thegreatdivide wrote on Sep 14
th, 2022 at 11:07am:
Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Sep 13
th, 2022 at 10:55pm:
thegreatdivide wrote on Sep 13
th, 2022 at 5:43pm:
MeisterEckhart wrote on Sep 13
th, 2022 at 5:29pm:
Frank wrote on Sep 13
th, 2022 at 4:56pm:
Ever heard of propaganda?
Heard of it? He trekked through it.
The reality of the burden of bearing and suckling children, without male or societal support, is not 'propaganda, it's fact.
Feel free to refute that point, since you have given up on the Cicero paradox.
Quote:Funny how the bamboo thickets looked bigger than the mountains he climbed there, but.
The pictures must've been taken from bad angles.
Fraudulent non-debating narrative, as expected.
So women should be paid extra for their child bearing duties and choices?
Child bearing and sucklng isn't a choice in the macro sense,
Quote:They have been supported by men for generations, sharing in all the proceeds of often very hard and dangerous work for the man...and the state has taken on the burden as well...
Yet as a group (50% of the population),
they are poorer than men, Quote:They are already paid for it and always have been....
Refuted above.
Quote:What is your argument?
That gendered employment roles like child and age care should be paid more. So that's your entire premise?
Already in train, and under discussion between unions, governments and employers.... why are you bothering? The flow-on economic effects will be endless and potentially disastrous for many Mandatory Dual Income Families (MADIFs), and will impose a mighty extra burden on the budget that it can ill afford at this time.
It's time for governments to get out of their social science mode and get into doing they things they are paid for - fixing the hospitals, roads, and infrastructure... the rest should be left to market forces, with additional oversight and regulation for the aged care sector at least....
The more you pay people the more it costs and the more it costs the more you have to pay people to get by - it's a never-ending cycle....
You speak as if it is a finite issue that will be magically resolved by giving the girls more money so as to further unbalance the current income levels clearly favouring women.
In every sector there are those who get less and those who get more... between different sectors there are some who get less and some who get more.... you will never change that, but what your thinking style can do is create further problems for others by exclusion and disadvantage to them.
You cannot continue to rob Peter to pay Paula... and when you raise incomes for childcare workers, you create pressure on both Peter and his wife Petra to demand higher income levels to cater for increased costs, or you create a truly insane policy of a government to fund it near totally, meaning those with children get a better deal .... and so it goes on and on...