aquascoot wrote on Aug 8
th, 2022 at 7:27pm:
its almost impossible to know what goes on in that mind of yours mustafa.
i dont focus on trump the way you do and certain others do but since you brought it up, heres what happened.
people who are beaten down are at the very bottom.
the prevailing mood is one of addiction to thinking you are a victim, addiction to drugs or alcohol to numb the pain, apathy, hopelessness and a cynicism that you could ever move up.
thats a really bad paradigm to be in.
and with oxycontin overdose being the number one killer of american men between 20 and 40, its obvious , a lot of people were stuck in that paradigm.
the next paradigm UP is to become angry, aroused, more alert, more tribal, more action taking, more motivated (sometimes in dark ways).
this is the home of gangs and antifa and proud boys and maga and the woke leftie movement
people like trump elevated the right to this level.
people like AOC and the squad elevate the left to this level.
therefore, we must ask the question.
is it better that trump got the chodes off their asses about MAGA?
is it better that the woke lefties got people off their asses about trans or BLM?
well, at least it woke people up.
now we need to turn that new found energy into something useful.
this should be the goal.
that was the goal of people like malcolm x and martin luther and martin luther with a king on the end, mandela and gandhi.
get the crowd riled up.
now you have some energy
now you can direct that.
you cant do anything with people stuck at the very bottom
Now now, dear, I think you'll find
guns are the number one cause of death of our American friends.
I know, I know, chodes, lives of pure garbage, etc, etc, etc. Call me old fashioned, but if you don't want to discuss the big fella, it might be best not to bring him up in polite company.
The leftards do love him so, no? TDS, innit.