My ancestors here came from Ireland, Scotland, points North of Scotland, a few other bits thrown in .. and some were Jewish Germans......
They came here to escape the piss poor governments of their day who - in plain English argot - treated them abysmally and as nothing more than serfs to be dictated to.
Now the same thing is happening here in the country they escaped to, and in which they built homes and families and so forth.... now they must all be turning over in their graves looking at what is being done to their descendants.
As a grandfather - I see little to no prospect of my grand-children owning a home, given that people in my age group who I know and discuss these things with, have children who will never own a home unless they inherit it. How then will their children in turn own a home of their own with all this parasitism?
This is because our 'governments' are dictating to We The People who will and will not come here and in what numbers... and without a single word of asking for our permission to destroy our nation, culture, future, economy and everything else.
If you don't stand now - you never will again have the chance. Some say already that the turnover point has been reached for Europe acting under the same stupidity from its governments... after which all that has been wrought generations over centuries will be no more, and the entire group of countries will lapse into a form of feudalism again...
Time to take back the farm. Vote them all out.