FutureTheLeftWant wrote on Sep 8
th, 2022 at 8:27am:
Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Sep 8
th, 2022 at 8:10am:
" If you raise a point, it's not one I made. "
Ego much - so you are now admitting that YOU will not debate me about anything too factual for you to handle? If you design software, sonny - stay away from payroll and other important issues for people's lives - you'd be the kind that developed paradigms for Robodebt.
You are what I'd call a hack - as opposed to a scientifically based software engineer.
Oh - sorry - I did do a course in that as well...
I did in fact answer your ignorant bullshit. It was simply not a counter to my claim, but to a claim you made up
Get your glasses checked, old man
yes, the left love Robodebt. LOL!!!
Which particular sciences are pertinent to my software development? What about me having morals and shaming right wing filth on the internet educates you on my knowledge of C#, SQL and Typescript?
Utterly missed the realities, as usual... and now we descend into the usual that will get you banned - the ad homs and personal slights in place of any valid argument..
Go back and read the links on AWE and AHW - try again, child. If your treatment of Elders is anything to go by, and your handling of facts - you have zero morals.
You have to understand the REALITY of how any science or issue works before you can develop adequate and relevant software for it. Easy-peasy ... you can't even work out the simple figures for AWE/Hours worked and come up with figures.... and your total unwillingness to read relevant documents speaks for itself.
Make sure you stay away from other people's money, sonny.... stick to writing kid's games....

I am your master at every step.
I agree, you can insult me and post racist hate, but I'll get a ban for answering. Have you not worked out I don't care?
I have lots of morals. I treat old people with respect when they are not human garbage.
That's not really true LOL!! I don't deeply understand the businesses I write software for. I get given one PBI at a time and I follow those business rules without ever getting a broader picture, I don't need one. I often write systems for things and don't understand WHY they exist, only how they work.
No, you are a worthless old man spewing hate. You never answer me or debate me, why would I give you the time of day? I'm just having fun laughing at you