has been like that for a long, long time now but it has taken the Covid pandemic to make it obvious.

aquascoot wrote on Aug 9th, 2022 at 4:15pm:
such narcissisitic people are indeed "front bottoms" (whatever that means)

That's the forum's word censor - I don't what word SK actually typed but I can imagine. Smiley

Mateship? What's that? Remind us all...

We look after our own, and our own is who is here in this country.  It doesn't matter your age, race or gender, you're one of us.

I used to think country folk were racist until I was living in a rural town for a short time and while they say some of the most incredibly racist things I've heard (until joining this forum), they were the first there when the new Vietnamese family moved in to help them when their shop burned down.  I would always try to do the right thing, but after witnessing this, and taking part where I could help, the locals treated the imports like their own, without hesitation, the moment they needed help.  Even one of the most stoic, walls up no emotions on display farmer we there, hugging the father of the family and crying with him when they were going through what was left of the building.

Turns out they're really not that racist, they just say racist things.  They recognise humanity and its people like that, racist language and jokes aside, that formed my understanding of what mateship was.

But that was 20 years ago.

My wife and our eldest hopped on the buses to Brisbane twice after the floods to help clean up.

They won't be the last floods, but I'm done with things like the mud army.

As things start to get more difficult in the economy, rates increase and belts need tightening, I'd already gone through our budget and identified the things that I can cut out.

But now, with my new found realisation about the rest of your cu
, I've decided that the multiple streaming services we have are more important than the monthly contribution to breast cancer research and the one for Alzheimer's.  Someone else can do it.

Why should I go without netflix?

The next time my neighbour's husband who should really be in a home goes walkabout, I'm not going to join the search, might as well just stay home and watch some Iron Chef.

Or Gladys down the street, widowed and in her 90's, bitch can mow her own lawn and take her bins out and in herself, I've got my own things to worry about.  And if her Woolies delivery isn't on time and she runs out of toilet paper or tissues, she can call her son in Victoria, not my problem.

Trolleys?  No need to return those, just push them into someone else's car when I'm done.

Doing a tip run and got spare space in my tray or trailer, no need to check if my neighbours have anything they need to get rid of.

Provide free accommodation to homeless pets after the bushfires when their families are barely able to find a roof over their head, let alone a pet-friendly one?  Nahhhhhh, not my problem.

Storm or flood damage on your place?  I'll crack a beer and watch you struggle to close your garage door or board up your windows.

There is no point in modern Australia pretending mateship is a thing anymore and trying to be a part of it. 

Too many people have their hands out, wanting assistance when they need help but will never ever help those in return.

"Oh sorry I've got a bad back", "Oh I don't have time, sorry" blah blah blah 

And they're usually the ones who will tell others to pull themselves up by their bootstraps yet cry the loudest when they need help.

Be it something simple like wearing a mask when they're being begged to by authorities so they don't have to mandate it, or lending a hand in a time of crisis.

They have found a way to push their selfishness to such an extreme that it's destroyed what was left of mateship in this country.

It's been replaced with "Fu
you, I've got mine" and "People I think I'm better than are getting a level playing field, I deserve more!".

That's not mateship! That's being decent and selfless!

And it went out of fashion a very long time ago unfortunately. That's why frail elderly men/women are fair game on the internet and even in their own homes. Not just on the street. Little kids are also vulnerable. That's why I can't stand listening to the news nowadays.
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If I let myself be bought then I am no longer free.

HYPATIA - Greek philosopher, mathematician and astronomer (370 - 415)
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Eganstown, via Daylesford, VIC
Gender: male
Re: Oh Dear , Pfizer
Reply #46 - Aug 10th, 2022 at 7:11pm
Carl D wrote on Aug 8th, 2022 at 11:42am:
I can't seem to recall any year where Australia has had over 12,000 deaths from the flu? Estimates are between 15,000 and 20,000 deaths from Covid by the end of this year if things keep going the way they are.

The current wave of infections may be peaking but it looks like all we will be doing is waiting for the next wave... and the next... endless waves of Covid with the huge number of hospitalisations and deaths that go with each one.


And this ALL began when the
POLITICALLY driven move
(not health driven move) dropped 99% of compulsory mask requirements when leaving the home

And we STILL have the
conspiracy theorizing anti-vaxxers
trying to convert all and everyone to the
"mask and vaccines don't work"
cult - operating through public internet forums

Unlike Facebook, Twitter and Youtube - these forums are
in still hosting the spreading of
- to
outright lying
- statements on their sites

These forums have as much
blood on their hands
as the
conspiracy theorists

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'I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians.
Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.'

- Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
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Re: Oh Dear , Pfizer
Reply #47 - Aug 11th, 2022 at 8:23am
SadKangaroo wrote on Aug 10th, 2022 at 9:35am:
aquascoot wrote on Aug 9th, 2022 at 4:15pm:
SadKangaroo wrote on Aug 9th, 2022 at 3:00pm:
buzzanddidj wrote on Aug 9th, 2022 at 10:10am:
John_Taverner wrote on Aug 8th, 2022 at 11:29am:
As far as vaccinations are concerned now, they don't offer as much protection as they used to against delta. So they shouldn't be compulsory, except maybe in Aged Care facilities.

NO vaccine is "compulsory" in Australia
It SHOULD be - but it is NOT

It is a "Terms and Conditions of Employment" in some professions, being ...

healthcare workers, including trainees and students
people who look after children
carers of people with intellectual disabilities
carers of older people
people who work in laboratories
people who work with or are in contact with animals
anyone exposed to human tissue, blood, body fluids or sewage
people who work in emergency and essential services

It is recommended for teachers, but no longer in "Terms and Conditions of Employment"

It is optional for hospitality operators (and retailers) to include vaccines as "Terms and Conditions of Employment" - for staff and customers based on perceived expectations of customers


If I was informed a restaurant had unvaccinated staff, I wouldn't eat there. nor would 95% of the population

Vaccine efficacy OPINIONS are irrelevant


You're trying to have a logical and fact-based exchange in a discussion full of red pilled boomers circle jerking each other.

Just let the crazy fools be.  They thrive on attention, especially from those who validate and share their insanity. 

They crave that validation that they're special, arguing with them lets them paint you as part of the conspiracy and makes them think they're actively fighting the good fight, on the front lines etc.

They're literally too far gone and spend so much time on here because they've lost every meaningful connection they had in the real world.

I'd feel sorry for them if the rhetoric they shared wasn't so dangerous.  But in modern Australia the concept of mateship is dead, if it ever existed and COVID has shown me that the vast majority of people are selfish front bottoms not worthy of my generosity or even compassion.

If there was any natural justice in the world the likes of Scoot and Wombat would feel the full effect of what they advocate for rather than easily impressionable dullards who eat up the kind of rhetoric they spout, but alas, they're still here, kicking the screaming.

i have to agree,

people with extreme anxiety about covid are totally focused on themselves (narcissistic).
they didnt want to think about their "mates' who owned small businesses, resturants , gyms.
they supported peoples livelihoods being sacrificed
they didnt care about teenagers in schools missing out on seeing their "mates"

such narcissisitic people are indeed "front bottoms" (whatever that means)

We're not talking about tanking the economy, we're talking about cu
like yourself who preach personal responsibility so things don't need to be mandated then refuse to take any responsibility while advocating for death in some personal cursaid to prove to people who don't care about you how alpha you are.

You're a wretched piece of s
and you are utterly unworthy of the gift of life you so easily disregard in others, dressed up as concern and compassion.

You deserve nothing but being first in line for the outcomes you preach for, but alas, we'll just have to settle for you being a lonely old fart obsessing over proving how right you are to strangers online who don't care because the moment your kids grew up enough to pick and choose who is in their lives, they didn't choose you and your wife, if she stuck around, is the one wearing the pants which is why you preach such misogynistic views here to go along with your raging desire to see people die so you can pretend to be tough, special and most importantly, right.

COVID exposed the people like you, unwilling to take the most basic of steps to help protect others to help in keeping everything open so the people you pretend to care about don't lose their small businesses etc, all while crying about how victimised you are...

The world will be a better place when you're nothing but a statistic, forgotten and used as fodder by conspiracy tards red pilled by similar rhetoric to what you've posted. 

Even that is more than you deserve.

I'm not sure I will put that down as constructive criticism Roll Eyes
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Australian Politics

Posts: 14136
Eganstown, via Daylesford, VIC
Gender: male
Re: Oh Dear , Pfizer
Reply #48 - Aug 11th, 2022 at 11:15am
aquascoot wrote on Aug 2nd, 2022 at 5:24am:
the fact that youtube have removed none of this content proves its authenticity.

The old coot didn't say anything - even though over sensationalised - that hadn't been reported in the media, previously.

"Pharmaceutical Company Found Guilty Of Price Gouging"
(oddly enough, "let the free market decide" is actually RIGHT-wing ideology)

To some credit, the likes of Youtube and Twitter have a policy of banning account holders who persist in posting misleading information, dangerous information - to outright LIES

Even a former POTUS received a life ban from Twitter for suggesting to the US masses that COVID19 could be cured with large doses of equine worming paste and Pine-O-Cleen injections

He'd be quite free to post ANY of this on Facebook, without any action - provided his posts didn't contain any 'pornographic' images of a woman breastfeeding her new-born

And as we all KNOW, you can post all the lies you like on internet forums, without any repercussions   

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'I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians.
Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.'

- Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
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Australian Politics

Posts: 14136
Eganstown, via Daylesford, VIC
Gender: male
Re: Oh Dear , Pfizer
Reply #49 - Aug 12th, 2022 at 10:05am
Captain Caveman wrote on Aug 4th, 2022 at 5:56am:
aquascoot wrote on Aug 2nd, 2022 at 5:56pm:
buzzanddidj wrote on Aug 2nd, 2022 at 4:44pm:
aquascoot wrote on Aug 2nd, 2022 at 6:03am:
Pfizer increased the cost of a vital medication buy
in one year

I'd like to see the retired nurse's claim in print. from a reputable source (and PLEASE, not from a MEME)

This is all I could find

Pfizer Raises Covid Vaccine Price 27%

June 30, 2022 9:04 am ET

Pfizer has raised the U.S. price of its Covid-19 vaccine, in another sign that investors may be underestimating the durability of its Covid-19 vaccine revenue.

On Wednesday night, Pfizer (ticker: PFE) and its partner BioNTech (BNTX) said that they had signed a $3.2 billion deal with the U.S. government for 105 million doses of their Covid-19 vaccine, to be delivered late this summer and in the fourth quarter of the year.

That price of $30.48 per dose represents a 27% increase over the reported $24 the U.S. paid Pfizer and BioNTech per dose for 200 million in July of 2021. It is 56.3% higher than the $19.50 per dose the U.S. paid for an initial order of 100 million shots in July 2020.

Did someone lose a decimal point ?

hi buzz, you obviously didnt watch this excellent video.

pfizer were fined 100 million dollars by the british competition commision for increasing the price of dilantin (an epileptic medication that is off patent ) by 2500 %.

probably some people died as a result, because stopping your seizure meds is a bad idea.

is the UK government official website an acceptable link  Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

They probably increased it because patients are working out that it's rubbish.
We have a family member with epilepsy and they use hemp oils now.
Unbelievable results.
TGA approved.
Amazing, and it's from mother earth, not some lab hell bent on keeping you sick.

That ...

- "I know a guy"
- "I have a mate"
- "A family member of mine ... "
- "A very reliable source told me ... "

- is just SO
Sir Loose Screw

Is there ONE - JUST one - conspiracy theory you DON'T adhere to ?

1. What's your stand on the faked moon landings, created by Stanley Kubrick and commissioned by the US Government ?

2. Barack Obama and Queen Elizabeth II being alien shape shifting lizards ?

3. All of the world's media is under the control of one body - being The Illuminati ?

4. The "chemtrails" sprayed from jet aircraft are chemical birth control to reduce human population ?

5. Hitler's Holocaust was faked ?   

6. The planes that crashed into the WTC twin towers (and the rocket that hit the Pentagon) were empty - and under remote control by George Bush and the Republican Party ?

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'I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians.
Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.'

- Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
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Posts: 16310
Mianjin (Brisbane)
Re: Oh Dear , Pfizer
Reply #50 - Aug 12th, 2022 at 4:23pm
aquascoot wrote on Aug 11th, 2022 at 8:23am:
SadKangaroo wrote on Aug 10th, 2022 at 9:35am:
aquascoot wrote on Aug 9th, 2022 at 4:15pm:
SadKangaroo wrote on Aug 9th, 2022 at 3:00pm:
buzzanddidj wrote on Aug 9th, 2022 at 10:10am:
John_Taverner wrote on Aug 8th, 2022 at 11:29am:
As far as vaccinations are concerned now, they don't offer as much protection as they used to against delta. So they shouldn't be compulsory, except maybe in Aged Care facilities.

NO vaccine is "compulsory" in Australia
It SHOULD be - but it is NOT

It is a "Terms and Conditions of Employment" in some professions, being ...

healthcare workers, including trainees and students
people who look after children
carers of people with intellectual disabilities
carers of older people
people who work in laboratories
people who work with or are in contact with animals
anyone exposed to human tissue, blood, body fluids or sewage
people who work in emergency and essential services

It is recommended for teachers, but no longer in "Terms and Conditions of Employment"

It is optional for hospitality operators (and retailers) to include vaccines as "Terms and Conditions of Employment" - for staff and customers based on perceived expectations of customers


If I was informed a restaurant had unvaccinated staff, I wouldn't eat there. nor would 95% of the population

Vaccine efficacy OPINIONS are irrelevant


You're trying to have a logical and fact-based exchange in a discussion full of red pilled boomers circle jerking each other.

Just let the crazy fools be.  They thrive on attention, especially from those who validate and share their insanity. 

They crave that validation that they're special, arguing with them lets them paint you as part of the conspiracy and makes them think they're actively fighting the good fight, on the front lines etc.

They're literally too far gone and spend so much time on here because they've lost every meaningful connection they had in the real world.

I'd feel sorry for them if the rhetoric they shared wasn't so dangerous.  But in modern Australia the concept of mateship is dead, if it ever existed and COVID has shown me that the vast majority of people are selfish front bottoms not worthy of my generosity or even compassion.

If there was any natural justice in the world the likes of Scoot and Wombat would feel the full effect of what they advocate for rather than easily impressionable dullards who eat up the kind of rhetoric they spout, but alas, they're still here, kicking the screaming.

i have to agree,

people with extreme anxiety about covid are totally focused on themselves (narcissistic).
they didnt want to think about their "mates' who owned small businesses, resturants , gyms.
they supported peoples livelihoods being sacrificed
they didnt care about teenagers in schools missing out on seeing their "mates"

such narcissisitic people are indeed "front bottoms" (whatever that means)

We're not talking about tanking the economy, we're talking about cu
like yourself who preach personal responsibility so things don't need to be mandated then refuse to take any responsibility while advocating for death in some personal cursaid to prove to people who don't care about you how alpha you are.

You're a wretched piece of s
and you are utterly unworthy of the gift of life you so easily disregard in others, dressed up as concern and compassion.

You deserve nothing but being first in line for the outcomes you preach for, but alas, we'll just have to settle for you being a lonely old fart obsessing over proving how right you are to strangers online who don't care because the moment your kids grew up enough to pick and choose who is in their lives, they didn't choose you and your wife, if she stuck around, is the one wearing the pants which is why you preach such misogynistic views here to go along with your raging desire to see people die so you can pretend to be tough, special and most importantly, right.

COVID exposed the people like you, unwilling to take the most basic of steps to help protect others to help in keeping everything open so the people you pretend to care about don't lose their small businesses etc, all while crying about how victimised you are...

The world will be a better place when you're nothing but a statistic, forgotten and used as fodder by conspiracy tards red pilled by similar rhetoric to what you've posted. 

Even that is more than you deserve.

I'm not sure I will put that down as constructive criticism Roll Eyes

It's not meant to be, you've proved to be unwilling or incapable of rational debate.

We'd be better off without you, humanity would be better off without those like you.
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Gold Member

Australian Politics

Posts: 34011
Gender: male
Re: Oh Dear , Pfizer
Reply #51 - Aug 12th, 2022 at 7:39pm
SadKangaroo wrote on Aug 12th, 2022 at 4:23pm:
aquascoot wrote on Aug 11th, 2022 at 8:23am:
SadKangaroo wrote on Aug 10th, 2022 at 9:35am:
aquascoot wrote on Aug 9th, 2022 at 4:15pm:
SadKangaroo wrote on Aug 9th, 2022 at 3:00pm:
buzzanddidj wrote on Aug 9th, 2022 at 10:10am:
[quote author=JTaverner link=1659381791/30#30 date=1659922142]

As far as vaccinations are concerned now, they don't offer as much protection as they used to against delta. So they shouldn't be compulsory, except maybe in Aged Care facilities.

NO vaccine is "compulsory" in Australia
It SHOULD be - but it is NOT

It is a "Terms and Conditions of Employment" in some professions, being ...

healthcare workers, including trainees and students
people who look after children
carers of people with intellectual disabilities
carers of older people
people who work in laboratories
people who work with or are in contact with animals
anyone exposed to human tissue, blood, body fluids or sewa

I'd feel sorry for them if the rhetoric they shared wasn't so dangerous.  But in modern Australia the concept of mateship is dead, if it ever existed and COVID has shown me that the vast majority of people are selfish front bottoms not worthy of my generosity or even compassion.

If there was any natural justice in the world the likes of Scoot and Wombat would feel the full effect of what they advocate for rather than easily impressionable dullards who eat up the kind of rhetoric they spout, but alas, they're still here, kicking the screaming.

i have to agree,

people with extreme anxiety about covid are totally focused on themselves (narcissistic).
they didnt want to think about their "mates' who owned small businesses, resturants , gyms.
they supported peoples livelihoods being sacrificed
they didnt care about teenagers in schools missing out on seeing their "mates"

such narcissisitic people are indeed "front bottoms" (whatever that means)

We're not talking about tanking the economy, we're talking about cu
like yourself
who preach personal responsibility so things don't need to be mandated then refuse to take any responsibility while advocating for death in some personal cursaid to prove to people who don't care about you how alpha you are.

You're a wretched piece of s
and you are utterly unworthy of the gift of life
you so easily disregard in others, dressed up as concern and compassion.

You deserve nothing but being first in line for the outcomes you preach for, but alas, we'll just have to settle for you being a lonely old fart obsessing over proving how right you are to strangers online who don't care because the moment your kids grew up enough to pick and choose who is in their lives, they didn't choose you and your wife, if she stuck around, is the one wearing the pants which is why you preach such misogynistic views here to go along with your raging desire to see people die so you can pretend to be tough, special and most importantly, right.

COVID exposed the people like you, unwilling to take the most basic of steps to help protect others to help in keeping everything open so the people you pretend to care about don't lose their small businesses etc, all while crying about how victimised you are...

The world will be a better place when you're nothing but a statistic, forgotten and used as fodder by conspiracy tards red pilled by similar rhetoric to what you've posted. 

Even that is more than you deserve.

I'm not sure I will put that down as constructive criticism Roll Eyes

It's not meant to be, you've proved to be unwilling or incapable of rational debate.

We'd be better off without you, humanity would be better off without those like you.

calling people cu*ts and saying the world would be better off without them.

you appear to be suffering a "pain body " attack .

this may help

Pain body is the intensification of ego in the form of negative emotion. The term pain body seems to have come (as far as I am aware) from the teachings of Eckhart Tolle. I can think of no other name that really suits it better than this. You could call it suffering, past pain, painful emotional energy, pain energy, vasana or pain consciousness.

I will stick to calling it the pain body. The pain body is a kind of life form, a kind of energy that feeds off emotional pain. It consists of past emotional pain that has not been fully accepted or released, and feeds off more of it for survival.  You may experience it as anxiety, anger, depression, or some other negative emotional state. You may experience it strongly, or it may be very weak for you - a mild discomfort in the background.

Pain body can be personal to you, inherited through your family, or part of the collective human pain body. Where it comes from does not really matter, as the way to deal with it is always the same.

Have you ever wondered why you experience negative or painful emotions when you would rather not? It seems undesirable yet you still seem to suffer with it. This is because the pain body enjoys it.

Be alert to something inside of you that seeks to become angry, fearful, stressed or in any way negative.

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Sir lastnail
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Re: Oh Dear , Pfizer
Reply #52 - Aug 12th, 2022 at 9:40pm
Carl D wrote on Aug 2nd, 2022 at 5:56am:

wikipedia discredits someone so it must be true Cheesy LOL
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In August 2021, Newcastle Coroner Karen Dilks recorded that Lisa Shaw had died “due to complications of an AstraZeneca COVID vaccination”.
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Carl D
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Posts: 9108
Rivervale, Perth
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Re: Oh Dear , Pfizer
Reply #53 - Aug 12th, 2022 at 10:47pm
Sir lastnail wrote on Aug 12th, 2022 at 9:40pm:
Carl D wrote on Aug 2nd, 2022 at 5:56am:

wikipedia discredits someone so it must be true Cheesy LOL

Here you go, Sir Nail.

I found this just for you.

aquascoot and wombatwoody can have a go too if they like.

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** Repeat Covid infections exercise our immune system in the same way that repeat concussions exercise our brain **
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Australian Politics

Posts: 34011
Gender: male
Re: Oh Dear , Pfizer
Reply #54 - Aug 13th, 2022 at 6:29am
Carl D wrote on Aug 12th, 2022 at 10:47pm:
Sir lastnail wrote on Aug 12th, 2022 at 9:40pm:
Carl D wrote on Aug 2nd, 2022 at 5:56am:

wikipedia discredits someone so it must be true Cheesy LOL

Here you go, Sir Nail.

I found this just for you.

aquascoot and wombatwoody can have a go too if they like.


incorrect mr carl

you are, at least more emotionally intelligent then the marsupial who called me a cu*t and wished me dead for "expressing a different opinion to his "

my opinion has been that sweden got it right and we got it wrong
(as in , we got it wrong with places like melbourne having the longest lock down on the planet). when it all pans out, it looks like the overall figures will be fairly close .

we can debate the various pros and cons , in a civilised way, as i have tried to do.

in the end , it comes down to personal philosophy.

to me, a person of say 75 may only have a limited number of years left.
to spend 2 or 3 of those years , alone and isoltaed from family and friends , is not a choice i would make for myself.

if others think differently, they are welcome to think differently.

in the end, it is now probably YOU who needs to stare at the dot on that horse because the authorities coming around to my way of thinking are making YOU stressed and angry.

the chief health officer of the ACT (hardly a radical anti-vaxxer) has said we should stop reporting covid deaths.

if skippy wants to call him a granny killing POS Cu*t who we would all be better off without , he could fire off an email to him.

at least yourself and myself have been able to keep it a bit more civilised.

we can all learn from each other carl.

human flourishing is as important , and just as important as the dogma of safetyism.
its important to establsih balance and i praise mr mcgown and mr albanese for doing that
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Re: Oh Dear , Pfizer
Reply #55 - Aug 13th, 2022 at 6:38am
I got 'all of the above' in colours Carl D.
What's that mean?
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Posts: 16310
Mianjin (Brisbane)
Re: Oh Dear , Pfizer
Reply #56 - Aug 15th, 2022 at 4:35pm
aquascoot wrote on Aug 12th, 2022 at 7:39pm:
calling people cu*ts and saying the world would be better off without them.

you appear to be suffering a "pain body " attack .

this may help

Pain body is the intensification of ego in the form of negative emotion. The term pain body seems to have come (as far as I am aware) from the teachings of Eckhart Tolle. I can think of no other name that really suits it better than this. You could call it suffering, past pain, painful emotional energy, pain energy, vasana or pain consciousness.

I will stick to calling it the pain body. The pain body is a kind of life form, a kind of energy that feeds off emotional pain. It consists of past emotional pain that has not been fully accepted or released, and feeds off more of it for survival.  You may experience it as anxiety, anger, depression, or some other negative emotional state. You may experience it strongly, or it may be very weak for you - a mild discomfort in the background.

Pain body can be personal to you, inherited through your family, or part of the collective human pain body. Where it comes from does not really matter, as the way to deal with it is always the same.

Have you ever wondered why you experience negative or painful emotions when you would rather not? It seems undesirable yet you still seem to suffer with it. This is because the pain body enjoys it.

Be alert to something inside of you that seeks to become angry, fearful, stressed or in any way negative.


You advocate for death, we're better off without you.


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Posts: 34011
Gender: male
Re: Oh Dear , Pfizer
Reply #57 - Aug 15th, 2022 at 4:44pm

i advocate for human flourishing.

a position now held by albonese and every premier.

white flag accepted Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
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Carl D
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Australian Politics

Posts: 9108
Rivervale, Perth
Gender: male
Re: Oh Dear , Pfizer
Reply #58 - Aug 15th, 2022 at 4:55pm
aquascoot wrote on Aug 15th, 2022 at 4:44pm:

i advocate for human flourishing.

a position now held by albonese and every premier.

white flag accepted Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

This is what you, Albanese (and Morrison before him) and all of the State Premiers are advocating for.
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deaths_001.jpg (32 KB | 3 )

** Repeat Covid infections exercise our immune system in the same way that repeat concussions exercise our brain **
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Posts: 16310
Mianjin (Brisbane)
Re: Oh Dear , Pfizer
Reply #59 - Aug 15th, 2022 at 5:00pm
aquascoot wrote on Aug 15th, 2022 at 4:44pm:

i advocate for human flourishing.

a position now held by albonese and every premier.

white flag accepted Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

The only way I'd give you a white flag was if you wanted to hang yourself with it.
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