Bobby. wrote on Feb 16
th, 2025 at 8:47am:
Frank wrote on Feb 16
th, 2025 at 8:44am:
Bobby. wrote on Feb 15
th, 2025 at 8:50pm:
greggerypeccary wrote on Feb 15
th, 2025 at 8:41pm:
Bobby. wrote on Feb 15
th, 2025 at 8:19pm:
What does Pauline say?
That old witch is still alive?
737,000 people were brought into Australia under the Labor Govt
51,605 skilled
but only 1,800 had skills for the house building industry.
But there are nurses.....
“Listen to me, listen to me,” she says. “When your time comes, I want you to remember my face so you can understand that you will die the most disgusting death.”
Mr Veifer then begins to ask “Let’s say an Israeli, God forbid …”
“I won’t treat them I’ll kill them,” Ms Abu Lebdeh says. “Not God forbid, I hope to God.”
“You’ll kill them?” Mr Veifer is heard asking.
Mr Nadir then said: “OK you have no idea how many Israeli haram dogs came to this hospital and (makes throat slitting motion) I send them to Jahannam.”
Just a few bad apples?
No. They just blurted out what everyone already knows.
Perhaps it was the intimate and personal frankness of the Jew hatred from those Bankstown Hospital nurses that has shocked so many anti-Semitism deniers into realisation. Hatred is often practised at a distance and with generalisations, with chants against an absent and collective foe, like “F..k the Jews” or “Death to Jews”. But to see health professionals eyeballing a stranger on a computer screen and wishing a horrible death upon him simply because he was Jewish – that was intense.
Muslim lawyer Ramia Abdo Sultan took to social media to argue the nurses had been entrapped and warned others they could become victims. “If you are Palestinian or pro-Palestinian,” she proclaimed, “if you are an Arab and especially if you are a Muslim, god forbid, you will be met with the high end of the stick, so don’t engage.”
This constant resort to victimhood is a common theme from Muslim activists. Jews are being threatened and Jewish institutions targeted, but somehow it is Muslims who are the victims according to Sultan and, implicitly, it is the Jews who are to blame.
Throughout this period of rising anti-Semitism, the silence of Muslim leaders has been deafening.
Contrast that with the day after the Hamas atrocity in southern Israel on October 7, 2023.
That is when Sheik Ibrahim Dadoun took to a street corner in Sydney’s Lakemba to proclaim the slaughter of 1200 Israeli men, women and children as a day of triumph and celebration.
“I am elated,” the preacher said. “It’s a day of courage, a day of pride, a day of victory. This is the day we’ve been waiting for.” Dadoun’s words were captured on video and broadcast widely, yet he faced no charges, no sanction and no serious public rebuke.
The following night an angry mob was burning the Israeli flag and chanting “F..k the Jews” and “Where’s the Jews” and possibly “Gas the Jews” on the steps of the Sydney Opera House, turning what was supposed to be a ceremony of mourning for Israeli victims into revelry at their slaughter.
At that precise time bodies were still being recovered and identified in southern Israel, the fate of more than 200 hostages including young women and a nine-month-old baby boy taken into Gaza was unknown, and Israel had yet to launch any military response.
When we see the horrors caused by Islamist extremism in the Middle East and how that scourge has damaged us at home with terror attacks and social division, we are obliged to consider how to protect our society.
If we take large numbers of immigrants from countries where Jews face open hostility – countries such as Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and now the territory of Gaza – without the most stringent security and character tests,
we risk importing strife.We shut our borders to China very quickly to help protect us from Covid-19. The virus of Islamist extremism is much more dangerous for our society.So no. It's not just a few bad apples.
Australia has been importing strife since the late 70's early 80's with the first importations of Lebanese Muslims because of internal strife there.
They have brought all their baggage and hatreds with them and our Politicians have been too dumb to see it, let alone do anything about it - too shyte scared.
That Albanese has allowed over 3,000 terrorist supporting Palestinians in since Oct 7th speaks volumes as to his divisive agenda.
Especially the bloke who had direct connection to Hamas - with 2 sons being Hamas terrorists.